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Occultia Academy - Closed

Occultia, sometimes called O'cult, is a private academy that hand selects students to enroll. Those selected receive a letter in the mail that requests his/her enrollment. All fees and tuition costs are wavered, making travel the only monetary issue.......

Tags: academy, adventure, alchemists, college, heroes, magic, magicians, school, shapeshifters, students, superhumans, supernatural, teachers, witches

Character Approval: No

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: Xavirne

Created: 09-07-2011, 06:48 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    John got an odd expression on his face as Aiden said he could pose as his date. It then turned into a smile shortly thereafter. The guy was just kidding. It was all good although the ruffing of his hair could he have been without. As he used his hand as a comb to correct the hair style he saw how Aiden leaped onto Nerine. John's eyes grew big. He hadn't expected that kind of behavior. They seemed to be good friends. He had disapproved about the food stealing but a fight was taking it a bit too far. He turned around in an attempt to break them away from each other. However it seemed that it was all in fun... or not. It confused John a bit as he got quite mixed expressions. But then Aiden got up and ran out through the door. John looked after the blond with a confused expression on his face.

    John then extended his hand to help Nerine up. He gave a shook towards the direction Aiden had taken off in. "Is he always like that?" he asked. Then he gave her a concerned look. He wondered if she was hurt. John knew a little bit of healing magics and could maybe help, all though it probably would be better if someone with more experience did it. "You OK?" he then asked after a brief moment of silence.

    He then noticed that she took away her plate and excused herself. He gave her a short nod. Most likely she would go after Aiden. It was sad that whatever happened had interrupted their lunch and ruined the atmosphere.

  2. Characters in this post:
    "Hold on..." He said to him, smiling, having to pull away some as he dug around in his pockets, having picked up a trinket for his friend like he always did while traveling on his partying/working tour for the summer. "Here we are.....i found this in a magic shop it suppose to help you speak what is in your heart." Ryota said with a chuckle as he pulled the necklace out of one of the many pockets in his white trench coat, a grin on his face as he hoped that he liked the trinket. "Jaden-chan, you are an angel, the one thing i know is that you need to play to your strengths just like i play to mine. Histroy is your strength, use what you know from history after all you been with her far longer then you have with me." he said sweetly as he placed the trinket into his hand, closing his fingers around it, hugging him once more as he, sighs some, letting the truth hit him before he grinned, running his other hand throughJaden's black hair as he thought deeply.
    "Mary is very lucky that she has won your heart, shin'ai tomodaichi." he said to him as he smiled and clapped him on the back in a friendly gesture, he knew that this was going to be hard for him but it was just something that he would have to figure out on his own, he would help as much as he could though.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Vega had managed to settle down earlier. Now, she just wants to explore the school grounds on her own. 'Or rather, with someone else,' she thought. The girl was a bit hesitant, though, as she looked around. She has heard many, many things about the outside world, but nothing dreadful has happened. Yet. All her life, Vega has been sheltered and, thinking about it, she has missed it.

    It has been a few months since the plague passed and it pained her to think about the dear friends she has lost. She chewed her bottom lip, subduing the tears that had forced their way to her different colored eyes. Wanting to force her mind to think about something else, Vega found an empty bench and sat, her hands itching to do something. Anything.

    'Well, I have been holding out for this long.' At a flick of her wrist, a violin case appeared right next to her. Vega opened it and she was greeted with the usual, woody scent. The elders had rejected her request for a violin, but after begging for quite a while, she was able to get one. Though, once she got her hands on it, the coven hasn't been able to get enough of it. They loved it when she played her violin every night.The memory welled up tears. Vega shook her head, placed the violin in the crook of her neck, and held the bow. Taking a deep breath, she began playing. As she played, she closed her eyes. She had not noticed that she had let some tears fall.

  4. Characters in this post:
    [[Aiden came from here.]]

    A sigh came from his lips as he stared out at the rippling green blades of grass that were sprawled out before him. A gentle breeze tousled his hair as his eyes focused on the white puffy clouds that danced about his head. Looking up, he swore he saw one that took on the shape of a heart. Frowning, he cast his head away and rubbed his arms for a bit.

    "You're such a fool..." he chided.

