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About Brook V

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About Brook V
Just someone who likes to write fan fiction and do some roleplaying.
Music, Writing, Nature


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"The journey is more important than the destination"


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10-01-2013 02:55 AM
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04-17-2018 11:53 AM
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7 Friends

  1. AceofMana AceofMana is offline

    Legendary Adventurer

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  2. Eden Eden is offline


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  3. emberwest emberwest is offline

    Clumsy Apprentice

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  4. Gess Jahd Gess Jahd is offline

    Clumsy Apprentice

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    Gess Jahd
  5. kisa974 kisa974 is offline


  6. Schizophrenic Schizophrenic is offline


  7. ~Breathless~ ~Breathless~ is offline

    Background NPC

Showing Friends 1 to 7 of 7

    You have come to a mysterious castle in your search for adventure. Will you uncover the secrets of castle d'Tamun?
    Thought to be able to fuel an empire and advance a civilization decades, the Shift Particle is the most sought-after treasure of it's time. Two years ago, the crew of The Ardent took on this job only to meet near destruction at the hands of a rival. Now, they try again.
    A place for you to stick your characters in case you want a back-up.
    Fire is heresy here. The Priest-King and the cult of the sun god Loegir rule the city of Seboet with an iron fist, using manipulation, trickery and violence to enforce their rule. But deep within the walls of the grandest temple of the city, The Seeress plots and The Seer watches.
    Occultia Academy - Closed
    Occultia, sometimes called O'cult, is a private academy that hand selects students to enroll. Those selected receive a letter in the mail that requests his/her enrollment. All fees and tuition costs are wavered, making travel the only monetary issue.
    WTF RPG.com's very own chaotic Multiverse. Come practice rpging or look for a quick gaming fix.

    Brook the Observer   (played in Ardent)
    Placeholder account
    Cael Wafthon   (played in Dead God -- RESTRUCTURED, NO SLOTS, O/A)
    A merchant son who has climbed his way up towards power.
    Castle NPC   (played in A tale of a Mystic Castle)
    One of the habitans of the castle
    Elaine Saara Rocker   (parked in character pool)
    A skilled pyromage who had to flee because of trouble in her home town
    Gregory Hojem-Sanders   (played in Clone Warehouse)
    Works as a CSI (Crime Scene Investigator) Level 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. Specialised in DNA analysis. Test
    Henry Gordon Valdeera   (played in Clone Warehouse)
    He's lost in a unknown world in his search for an sacred relic
    Henry Gordon Valdeera   (played in The WTF Multiverse)
    He's lost in a unknown world in his search for an sacred relic
    James "Flash" Nataniel Storm   (played in Clone Warehouse)
    He likes to drive cars and he likes to drive them fast.[Back-up]
    James Nataniel Storm   (parked in character pool)
    He likes to drive cars and he likes to drive them fast.
    Jeremiah "Jerry" Curt Dean Brown   (played in Clone Warehouse)
    Just your ordinary, lightning casting, mailman.[Now updated!]
    John Martin Eric Jones   (played in Occultia Academy)
    Water/Earth spellcaster + First year
    John Martin Eric Jones   (played in Clone Warehouse)
    Water/Earth spellcaster + First year
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