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Vampire Knight ; A New Generation

The gates to Cross Academy have opened again. The headmaster still has high hopes to get the vampire and humans to co-exist peacefully. Maybe This year's students, will finally prove that.......

Tags: , blood, cross academy, humans, vampires

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: OpheliaSmiles

Created: 07-15-2012, 08:47 PM


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Game Log in The Headmaster's office

this is where you can go if anything is bothering you. Talk to the headmaster!

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  1. Characters in this post:
    Blaze's confused, as a new student. laden with luggage, she makes her way to the headmaster's office to ask for help in finding her way to the dorm. she hopes he/she's nice enough to help her. she knocks with the umbrella in her left hand as her hands are full and then waits for an answer.
    Again........ still no answer.....
    "Thanks headie.... great help" she muttered under her breath sarcastically and turned with great trouble.
    In a school this big, how was she supposed to find the way to the girls dorm?And where were all the students? sighing tiredly, she braced herself and luggage, determined to find the dorm...

  2. Characters in this post:
    When Sukoshi reached the entrance, he stopped right in front of the door. He was about to pull out his sword, put it to her neck, and ask her who the vulnerable one was now, but he doesn't feel like messing with her.
    "Is that so?" was his only response. He turned around to face her with a blank face, but inside, he was smiling. He was trying to joke around but couldn't let himself do it.

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