  5. Characters in this post:
    The trinket nearly brought tears to the male's eyes, which was not all that hard to believe. Even though Ryota gave him a small hug, Jaden knew that such a small embrace wouldn't fully explain the gratitude that Jaden was feeling. Engulfing the male with a wide hug, Jaden buried his pale face in the rabbit's chest. A few tears slipped from his chest and made a few dots on the male's outfit.

    When he finally released his friend from his arms, Jaden smiled and planted a gentle peck on Ryota's cheek. "You are the best friend any man could wish for. I can see why My Lord hasn't condemned you. You are no demon. You might be by blood and race, but your heart is far greater than that. To me, you are more than an angel, a real god that walks among the people. I am thankful to have you in my life."

    Clutching the necklace, he eyed it before slipping it around his neck to join the other piece he wore so proudly.

    Smiling, he bowed to his friend before deciding turning his attention to the sound of a violin. The tune that came from it was painfully sad, but it was enough to make Jaden smile, as he was one to enjoy such sounds. Moving toward the noise, he found himself before a gorgeous looking female.

    "Your work is a piece of art, I believe Ryota would agree," he looked over his shoulder to see if the demon rabbit had followed. Snapping his attention back to Vega, Jaden opened his mouth to speak, yet again. "Who might you be, my fair maiden?"

  6. Characters in this post:
    Nerine smiled softly, knowing that they might think it worse than it actually was. It was sweet of him to worry about her though. Giving a nod to indicate she was alright, she smiled again. "I'm fine. He didn't hurt me. Just, surprised me is all. I didn't expect him to lunge at me. Or leave." She shook her head, running a hand through her hair, fixing it even more. It was odd and it was bothering her. Giving John a reassuring look, she chuckled. "He sometimes acts like that. It looks worse than it was." She assured them again, not wanting them to think badly of Aiden. With that, she excused herself to throw away the trash. When she came back to the table, she almost sighed.

    "So, I'm sorry, but I have to go find find him and figure if he's ok. If you would like, there's a couple of people that could show you around. The dinner should be in a few hours." She stated, feeling guilty over having to leave them so abruptly. But the way Aiden had left worried her. He didn't even finish his food. That was worrisome. When she had explained herself, she frowned before waving at them. She would just apologize later when she'd dragged the blond back. Heading out of the dinning room, she looked around for someone who had seen Aiden. To her surprise, she found out he actually Ran away, and to the meadow. Rolling her eyes, she made her way there.

    ( She is going here.)

  7. Characters in this post:
    The way there was strangely without many people. Once she reached the meadow, she noticed there weren't any others, save for the one she was looking for, and herself. that's what shed always liked about the place. It was peaceful and somewhere to go to when you wanted some time alone. "Would there be a reason as to why you ran away?" She asked, making her way up to the taller male. She had a slight playful look, but still concerned. "You didn't even finish your food."

  8. Characters in this post:
    "Looks like we got ditched, though I'm slowly getting use to that.", he laughed, "Everyone seems to be in a hurry to go somewhere, by the way John would you happen to know where I might go to get past information on students or who I'd talk to." He didn't want to make himself seems supicious, "I just had a friend that use to go here and I wanted to see what classes they took."

    Lexington ate some of his food, "So do you and her have a thing or is she Aiden's? Just curious is all." He looked at John while simeltaneously playing around with his food, he had lost his apetite after tasting the quality of the meat and thought, "Wow you'd think they'd serve better quality."

  9. Characters in this post:

    His eyes slid to her figure before they drifted back up to start at the clouds. Without saying a word, he patted his chest, hoping she would take the hint and rest upon him. With his left hand folded under his head, he smirked, still not saying a word.

    He loved the silence that was floating about the air. It was peaceful, and he loved it. For once in his life, he felt calm and... happy. With Nerine there, it only made the mood all the better.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Getting the hint, Nerine debated if it was a good idea before shrugging. It wasn't like it was any different. She moved next to him before laying down. Placing her head on him, she looked up at the sky. Unsure if she should speak again or just stay silent, she just opted to relax. It'd been a while since they'd actually just been alone like this, and the girl missed it. He was bound to be busier this year, so shed just try to get as much of her friend as possible.

