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Vampire Knight ; A New Generation

The gates to Cross Academy have opened again. The headmaster still has high hopes to get the vampire and humans to co-exist peacefully. Maybe This year's students, will finally prove that.......

Tags: , blood, cross academy, humans, vampires

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: OpheliaSmiles

Created: 07-15-2012, 08:47 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    "Ah, geeze. So this year IS going to be a drama show.." Shiena hopped down from the roof where she had been watching the whole thing happen. That stupid vampire named Shoto had some nerve do come over to the day class grounds..In the day time.

    She smoothed out her day class uniform then brushed her long yellow hair out of her face.
    "Well, Look like I should go now.." She ran up beside Sukoshi and looked over at him, then looked forward. "You know, that was pretty stupid, what you did back there."

  2. Characters in this post:
    Kage sat there on her bed, her legs crossed and her arms supporting her from behind. It was still day time but she wasn't in the mood for sleep. She looked around at her new room. It was surprisingly big compared to the other rooms. She rubbed the back of her neck and decided to take a quick peek out of her window, and of course, the sun's rays hit her face and she quickly backed away from it. She hated the sun, It blinded her every time. But she still wanted to look, even if it hurt. "Why do humans get the day..and only we can have the night..That hardly seems fair." She sat there under her window, waiting for the night to come again.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Miyu sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes and looked around the room "I hope I didn't snore...is it time for classes yet?" she asked looking a bit drowsy still. She stretched and yawned and rubbed her eyes again.

  4. Characters in this post:
    Kimi stood at the gates, just staring at the school thinking how ugly it looked. She found this place rather...stupid. Yes, that was the right word for it. Or maybe moronic was a better word. Meh. Either word worked, stupid or moronic.

    "Wait... why'm I here again?" she asked herself, "..... Oh yea, father said I needed more time outside." There was a short pause, and then she added,"That stupid, moronic bastard."

    She took a deep breath, then sighed, wishing nothing more than to just go back to her comfy room. Then, she started walking in through the gates,and headed towards the Headmaster's office.

    "Feh. Humans and Vampires co-exist...how stupid." she muttered as she walked into the school.

    She was late getting in the school, but that was only because her father-the moronic bastard that he was- only told her two days ago that she was going to this school, and that she was late.
    'Probably would've been this late even if he did tell me on time though...' she thought, knowing the statement was indeed true.

  5. Characters in this post:
    Blaze walked into the brightly lit hallway of the day class girls dorms. sighing tiredly she scanned the doors on either side for room number 14. she found it just in the middle of the hall. kicking it open with a boot clad leg, she entered and dumped her luggage on the ground. she straightened and looked around the room. it looked like a typical girls room, but it was empty. it contained three bed, none of which showed signs of being taken.Eying the bed by the huge window,
    'I'm snagging this one'
    she thought and pushed her bags with the last of her energy towards it. She left them at the foot of the bed.
    "I wonder where every one is?" she said, falling into the bed to take a short nap.

  6. Characters in this post:
    Sukoshi glanced over at the girl who ran up beside him. The girl looked familiar and she seemed to know him.
    "Are you from the Vampire Hunter Society?" he asked quietly as his eyes darted to her then to the ground then straight ahead.

  7. Characters in this post:
    "Yep!" Shiena's arms stretched out behind her head as she yawned a little. "You should at least remember my name dummy."

    She tilted her head. It was true that they barely knew each other, but she figured since they had come from the same place that he would at least remember her name. She scrunched up her nose and folded her arms across her chest as she continued to walk beside him.

  8. Characters in this post:
    "Was I supposed to?" Sukoshi retorted quietly as the girl continued to walk beside him. He didn't understand her. Why was she following him, he doesn't know why himself. He didn't want to question her further afraid to trigger her. He doesn't know how strong she is. He just knows that she is favored by many in Vampire Hunter Society.

  9. Characters in this post:
    She frowned a little. "No, but it would have been nice if you did. And you shouldn't look like everything bothers you because you don't know much about it. You look vulnerable." She smiled somewhat, it was true she shouldn't have been teasing this guy but she really didn't have much else to do. Seeing as she basically despised everyone at this whole school. She didn't have any friends. Just people she could talk to about stupid things.

  10. Characters in this post:
    When Sukoshi reached the entrance, he stopped right in front of the door. He was about to pull out his sword, put it to her neck, and ask her who the vulnerable one was now, but he doesn't feel like messing with her.
    "Is that so?" was his only response. He turned around to face her with a blank face, but inside, he was smiling. He was trying to joke around but couldn't let himself do it.

  11. Characters in this post:
    Kimiko walked into the Night Girl's Dorm, immediately scoffing at the idea that all these moronic girls could possibly be placed in the same hallway. She quickly brought her belongings into the room that was designated to be hers. It wasnt long before she caught the thoughts of the girl known as Juliet. Of course this also meant that she was becoming more annoyed with the fact that there was a simpleton girl like her around. Quickly, she just took herself out of the girls mind. If she were to have spent any more time in there, she might just set the whole building on fire.

    That being said, she unpacked all of her clothing and put them away, then decorated her room the way she liked it. It was not exactly the first thing she wanted to do, but there was no way she wasn't going to be comfortable in her own room. Her decals were now up on the wall. Her bed was made with a red comforter and the windows had her red drapes on them. The room looked completely punked out as much as she could with different bands that she actually really liked. The way her room looked back in her home before her father sent her here. It was just a hassle and time consuming. As soon as she was done, she locked the door and laid down to rest on her bed, falling asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

    Her dreams started to be consumed by fire. She didnt exactly mind it, it was just not the dream she had been hoping for. The room started to heat up, though she knew it would not set on fire, she could feel her physical body heating up as she slept.

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