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Taking the Chance (Accepting magical characters)

Living the life of a teenager is not easy here in the little town of Alota Days- especially when you're as abnormal as it gets. Students who are wealthy can go to Alota Days High School and have the time of their lives and students who are here on a scholarship can get the best education they can, weather they are human or supernatural.......

Tags: fun, high school, humor, learning, school, students, teachers

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: Ursue7

Created: 06-16-2011, 04:11 PM


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Game Log in Alota Days High School

A private school for the weird.

Posts 1 to 15 of 15

  1. Characters in this post:
    Tamani pulled into the school's parking lot and stopped in a teacher's parking spot. He put his feet down and balenced himself before pulling off his helmet. He put his hand ontop of one of the compartments of his motorcycle, pushing down on it, making it pop up. From there, he pulled out his glasses and put them on, and then finally got off of the two wheeled vehicle. He took out the keys and pocketed them and then put his helmet into the seat compartment. He then pulled out his laptop bag and went on in. Soon, he matched pace with Mr.Raven.
    "Hello, Tobias. I hope you've recovered from your incident." he greeted in his english accent.

  2. Characters in this post:
    Headmaster's voice comes on the intercom.
    "Hello teachers and students, thank you for coming to Alota Days's 2nd anual "School Tour Day. Teachers, please get into your classrooms ASAP."
    The Intercom clicks off.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Tamani nodded, smiling a little. "Good to hear that." the announcements went on, and he stopped, listening. He started walking again, to his classroom, without another word.

  4. Characters in this post:
    The wind whipped through Hugo's hair as he drove his black, sporty convertible onto the school's parking lot. He finally found an empty parking spot in the teachers' zone, and put the roof up. No sense in letting leaves and other debris into his car.

    The guitar case in the passenger's seat was gingerly picked up and the strap was gingerly placed on Hugo's shoulder. The man and his bass guitar strolled up to the entrance to the school...earrings, rings and glasses shining in the morning sunshine. The former rock star was ready to take on the day.

  5. Characters in this post:
    -The time has changed.
    Time: After School (3:30)
    Temperature: summer breezy-

  6. Characters in this post:
    Seeing that it was the end of the school day, Hugo decided that a nice walk down to the local coffee shop was in order. He'd been wanting to check the neighborhood and this was the perfect excuse to get outside for a bit. Maybe he'd meet a new suitor or a new friend perhaps. After all, anything was possible here in this town.

  7. Characters in this post:
    A small boy with a large back pack and a messenger bag walked down the street ( The one he did not know the name of. ). He had a map in one of his bags somewhere, but he was too embarrassed to search for it out in public. Even if he did manage to find it, the boy had lost his glasses and wasn't wearing contacts.
    He looked at his watch and focused at the numbers, then sighed in dismay. He'd already missed the school tour day... He groaned and threw down his bags as he reached the front of a coffee shop. A gust of wind blew through his blond hair and he plopped down on a bench, pulling his knees up to his chest.

  8. Characters in this post:
    Lillian stepped out of her little red volkswagon smiling. She couldn't wait to start in her new position as librarian. She had her favorite books, and her best suits, she was ready. Grabbing her suitcase out of the trunk and locking the door to the wagon she turned to face the school took a deep breath of fresh air and headed towards the building.

    Not exactly knowing where to start she thought it best to head to where she told she would be staying. She did her best as to keep from skipping into the school, her hand took the brunt of the excitement, causing the suitcase to bounce. Lilly's face lit up when she saw the library and the area for her to stay. Looking around she made sure there were no students before she clapped her hands together quietly then headed inside.
    -to the librarian apartment-

  9. Characters in this post:
    Lillian walked about the gardens enjoying the smell, sounds and sights of the greenery around her. She was just outside the library now and found a lovely little tree to sit under. Sitting down she pulled a book out of her skirt pocket. She admired her skirt for a moment, loving how one could never tell that it contained a pocket. She began reading her book enjoying the blissful moment.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Rubbing her hands along the smooth stitched dish cloth to remove the bubbles from her skin, intricate eyes took in the skyline of the downtown city skyline. She had been lost inside the modern set restaurant of her families from the early morning hours as she finally finished her hours. Peeking around to look inside the doorway of the quiet setting of the restaurant, she exchanged a eager grin with the tall blue haired man that was her brother. "Mind if I?" she would watch and wait until he gave a shout nod to indicate she could leave. She didnt need another word or tip of a head to tell her twice.

    She tossed the rag at the tall male, before she whipped out of the door - bag in tote behind her.

    She had wanted to start school today but it was clear she had lost track of time. But there was no harm in going to take in the school grounds after school hours to see the scene she would be attending.

    She could drive but driving the broken down car that was still sitting in the garage was about as useful as turd on the lawn. Though she didnt mind the walk down to the high school, it gave her ample amounts of time to build up her excitement.

    The restaurant was only twenty minutes away as she found herself quickly standing on the cement pad looking up in a gawking slack jaw expression at the wonderful looking building.

    Perhaps her father and Marik were right... this would be a good thing for her to do. A new school a new year... it could be the best thing for her.

  11. Characters in this post:
    Day- October 30th Friday
    Time- 3:30 Homeroom period

  12. Characters in this post:
    "Owww that really hurt..." Ikitasha said as he walked into the room and yawned. He was rubbing his head that he fell square on when he passed out. He opended his eyes and saw that TK has a tablet in her hand and her laptops opened. "Hey i never knew you could draw" he said as he grabbed a chair and sat down next to her.

  13. Characters in this post:

  14. Characters in this post:

  15. Characters in this post:
    Amelia was skipping throughout the dark area, although it was late she rushed as her body ate its way through the darkness, the taste of the wind was bitter yet ligh on her tounge. As her bare feet hit the soft ground, the stone would begin to wedge through he skin, causing her pain and greef, yet she skipped joyfully. Her blue hair would curl downwards as it concealed itself within her mouth, her eyes purely black and her face looking sweet and child like. She had a planatery proportion of concealed happiness within her soul, her cheeks were red...Due to her sweetness or due to the freezing cold? Her brothers had always called her a sick little girl. I guess she was. Did i mention the blood of which has crawled down her face towards her mouth, dragging itself inwards and waiting in her mouth to be consumed/

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