  11. Characters in this post:
    "I'll be graduating this year. I've already been asked to join the Special Forces as a spy. It'll be interesting. Almost... James Bond-like. Only, I'm twice as good looking," he chuckled before falling silent again. His hand slid into her fine purple hair, smoothing it out with his finger tips. To more he stroked her, the more he realized he was going to miss the academy. To think, six years ago he was just a little whelp. A rebellious one at that. Well, I guess that part hadn't changed, but still, he was nearing the end of his journey.

    A frown was on his face as his eyes shifted about the sky. Resting a hand over his heart, he could feel his chest beating. The light thump-thump seemed so surreal. How was it that he had made it this far in life without finding happiness? Or at least someone to share his life with? If he was really to become a spy, it was safe to assume he would never marry or even settle down, a thought that deeply disturbed him, as Aiden had always wanted a daughter.

    His blonde hair stuck out against the green grass. Although it danced about just as its bladed neighbors, it almost looked dead. Its motion, it's movement... it wasn't as graceful. Heavy eyes seemed to lose their touch as he reached the hand that was over his heart toward the sky. In a failed attempt to seize the heart shaped cloud, he let his hand drop to the earth around him.

    "I feel so... broken up." His voice was hardly above a whisper and there was a hint of sorrow that coursed through the comment.

  12. Characters in this post:
    John gave her a grunt in response and waved her at her as she left with a small smile. He hoped they would figure out what it was about. He was a bit unsure on what their argument was about. Was it just the food? Or something else. John made a mental note to not steal food from Aiden, ever.

    He then turned to Lexington. He felt a bit sorry for him making the worst assumptions about people. John guessed he had been having a harsh upbringing. John's time with his foster parents hadn't been good either. As Lex spoke about them getting ditched John shrugged. "I'm just a first classer so I don't know who you should speak with. Someone at the office maybe?" he replied.

    John stopped himself at Lex next question. "Nope, dunno who she date, " he replied with a shrug. He ate some food as he thought about what to say next. "I don't like girls," he then added with a shrug. It was an honest reply and if Lex didn't like it, he just had to deal with it.

  13. Characters in this post:
    "I know... you'll leave me all alone, won't ya?" She asked, having already thought about it before. Glancing at him, she almost frowned at hearing the news. "That would.. really be interesting. But that way, you'd get to travel places." She was trying to see the good parts of it. It would be a good job. She could actually see him being a pretty good spy. What she almost didn't like was that if he took the job, it was a sure thing shed never see him again. Hugging him she almost sighed before teasing. "If you do take it, ill become a mad scientist or something. Forcing you to visit and something."

    Honestly she still wasn't sure how it was going to be the next year. He'd be gone, and so would a couple of other friends. And after that, she had no clue what to do. She wasn't exeptional in any one subject. Seeing he was uneasy about something, she frowned, giving him a look of concern. It wasn't like him to be so, down. Nudging his cheek, the "Aiden.. what is it that's troubling you?" She hated to see him so, upset and down.

  14. Characters in this post:
    As he exhaled, he drew Nerine in his arms more. He just wanted to hold her there forever, but he knew that dream was not possible. The time for them had come and gone, he knew this now. Had he not been so pig-headed two years ago, he would have been with Nerine. But, being the flirty guy he was, he figured screwing around with multiple women was a fun life. Little did he know, back then, that it would leave him all alone his final year.

    Eyes fixed on her worried face, he tried to smirk, but fell short of it. Sorrowful glances met with her concerned look. He didn't know what to tell her. What was there to tell that she didn't already know? He wasn't going to win her back. He also didn't want to hold her back. Aiden knew Nerine had such potential and that she would make a better mate for someone less... well, someone who was more than Aiden. Yes, he was top of his class and all, but he was to be sent off to save the world. A solo job. A job that would require him to flirt for a living and be damn good at everything he did. Living a life, a normal life, it was impossible for him now.

    Shifting his weight so that Nerine's body was now lying beside his, he took her face in before he closed his eyes. His lips were agape as he laid there, motionless.

    "Everything. My life. It's... so meaningless. I've not done one thing that I can say I'm proud of. Just look at me. I'm alone. I'll always be alone. It's... it's downright depressing. And then... I attacked you. Why? Hell if I know. And Lexington and John... they probably hate me or think I'm some sort of ass... which is true... but... still....."

