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Taking the Chance (Accepting magical characters)

Living the life of a teenager is not easy here in the little town of Alota Days- especially when you're as abnormal as it gets. Students who are wealthy can go to Alota Days High School and have the time of their lives and students who are here on a scholarship can get the best education they can, weather they are human or supernatural.......

Tags: fun, high school, humor, learning, school, students, teachers

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: Ursue7

Created: 06-16-2011, 04:11 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Anaya shrugged lightly, her eyes closed. Edge was really warm, and it was comfortable in the cold room. She opened her eyes some, and muttered. "I dunno." she was already back to feeling tired. It had been a strange and somewhat exausting day. Her eyelids fluttered shut again. "Maybe we should head over to T.K.'s."

  2. Characters in this post:
    Hugo leaned up against the counter after he was done cutting up the tomatoes, watching T.K. getting a bowl out of a nearby cabinet. "So, earlier you vere taking about a dojo or something, is that right, T.K.? Tell me more about zat." He asked, trying to break the ice again. With one of his hands, he nimbly played with one of his earrings, trying to give his hands something else to do besides hide in his pants pockets.

  3. Characters in this post:
    T.K. glanced back at Hugo, shrugging. "Its the school's dojo. In the sports complex next door. I learn martial arts there." she said nonchalauntly. She dumped the contents of the bag into the bowl and then brought it to the coffee table. In the living room, she saw a grey flash run by her and she jumped back, spilling some chips onto the floor. She grumbled under her breath and picked up the chips. "TAMANI! Dinah got out! Grab her!" She watched the gray blur run across the living room and then back at her. She caught it, falling back. She held the mess of fur close to her chest and she sat up, laughing. The wiggiling mess of fur was a grayhaired cat.
    "Stupid cat." he muttered walking up to T.K. He sat down next to her and took the cat, hearing it mew. He sighed and scratched around its collar and stood up.

  4. Characters in this post:
    Anaya sat there, on the verge of falling asleep until she was pulled closer to him. She blushed lightly and opened her eyes again, hearing him talk. "Mmkay." she muttered. She felt her leg falling asleep. While it was an uncomfortable feeling, she really didn't care about it. "We better get going before I fall asleep." she said quietly.

  5. Characters in this post:
    Xavier cought his feet as he stumbled into the choir room. "oh umm... did i interupt something?" he asked as he looked up. "I'm new, and i've been looking around the school, just to get an idea of how it works... i can leave if you'd like?" He said in a daze.

  6. Characters in this post:
    Anaya had jumped, frightened somewhat from the clatter. She had slipped out of Edge's hug and onto the floor, the leg that wasn't under her still up on the bench. She was suddenly pulled out of sleepiness and a feeling of awareness replaced the fog. She sat up, laughing quietly. "Ah. You're in the choir room." she said sitting up some. She pulled her leg down from the bend and tucked it under her other leg, sitting more comfortably. She looked up at Edge with a ditzy smile. She was very disoriented.

  7. Characters in this post:
    Laughing uncontrollably, he replied. "I realize that by the... equiptment." He reached his hand out and made the first introduction "Im Xavier" he said also reaching his hand out to the other boy that was in the room with her. "you are..?"

  8. Characters in this post:
    Anaya ran a hand through her hair before nodding, taking his hand and shaking it. She put her hand on the back of her head, muttering about a bruise where her fngers were. She pushed down lightly around it and the pain began to dissapte. She looked up Xavier and smiled meekly. "I'm Anaya- student body president." she said.

  9. Characters in this post:
    Anaya looked up at Edge. "E-Edge..." she said quietly. "Can you help me up?" She felt pathetic, but she couldn't get up. She didn't care if Xaiver was there, but her own weakness was catching up to her.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Anaya held onto Edge's shirt, her fingers dug into the fabric frightened. She hated not touching the floor. But she was in Edge's arms, and it made her feel better. She shrugged somewhat, her eyes closed tightly. "I don't care." she whispered.

  11. Characters in this post:
    Lillian stepped out of her little red volkswagon smiling. She couldn't wait to start in her new position as librarian. She had her favorite books, and her best suits, she was ready. Grabbing her suitcase out of the trunk and locking the door to the wagon she turned to face the school took a deep breath of fresh air and headed towards the building.

    Not exactly knowing where to start she thought it best to head to where she told she would be staying. She did her best as to keep from skipping into the school, her hand took the brunt of the excitement, causing the suitcase to bounce. Lilly's face lit up when she saw the library and the area for her to stay. Looking around she made sure there were no students before she clapped her hands together quietly then headed inside.
    -to the librarian apartment-

  12. Characters in this post:
    She wasted no time, in what felt like seconds Lily had put all her books on the shelves and had her suit laid out for tomorrow. She put her suitcase under her bed. Running into the bathroom for a second she checkd her makeup, hair and brushed her teeth. She loved reading and being outside, but she always felt the need to brush her teeth at least 3 times a day. Having taken care of the second time she headed out the door to the library to see how it was without her for the day.

