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Yasuo Miyu

Roleplay: "Vampire Knight ; A New Generation"

Player: nero123

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"I might be young but don't treat me like a child"

Family name: Yasou
First name: Miyu
Pure Blood Vampire
16 years of age
5 feet tall
100 lbs
Nearly silver blonde hair
Crimson eyes
Appears fragile but known to be very swift and agile
Wears a black bow in her hair

She's very sweet and kind

Often daydreams

Easily lost in though


Hate's violence

Only drinks blood when she needs to

Always Smiling

Almost never gets angry

Equipment / Abilities
Two katana's
Light side of the Moon: A pure white blade meant purely for self-defence
Dark side of the Moon: A pure Black blade made for attacking others, she's only used this once and the results were rather messy

A pure white bow named Crescent Moon Light 

There is very little to tell about me...

Yet you persist?
Very well

I'm from a family from Pure Blood Vampires that wish to co-exist with humans...
Forgive me...I seem to have lost myself in my thoughts
My parents say our family has importance in the idea of Vampire co-existing with humans yet I am unsure what that importance is I am rather curious about it myself. I am the only female child...all my siblings are boys and they make me happy to be in this family until my Aunty visits...I do not wish to speak about her...but you desire to know more about me so I shall tell you of her...she despises humans, yes, she hates them to the core of her blackened heart. She say's humans are too weak live in this world yet...I am very frail...does that mean I do not deserve a place in this world?

My Eldest brother Eldrich...it's a strange name they picked for him...but he is a very kind and knight like man, I idolise him, he taught me how to defend myself and how to craft my blades into their perfect shape.

My Second Eldest Brother Yuuske...he makes me laugh when I'm sad he makes everyone laugh, he may seem childish but he's very mature. He taught me to smile and how fight with my bare hands.

My final Brother...Eiji, he travels around the world, he brings me all kinds of weird things...like the bow in my hair...he said he had it specially made for me, I forget where it's from but it makes me feel close to him. He taught me many things about using a Bow...I am unsure how good I actually am.

My Mother Ella a Beautiful woman who's cared for me since I was an Infant, I love her dearly, I can't imagine what I would be if she wasn't there.
My Father Takumi is very clever...he once tricked a hunter into believing he was a frog and he hopped away...of course the visiting family tore him to shreds afterwards...He's the smartest man I know, he once shot a target with the family Bow by using Mathematics and his knowledge on Physics and Kinetics.

Of course not everything was good in my life...my life was threatened countless times and I had only wished ill luck on one man...he broke in and shot shot my father in the arm, knocked all of my brother unconscious...my Mother was so scared she was crying...I was so angry I took the one sword I though I'd never use and ran after him, when I finally caught up with him he just laughed and told me all Vampires were evil...that we had to be executed...I ran at him holding my blade tightly and started cutting at him...the shock in his eyes...it scared me...his body literally fell to pieces...it haunts me still to this day...I was only 12...

Cross Academy is my home now...the fellow Night Class students don't seem to mind having me around...I try to wear a smile everyday...just for them.
Forgive me I once again fell into my thoughts...
Oh? We're done? I see...thank you for listening *bows*