  15. Characters in this post:
    Vega halted in the middle of her song and opened her eyes. It was at that moment when she realized that there was two men in front of her. Her eyes had a questioning look as she looked at them both from top to bottom. 'I've never seen anyone like them before.' Cocking her head to the side, she noticed that one had strikingly jade colored eyes and the other had quite a shock of violet hair atop his head. She had also realized that she had shed quite a few tears as she played. Clumsily wiping away her tears, Vega placed her violin down beside her. "I-I'm sorry about that. I hadn't realized that a few tears had slipped." She sniffed, her blue and green eyes slightly bloodshot from the tears.

    "Th-thank you," she muttered, sniffing. 'Oh dear.' At the mention of 'my fair maiden', Vega found herself blushing furiously. No one had ever called her 'a fair maiden', probably because the only ones who have ever called her those words were her elders. Her friends were all female and so she hadn't exactly come across a young, or rather young-looking, male before. She turned her head so as to not show them her embarrassed face. "My name's Vega," she mused, managing a small smile.

  16. Characters in this post:
    It seemed like forever before he spoke again. She had begun to grow even more worried. For a moment she wished she could have the abilities of mind reading so she could figure out what he was thinking about. But the guy was far more complicated sometimes, she wasn't sure shed know what to do with what she found out.

    Adjusting how she laid, she moved on her side, propping her head on her hand. Studying his face, he seemed lost. What he said though, both worried her, and angered her. A brief irritated look crossed her face before her hand made contact with his face sharply. "Aiden Zador Dekay!" Very rarely did she actually resort to hitting a person or raising her voice, especially at him. She sat up and turned her gaze to him, narrowing her slightly darker eyes at the blond. "You're alone? Your life is meaningless? God you're being emo today. Did the liquor finally get to your brain? You've done very good things around here. You are brilliant, thus why you're head of house. Some people might hate you, sure but you're a wonderful friend and person. And what about me? I don't count anymore? Id never leave you alone if it could be helped, you idiot."

    Even if she was furious, she couldn't be completely mad. She did understand some of his points. But still. "I know you've done stupid stuff, but... everyone does. You won't be alone forever. There's always a person for everyone, and the year has just started." Her tone was a little softer now. "You didn't attack me. You didn't even hurt me. You were being playful, I know this. That's all that should matter, right? I explained to them, so... its nothing. They'll understand."

  17. Characters in this post:
    The slap that came to his face put a scowl on his face. As he was about to bark at the woman, he reached up and touched his raw cheek. Something about the slap seemed to knock some sense into him. Looking from himself to Nerine, he saw the way the woman looked at him. Shifting his weight onto his arm, so he was now sitting upright, he leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek. Not pulling back, he left his lips gracefully nibbling at her ear. When he was finally able to talk, he whispered sweet words of thanks to her.

    "You're right. I won't be alone. I have you. And since when have I ever cared what others thought of me. So long as you're still willing to put up with me, then I don't care what the world thinks of me."

    His eyes were level with hers as he continued to nip at her ear. Fluttering his eyes, he purred as he rubbed the side of her face with his cheek. It was a feeling he enjoyed. Having her there. So close to him. His heart seemed to skip a beat as he paused to look over her facial expressions. Bombarding her nose with his, his lips peels back to reveal a handsome grin.

    Wanting to kiss her, Aiden fought hard to not cave in. He didn't want to push too far. He didn't want to rush things. It seemed like things with him were always rushed. For once, just once, he wanted time to run its course.

    Knocking her head back, Aiden pushed himself onto the woman. Looking down at her, he nipped at her neck before he sat up on her, mounting her all the while. A smile was still painted on his face as was a blush. Turning away, he smirked. "You're beautiful."

  18. Characters in this post:
    Bowing to Vega, Jaden pushed a smile onto his face. He already liked this girl. She seemed to be the female version of himself. Only, she could play the violin, something he was quite jealous of. "Well, Miss Vega, your music is exquisite. I enjoyed it. A lot. Vega... Vega... ah, the first year witch. Ryota-kun, this one is one of yours." Pulling the demon rabbit before the woman, Jaden brought another grin to his face, which was beginning to hurt (he rarely smiled this much).

