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Taking the Chance (Accepting magical characters)

Living the life of a teenager is not easy here in the little town of Alota Days- especially when you're as abnormal as it gets. Students who are wealthy can go to Alota Days High School and have the time of their lives and students who are here on a scholarship can get the best education they can, weather they are human or supernatural.......

Tags: fun, high school, humor, learning, school, students, teachers

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: Ursue7

Created: 06-16-2011, 04:11 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    T.K. sighed silently, glad that he hadn't noticed her own scar. She stared at Ikitasha and blinked, her expression serious. She bit her lip as he explained. The thought of experiments made her nausuous. She went up the stairs, her flats clicking against the marble of the steps.

  2. Characters in this post:
    "Well this is gunna be a good ball i can say" He said. Ikitasha knew it was going to be a good ball even though he never knew what was going to happen but he knew it would be good ether way. It was his first ball anyways that he had a date to go with him. He's been to alot of balls but not with anyone that he has likes or liked before. So this should be a good experience for him. So waving at TK he jumped in his bed and just looked at the ceiling.

  3. Characters in this post:
    T.K. smiled at him some. "I agree." she said quietly. She walked into her room and dropped her stuff off. She came back into the room with a t-shirt and shorts, heading into the kitchen. She sighed and pulled open the fridge. "You want something from the fridge?" she called to Ikitasha.

  4. Characters in this post:
    "I'll have a milk, same old same old" He said with a slight chuckle. Well it is same old same old he still needs to get taller if he is going to feel better about himself. And not a second later he heard scratching on the door. Wow,he left Hiaute outside and didnt notice that he wasnt in here with TK and himself. So he got up and opended the door and got right back on his bed.

  5. Characters in this post:
    T.K. pulled out the milk and poured a glass of milk. She came to Ikitasha's room, her cat Claudia weaving in and out of her legs. She placed his cup of milk in his hand and then popped the lid on her soda can. She plopped down on his bed and took a long sip. She burped quietly and snorted. "Excuse me." she mumbled.

  6. Characters in this post:
    "Very nice i dont think even i could of done better" he said with a comidian voice of some sort. And he took a greedy sip of his milk and placed it down on the little nightstand he has right next to his bed. He was wondering if he could go a little further with TK than just the dance but that will reveile its self in due time. With a extreme effort he got up and asked TK "Hey are there any showers in here?"

  7. Characters in this post:
    T.K. snorted when Ikitasha had made the comment, while she was drinking her soda. She wiped the carbonated drink from her nose with the sleeve of her tee-shirt and then stared at the neko with wide eyes. "You must be kidding. Of course there's a shower here. Its a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment." she said rolling her eyes sarcastically. She ran a hand through her hair as she took another sip of her soda.
    ((FAIL. I meant two bathroom. XD))

  8. Characters in this post:
    "Ok then ill go and take one if no ones in there" Ikitasha said with a slight attitude. He knew there were showers and he was just trying to have a conversation with TK. Well he wants to try to know her better and why the scars under her bangs. Well anyways he walked over to the shower and started to get undressed for the relaxing shower that he's about to take. Hopefully they got hot water.

  9. Characters in this post:
    T.K. sighed and got up, shaking her head. She didn't mean to upset him. She brought her soda with her to her room. She pulled her laptop into her lap and sat down on her bed. She ran a hand through her bangs, pulling her hair from her eye.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Tarren walked into the libary. He looked to see how many people were in the libary. He quickly walked to the end of the libary. He went into his back pack. he grabed his journal and libary book about ghost. He took a few breath and put his hoodie on. He had block out everything around him and started to read the book. Everytime he would finish a page he would write in his journal. After he read a few pages his closed his journal and put it back in his bag and begin reading again.

  11. Characters in this post:
    Ikitasha quickly got out of the shower and got dressed. He was feeling somewhat bad about giving TK a hard time on that. So he just went into his room and got onto his bed. He started to sleep on his bed and he couldnt jsut close his eyes and go to sleep its just weird. Its probibly because he didnt take his medicine that ne needs to go to sleep. But he was too tired to do anything about it. So he just tried and tried and finally went to sleep. But it was an uneasy sleep and he kept on waking up for no reason.

  12. Characters in this post:
    Forgetting his stamp, Flynn meadnered back into the library. He walked over to the librarian and leaned against the counter. "Excuse me, but may I get my stamp for the dance? I just turned in my books." he grumbled in his rough English accent. He felt uncomfortable, remembering that he was still in his leather ballet shoes.

  13. Characters in this post:
    T.K. glanced out her apartment window and sighed, placing her hands on her cheeks. She stared for a moment before it all just hit her.
    She had a date to the Halloween Ball!
    She immediately got up and began to squeal quietly, jumping around. The thought made her excited beyond belief. She never, ever had a date to a dance, and this was the first time she was going without Anaya!
    What was her best friend going to do?

  14. Characters in this post:
    Well sence he cant just go to sleep he wondering around the appartment room. Then he just started to knock on TK's door hearing squealing and crashing. "Hey are you alright TK i heard shouting" he asked while still knocking on the door.

  15. Characters in this post:
    T.K. went to the door and pulled it open while adjusting her bangs. She leaned in the doorway with her arms crossed and a huge smile across her lips. "Yup." she said, grinning like a madwoman. "Just fine~" she sung. She was actually very happy right now, for really, no apparent reason.