  13. Characters in this post:
    Hugo jumped a bit when the grey blur run across the room. He watched T.K. snatch up the cat, and although he wouldn't admit it, he thought the two were absolutely adorable together. As Tamani stood up with the cat, Hugo continued his conversation with T.K. about the dojo. "So, vhat kind of martial arts do you study?"

  14. Characters in this post:
    T.K. hadn't studied anything in particular. Just whatever she could learn. She shrugged. "Just... Anything to protect myself. Now I'm working on karate." she said, reaching to pet the kitten. "Oh yeah, this is Dinah. My cat. She's supposed to stay in the back, but she never misses a chance to come up here." she took the cat back, holding her to her chest. She rubbed around the cat's head, hearing her purr.
    "That's a demon cat. Will eat anything it gets its claws on. And will shred anything too." his voice had a laugh mixed in.

  15. Characters in this post:
    Anaya looked up at him, her eyes somewhat wide. "Ah... Uh... Okay." she said in a soft voice. She looked down at her shirt and thought about how to get to T.K.'s apartment. "Its right across the street from here..." she said, some confidence in her voice. She glanced back at Xavier. "Uhh, bye Xavier, it was nice meeting you." she said in a polite voice.

  16. Characters in this post:
    Lillian walked into the library slowly, her every step clicking lightly on the floor. She stopped for a moment behind the checkout desk, and stood there for a moment taking a deep breath to smell the air. New and old books combined smelled positively amazing to her, and there was always an abundance of the smell in a library. She took a seat and smiled to herself then spoke quietly, "This is beyond perfect."

    Looking through the books in the desk she checked to see how things were previously done here in the library. She figured out the system they used in tandem with the dewey decimal system. Lily got up from her seat and started wandering around the library to see if anyone could use her assistance, figure out where most things in the library were and to get a feel for the place she'd be taking care of.

    She weaved in between the towering columns of books and took in the smells and feels of the books around her. Smiling she continued her walk until she got to the end of the books. Lily looked out the window to the campus in absolute awe then headed back to her desk.

  17. Characters in this post:
    ((I'm Sorry. =w=" I forgot to put that T.K. was back at home... I had left for a week and everything progeressed to the end of the day. Its 4:00pm now... Your character could be invited over by Tamani, if you want. ^-^

  18. Characters in this post:
    Anaya held on tighter, as he began to walk. Her eyes showed fright, but inside, she felt somewhat calm. It was just the outside fear on not touching something, or not being about to depend on herself. Her eyes closed as the rhythmic of Edge's steps made her calm some. "Its litterally right across the street..." she said quietly.
    -Posting in T.K. and Tamani's Apartment next-

  19. Characters in this post:
    "Hmmm..." Hugo mumbled to himself. "She is quite cute, if I say so myself. How old is she?" he said to T.K. as he made his way over to pet the cat. He glanced at Tamani and stated, "I am sure zat she is not zat bad...and vell, zat's vhat cats do: eat and shred. Maybe she is bored, and zat's vhy she shreds zings." Hugo gently stroked the cats chin, enjoying how soft and supple Dinah's fur was.

  20. Characters in this post:
    "Well..." she thought for a moment. "She's about 2 years old. I got her before moving here." she said. She laughed at his comment. "Well I guess that means she can stay up here. So she won't get bored." she patted Dinah's head before letting her down, the cat sitting on her feet. She stared down at the cat, an eyebrow cocked. She chucked before lightly kicking the cat away.
    "I gotta get a toy or something for her." he muttered running a hand through his hair. "So the cat'll stop scratching up my shoes!"

  21. Characters in this post:
    A stray mid-day light burst through the drawn shut curtains of Miss Nakano's room, streaming down onto her sleeping face. The disheveled woman had gone home early and ended up passing out, it was quite an eventful morning though. Blinking sleepily, Junko moaned as she sat up on her elbow and reached for her thick rimmed spectacles that were laying on the bedside table underneath miscellaneous papers.

    Sliding on her frames she looked over at the television she had left on in the corner of the room, spouting local news. Suddenly her sleepy eyes widened when she had realized she had made plans for this evening! Oh no, I have to get ready... she thought pulling herself out of bed, still wearing her disheveled work clothes. Rubbing her face, she looked at her watch, it was so shameful to be a grown woman and waking up at this hour but Junko could barely keep her eyes open after she ate lunch. Making her way quickly to her bathroom, Junko undressed and turned on the hot water. I haven't been invited out in such a long time. Stepping into the warm stream of water she smiled to herself.