    "Pardon my rudeness. I should have stated who I am. I am Jaden Nicastro. I am your history teacher and head of the Shapeshifter House. This handsome fellow is Ryota Nukimura. He's the art teacher and head of the Magician House, your house." His green eyes scanned over her before he slipped forward to wipe a tear from her face. "You play from the heart, it is expected that one would shed a tear or two... but, since you seemed to have fallen into my life at the ideal time, might I be able to ask for your assistance?"

    Exhaling, he looked from Vega to Ryota. "I want to ask one of the teachers to marry me tonight. And, I'm not one to speak in poems, so... perhaps I could employ you to play something for her?"

  19. Characters in this post:
    Fully expecting him to complain about her hitting him, she was surprised when he sat up himself. She hadn't minded the kiss, having gotten used to them. What did surprise her was him nibbling her ear. Nerine almost blushed but managed to control herself, just staying still. Her heart though was a little harder to control, almost swearing she heard it louder than average. "That's more like you.." she muttered with a light smile, to keep her mind off of his teasing.

    Harder to do than she'd though as she bit her lip. Damn him for being so irresistible. She had no idea if he was doing this to tease her, or if he actually had any feelings behind it. Something she'd always wondered about him. A light shiver ran down her spine before he stopped teasing her ear. It was different how he was acting, she leaned in and nudged him a little. He acted like a cat sometimes. The way he was so affectionate.

    She held onto his shoulders, surprised once again. A startled gasp escaped her lips, blushing even more at the feeling of his lips on her neck. Her heart was beating faster now as she looked up at him. To her utter amazement, Aiden was blushing. Grinning now she resisted a laugh, pulling him down slightly so he wouldn't so high up before she then trailed her hands down to his waist. There was no one around to look, so she didn't care how they were positioned. "You look adorable blushing." she stated before having to fight back her own blush again. "Would you have been around me if I wasn't?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  20. Characters in this post:
    Vega's blush had begun to fade, much to her relief. The girl hadn't felt such a blush in quite a long time. The blood rush to her cheeks was too much, even to her. 'If only my body could just listen to me for once!' She was a bit taken aback when Jaden knew which house she belonged in, but then she calmed down once he had explained that he was her history teacher. 'How nice. I meet my history teacher and the head of my house on my first day,' she happily thought, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering around in excitement. Vega politely nodded in Ryota's direction. "Nice to meet you, Ryota." A warm smile touched her lips. It couldn't hurt to get chummy with the art teacher, not in that kind of way, of course.

    Vega held her breath as Jaden wiped a tear from her face. No one has ever done that to her before. Everyone has either told her to keep crying or stop crying. Just because of that friendly gesture, she was able to grin. Her eyes crinkled at the edges as she grinned. Her eyes held their questioning look as her history teacher explained why he needed her help.

    "Oh my... You're going to propose?" Vega asked, incredulous. She has seen proposals in her lifetime, but this time, she could take part in it. She has always wondered how it would feel, operating backstage. "I would be honored," Vega mused, bowing a little bit. She was very determined to putting her all into this. "But does she have any preferences? What kind of mood would you want me to play?"

  21. Characters in this post:

    Turning away, Aiden felt his cheeks burn more now than they did before. Annoyed at how flustered her was getting, the male rolled away from Nerine and buried his face in the grass. Sniffing in the earthy scents of the ground, he purred some. He was actually in a state of bliss. Nothing could rain on this day. It could only get better, he told himself.

    Kicking himself back toward her, he collided into her side before he playfully nudged her bosom with his nose. He meant nothing perverted by it, he was simply just being a cuddle whore and enjoying her company.

    It was then when his mind did something he wasn't quite expecting.

    Eyes closed. Lips ajar. Body pinning hers. He took the kiss in and it sent a shiver down his spine. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise and little bumps dotted his arms. A chill rippled back over him as he felt his heart skip a beat or two. The way their lips meshed together brought a smile to his seized pair, but he didn't stop. He liked it too much. The kiss he had been dying to share with her. It confirmed everything. He was hooked. Nerine had won. Aiden was a sucker for her and would stop at nothing to win her heart. He would stop being a flirt if it meant he could spend sleepless nights beside her, even if they weren't full of moaning and sexual pleasures.