  16. Characters in this post:
    Tarren notice Flynn. He looked at his book and thought "I better turn this book in to If I want to go to the dance." Tarren closed the book and walked to drop-off box and put his book in. Then he walked to librarian and said " May i get a stamp too. I Turned in my book."

  17. Characters in this post:
    "Your in a good mood i see," Ikitasha breathed happily. It was good to see TK in a good mood every once and a while. It brightened up his own mood sometimes and this is one of those times. "So the dance is there anything i need to bring?" he asked curiously.

  18. Characters in this post:
    Trinity came in and saw FLynn. She grinned like a madwoman and went over to glomp him. Flynn was a poor young man, to be friends with Trinity. Flynn was knocked over and into the counter, his stomach being pushed into the marble. He grunted some as the librarian planted a stamp on his hand. He sighed and pulled himself back up to look at Trinity, who was still smiling. She watched him sigh and facepalm himself.
    "Hello, Flynn~" she sung with a laugh in her voice. She stood on the heel of her foot and swung back and forth.

    "Why are you a bloody pain in the ass?" he grumbled at her. He watched as she laughed, a big dramatic thing. "No, really." he growled.
    Trinty shrugged and went over to the other guy. She put her hand out and grinned. "Hello, new guy!" she announced. "Name's Trinity. And you?" she asked, tossing her head to the side.

  19. Characters in this post:
    T.K. smiled back at him and shrugged. "A mask and formal dress wear?" she mumbled. She turned and looked in her own closet to see the lavender dress she had picked out and the silver mask to go with it. She smiled some and then turned back to him. "Just a warning, I'm dying my hair tonight. The bathroom with the removable shower-head will be mine all of tonight." she warned.

  20. Characters in this post:
    "Well its ok then, I already took a shower" he said with a grin. It would be nice to have a change of her hair color. It would be nice if he could do the same thing with his hair. But he bets it wouldnt change a thing if he dyes it it always fades in the next day or two. So he just nodded and turned away and went back to bed.

  21. Characters in this post:
    T.K. nodded. "Alright! Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow..." she said quietly. She turned and looked in a drawer of hair stuff she had in her room. She pulled out her dying stuff and pulled out the light purple dye. She took the stuff ans ducked into the bathroom, starting to dye her hair. About an hour, she was done and she emerged with a towel wrapped around her head. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. She was hungry now.
    Tamani walked in and collasped on the couch. He had a long day of music lessons and class had tired him out. "Get me a soda." he growled at T.K. The girl obayed and tossed him a soda.

  22. Characters in this post:
    Tarren stared at Trinity for a few seconds and then said " Hello...my names Tarren." He shoke her hand. The librarian stamped Tarrens hand. He looked Trinity and gave a faint smile.

  23. Characters in this post:
    "So where are you from?" she asked, tilting her head the other way. She was kinda interested in this new guy, but he seemed like he really didn't want to bother with her. She sneezed some and then pulled her chin to her collarbone, her sneeze going downward. She grumbled some before rubbing her nose some with her tee-shirt sleeve. She groaned some before looking back up at Tarren. "Dang it... My Miku shirt..." she muttered angerily. She sighed and then shrugged. She could wash it later. She turned around and then pulled her shirt over her head, a tank top underneth. She turned back to the two and smirked, throwing a peace-sign at the two. "Chao!" she said, leaving the library.

  24. Characters in this post:
    "Well thats not very nice to say to TK now is it" Ikitasha said as he entered the room half asleep. All he wanted to do now was just go to sleep but instead he stood up for TK even though she could of done that herself but she didnt choose to. So instead he did it for her.

  25. Characters in this post:
    T.K. snorted and rolled her neck. She went over to the couch and sat next to Tamani. She watched as Tamani sat up and looked at Ikitasha.
    "So... This is the Ikitasha that's moving in?" he asked, running a hand through his red and black hair. With a slight smirk, he rolled his eyes. "Not what I was expecting, but I guess he's alright." he mumbled. He felt T.K. hit him gently.
    "Be nice!" she growled at Tamani.

  26. Characters in this post:
    "HEY WHAT ARE YUO TRYING TO SAY!!!"Ikitasha yelled at Timani and pointing at him. And Hiaute also ran in the room and started to bark and growl at Timani. But when Timani looked at Hiaute he instantly became quiet. But Ikitasha was still pointing at him and still obviously mad.

  27. Characters in this post:
    Tamani laughed and shook his head, putting an arm on top of T.K.'s head. She glared up at him but sighed. "Ah, calm down kid, I was only joking." he said getting up. He offered a hand to the kid. "Name's Mr.Desher, T.K.'s guardian." he said smiling.

  28. Characters in this post:
    Ikitasha was a little taken back and took a step backwards. Then he just shook his head and shook Tamani's hand. "Well then keep it down i can barely sleep as it is" He scoffed. And of course Hiaute gave an exited bark and bunched his hind muscles and jumped up at Tamani.

  29. Characters in this post:
    Tamani laughed and patted Ikitasha's head. "Alright." he said, a booming laugh in his voice. When he turned to T.K. was when Hiaute jumped at him. The dog hit his leg, but Tamani made no move. He stared down at the dog. "Where'd the bloody mutt come from?" he muttered.

  30. Characters in this post:
    "He's not a mutt he's a pure breed Huskey. And he's been here the entire time, you just didnt seem to see him" Ikitasha said with a laugh. It was all too funny to him. Hiaute got him back for Tamani patting his head. He doesnt like to be patted.

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