  22. Characters in this post:
    ((Its still that first day of school, ^w^ She's still invited for curry!))

  23. Characters in this post:
    "Hmmm..." Hugo thought aloud while stroking his chin, "Maybe ve can go shopping for ze cat tomorrow. It could give us something to do together..." he shrugged, trying to contribute something to the conversation. He noticed a pair of mens' shoes tossed haphazardly over by the front door, and chuckled a bit at the sad sight. "Your shoes are in a sorry state, Tamani. Vhen vas ze last time you vent shoe shopping?"

  24. Characters in this post:
    T.K. smiled. "Seriously? Cool." she was actually pretty excited about shopping for the cat. She sat down on the couch, thinking about what she needed for Dinah. She pressed a finger to her bottom lip and thought. After making a mental list about what she wanted for Dinah, her thoughts moved elsewhere. Why was this guy so cool? He came out of nowhere but was absolutely cool! Usually teachers don't hang out with students and vice versa. He seemed more like a fatherly kind of guy, or like that cool uncle that she never had. She shrugged the thought away, sure to continue it later. She looked up at Hugo with a frown.
    Tamani shrugged, shaking his head. "I haven't shopped in a while for clothes." he glanced at his shoes. "... Or shoes for that matter... Damn cat." he muttered. "Shopping's not my thing so when T.K. goes out with Anaya, she usually comes back with something for me." He sat down on the couch and put and elbow on T.K.'s head, which she swatted away with a deft movement of the wrist. Quickly his arm was behind his back and twisted some, held there with one hand. T.K. glared at him with a smirk and then let him go. "Damn girl." he muttered under his breath, rubbing his wrist.

  25. Characters in this post:
    Anaya awoke to Edge's voice. She blinked a few times. "Hm? Oh... We're here... Y-yeah I'm fine..." she murmured. She looked at the board as well, curious as to what he was looking at. She saw T.K.'s name as well, realised that they were really there. "Errr.. Can you put me down?" she asked quietly. She looked up him with her lip bitten.

  26. Characters in this post:
    ((Woops. Don't worry about it. I'll just have Lily wander the library then. xD))

  27. Characters in this post:
    Anaya smiled, nodding. She took his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. She then brushed her hair out of her face, before beginning to go up the stairs. She had been up and down these stairs many times. Just this excersise of going up and down had been counted as physical therapy. She had been able to go up these stairs without sweating after spending a year with T.K. She placed a light hand on the hand rail, her fingertips dancing as she went up the steps. When they got to the top, Anaya touched the door. "Its..." she heard Tamani curse. "Here." she said, giggling.

  28. Characters in this post:
    Tamani heard a knock on the door, and it made him laugh. He meandered to the door and swung it open, crossing his arms. "Oh, hey! Anaya, and... Anaya's friend." He put a hand out to Edge. "Tamani Desher, Computer Tech teacher." he said.
    T.K. looked up, hearing Anaya's name. She stood up and ran to the door, glomping Anaya. "Yay! You could make it!" she said giggling. She put her hands on the delicate girl's shoulders and then slapped her thighs. "You. Curry. Seasonings." she said, pulling her in past Tamani and Edge.
    Anaya looked up at Edge as she was being pulled. Her expression said sorry many times over. She then let go of his hand, following T.K. in. The blond haired girl led her into the kitchen where she pulled out spices and handed them to Anaya. Anaya knew what to do and began pinching out and tossing them into the pots. When the smell was good enough. Anaya turned to T.K. and smiled. "I'm in love..." she said.
    [COLOR="#2e8b57"]"No duh! You're walking around with a dopy look on your face." she said giggling. She watched Anaya blush, and sighed. "I won't tell. Okay? I know about the rule." she said quietly. She patted her head and laughed. "I promise."

  29. Characters in this post:
    Secretly, Hugo was glad when some guests showed up at the front door, after all, he was a social butterfly. He casually made his way over to the entrance and watched T.K. and Tamani exchange greetings with the new arrivals. In an instant, he recognized where he had seen these two before: the coffee shop. Before he had the chance to introduce himself, T.K. dragged the new girl into the kitchen.

    Determined to at least get to know the red-haired boy, he offered his hand to shake and said, "Hello...correct me if I am wrong, but I believe ve have seen each other before. I am Hugo Albrecht, orchestra teacher at Alota Days High.".

  30. Characters in this post:
    Lillian didn't quite know what to do anymore so she just sat at her desk picked up a book called Make the impossible, possible and started reading it. After reading it for a little while her body got a bit stiff so she moved her seat to the in front of the window. The seat was built into the window, it had brown seat cushions on it and burgundy pillows set against the wall that lead to the window, which had parts of stained glass throughout it. The sun coming in in dull streaks that highlighted Lillian's hair and the dust that was on the library's floor. She put her feet on the otherside of the chair put her head against one wall and faced the window with her book in front of her face, smiling she began to read.

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