    When his lips pulled from hers, the cool air seemed to kiss him. It was a bit delightful as it was the first kiss he'd ever engaged in that was that intoxicating. If he didn't know better, Aiden would have figured they were a match made in heaven. Their chemistry was perfect, or at least he believed it to be true.

    Rolling back onto his behind, his dazed eyes looked Nerine over. Smiling like a love-drunk fool, he flopped against the grass that seemed to swallow him whole. "I have waited far to long to kiss those lips of yours," he said with a large grin.

  22. Characters in this post:
    Stammering, Jaden seemed at a lose. What was this talk about a preference and a mood? There were more styles of music? How was he supposed to know what she liked when he barely knew what he liked.

    "Uh, this is going to come out weird, but I have no idea what you're asking. Are you telling there is more music out there than that sad tune you were playing? I only listening to depressing sounds... I can't stand that upbeat stuff that kids these days like. I suppose that confirms my thoughts that there are other styles, but how would I know what is appropriate for a proposal. I've never confessed to someone before... heck, it took me... how long... over a hundred years to tell Mary I love her."

    Jaden felt a bit foolish rambling to the poor woman, but she seemed sweet and he really liked the way she held herself. He could easily see her being his star student, even if she wasn't good in history. In fact, Jaden half hoped he would have a daughter like her. She seemed to be the perfect Mary and Jaden love child. She was odd like Mary and a bit emotional like Jaden. For a second, he panicked, wondering if Mary had ever given birth to a child. When he realized how foolish that statement was, he laughed before turned to look at the clouds.

  23. Characters in this post:
    Seeing him blush even more made her laugh. It really was rather cute. She hardly ever saw him get like that. Moving one of her legs closer to her body, she chuckled as Aiden rolled away from her. It wasn't long before he was back on her though. Smirking, she ran her fingers through his hair, almost as if petting him.

    Opening her lips to say something, she felt his lips collide with hers. Her heart almost stopped from the shock as her mind went blank. It was almost impossible to believe he was kissing her but if it was a dream, she sure as hell didn't want to wake up.A pleasant shiver ran through her body making her close her eyes. After a few seconds she kissed back, hand trailing from his hair down to his shoulder to keep him there. Even if she knew she couldn't really stop him from moving away.

    All too soon he'd pulled away, her lips almost following him before she stopped herself and opened her eyes. She took a somewhat shaky breath of air to try and compose herself. Her face flushing once he was off of her, she covered half her face with her hand from the sudden shyness. She glanced over at him before she shoved him playfully at his word. "You jerk. I can't even, I.. Ah, I can't even think straight." For once she was at a loss of what to say. Aiden kissed her. She liked it a lot, and now he was saying he had wanted to do that for who knew how long. This, seriously was some form of dream.

  24. Characters in this post:
    "You make that sound like that's a bad thing," Aiden said as he rammed his nose into hers. Still smiling (and wearing that blush), he folded Nerine's body into his arms. Just holding her. It seemed to make the world stop. Content and at peace with everything, he exhaled before he kissed the nape of her neck.

    There was so much he wanted to say, but he couldn't find the courage to say it. He didn't want to admit that he had a bit time crush on her, nor did he want to accept the fact that, if she, too, had liked him, that he would have to keep his hands to himself. As one might guess, that would be a hard task, as Aiden is such a touchy-feely kind of guy. Not that he would straight-up cheat on a woman, but Aiden wasn't the most loyal, especially when it come to cleavage and liquor.

  25. Characters in this post:
    *Ember watched the window for what seemed like hours, waiting for Tristan to return. He had never been away from her for so long without contacting her mentally to show he was alright, and she was worried. At least he wasn't hurt....she would have felt it if he was.*

    [[Tristan came from here.]]

    *Tristan walked back into the dorm, nodding politely at the two people in the hall before letting himself back in his and Ember's room.*

    "Everything is alright with Levi, so do not worry. He says that he would be quite sad to see you leave and would rather that we stay so he can get to know us more. Now do you want me to stay with you or go get you something to eat?"

    *Ember smiled softly*
    Something to eat, but hurry back!
    [[The Dining hall is Tristan's destination]]

  26. Characters in this post:
    She raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Its a horrible thing. I couldn't even make a coherent sentence." She wrapped her arms around him, almost content. It was confusing, and might have made things more difficult. Aiden was still a bit of a flirt, and he was a ladies man, party boy. Nobody could change overnight. She was afraid if she got too involved and nothing worked out, it could ruin their friendship.

    Did she love the guy? Maybe. She did like him. Five years getting to know the guy tended to do that, even if she did try to not let it affect their friendship. She hadn't even realized he mightve been interested in her anymore. Now wasn't the time to be thinking ill though. Nerine smiled, looking at him. "Blushing does make you look incredibly adorable. Maybe I should've taken a picture."

  27. Characters in this post:
    "To each his own I suppose, I'm not going to judge your life.", he took a sip of his drink. "Well this place has become bland, perhaps we should find somewhere else to reside." He mainly wanted to leave as he saw a boy looking at him angrily, he could see in the boy's eyes that he knew that Lexington was cursed which had a demonic texture about it so most people would not be fond of it. "I'd say go to the meadow to give our friends a surprise but alas that would be cruel as most likely they left together for a reason."

    Lexington stood up, "Know anywhere fun to go?" Lexington found it weird how he was being outgoing, fun was something he hadn't had in a very long time. Most of it was duty and focused on his quest but he supposed that going to find somewhere to enjoy himself might be good, perhaps he'd find himself a girl that enjoyed his company for the night. He hadn't had the touch of another loving human, or any creature for that matter, in many years. He found the idea of a night to spend talking and showing emotion to someone aluring.

    "Do you wish to come find a place?"

  28. Characters in this post:
    Vega couldn't help but plaster an incredulous look upon her face. "Surely, you knew that there were other kinds of music," she mused. It was hard to believe. She had wanted to ask how old he is to contradict what he had said, but refrained from doing it. Vega had been taught manners, especially to teachers. She didn't want to put her elders to shame the moment she ventured out to the outside world.

    "Would you want me to play such a sad tune as you propose to your lady love?" She asked, a sly smile on her face. But she could admit, Jaden's commitment to Mary was romantic and kind of sweet. If only she had someone like that. Vega couldn't help but feel a stab of envy towards Mary. Shaking her head, she knew it was wrong. 'I haven't even met Mary and I've only met Jaden for a few minutes,' she thought, mentally chastising herself for thinking such a thing. She laughed as he rambled on and on, mostly because it reminded her of herself. She would always ramble on whenever she was nervous. Vega didn't know how, but Jaden seemed like a 'reincarnation' of herself, in a sense.

    "Don't worry. I know the perfect song for her," Vega mused, determined to make his proposal very meaningful. "When are you going to propose to her?" she asked, stroking the strings of her violin.

  29. Characters in this post:
    Poking his head into the room, Levi peered about looking to see if anyone interesting was in the dinning hall. He was planning on snagging up some food for Ember and bringing it to her room. As his eyes wandered about, they landed on a pair of men talking. Offering them a friendly wave, he walked over to the buffet and placed a few items here and there in a basket.

    When he was satisfied, he walked over toward John and Lexington. He figured he might as well get to know them a bit. "Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice that you two looked new. I'm Levi. I'm an illusionist. I hate to grab food and leave, but my friend is feeling a bit under the weather. Perhaps we can meet again, later?" Bowing his head, he waited for their names before he set off to find Ember.

  30. Characters in this post:
    "Excellent! Maybe you can be the violinist for our wedding... assuming she accepts...." his green eyes danced toward the clouds above him as he pondered her rejection. He couldn't foresee it happening. He had, quite literally, done her time and time again and she always came back. They had their fights and their differences, but, through the thick and the thin, he always returned to her like the loyal man he was.

    "I'm hoping tonight. I love the moon and it always looks magnificent when it shines in her eyes. Besides, years ago on this very night, we were together. It's a special date for us. I'll never forget it. She was finally freed of the treacherous crimes she was wrongly accused of and all because I was able to prove her innocence. I'd never seen her so happy." A smile was still worn on his face. "I know Ryota here says I should read her a poem, but I think music suits it better. It was music from a violin that we..." he wanted to finish his comment, but knew it was a little inappropriate with her being present. "Well, you can guess what happened."

    Looping an arm around her, Jaden immediately pulled it away, fearing she might press charges for something so carelessly done. "I apologize. I guess I just have a natural comfort level with you, which is odd considering my lonesome nature."

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