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The Clandestine Array - Closed

We are simply not normal to the people we are around. We have powers which are destructive and hurt the people around us. We have abandoned our families to go into hiding as our powers are unbearable. We are hiding from normal people, the government, and anything else that is hunting for us as we try to learn to control our abilities and to prove that we aren't a threat.......

Tags: array, clandestine, family, friends, government, group, hidden, powers, secret, trust

Character Approval: No

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: APBCole

Created: 06-19-2011, 04:18 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Cadence smiled brighter as Jade accepted her handshake. She frowned a bit as she noticed the younger girl become upset again at what Jamie had said. He really should learn how to word things around someone who seemed so sensitive of what people said. She turned back to the girl in front of her, thinking of what to do to cheer her up. She put on a friendly smile, taking her finger and flicking her on the nose lightly to make her look up.

  2. Characters in this post:
    Jamie had lied about fixing the waterpipe but now he felt their was a sense of him being an asshole. He could tell. Well, he wasn't excatly sure of how things were going to be so he hadn't planned to have much emotions with those who join as it would effect the integrity of the whole organization. So he went to the field once more and stood in the clear middle of it before he thought as to what he'd transform into.

    What is something that would scare them and cause little property damage? Hmm...how about an Apache? That'd be quite funny to see how they'd use their abilities to counter an Apache scouting the place or planning to attack...at the risk of my life in the process. But it's well worth it I suppose.
    So he closed his eyes, thought as to the fine details of an Apache, turned into one, and lifted off to be above the compound. Being that an Apache is a helicopter which the military believes as a viable means to counter terrorism...this thing should strike some fear into them and let me see their reactions.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Jade squeaked in surprise when Candence lightly flicked her nose. She looked up to see the girl giving her a friendly smile. "Oh, sorry," She said softly. She smiled back though the smile was a bit forced. "I-I like your powers," Jade was trying to distract her self from how bad she was feeling, "Can you do other things too?" Her face brightened slightly at the question.

  4. Characters in this post:
    Cadence wasn't worried about Jade being nervous, she just kept smiling. She just hoped the other girl knew she meant no harm. When asked if she could do other things, she stuck her tongue out a little between her lips, and held her first finger and thumb close together, showing that she could do just a little more.

    She tried to indicate mouth movement with her hand, and gestured the way Jamie had gone, hoping the girl got that she could only really do what the man had said. Then she clapped, but muffled the sound so it was just barely audible.

  5. Characters in this post:
    He had the perfect idea of hitting a small forested area on the left side of the warehouse as it was less likely to catch fire and was not much of a place so he fired a missile straight into it in which he was surely going to cause alot of alarm to those inside of the building. This would be a wake up call and they'd have to fight him a little before he surrendered and he had to see their abilities at full swing and see how they use it to defeat an enemy.

    He then turned his voice into that of a random gentlemen in the military and activated a loudspeaker that could be heard inside the warehouse. "This is the US military. Please vacate the premises of this lot or face military action. You have 1 minute to surrender." He then deactivated the loudspeaker and changed his voice back to his normal one so that he would sound normal once he goes back to his normal self.

  6. Characters in this post:
    Jade tilted her head in confusion. She had a bit of a hard time understanding what Candence was trying to tell her. After a some thinking she concluded that Candence meant she could only do a little more. "Oh, that's fine. I still think your ability is amazing," She answered with a warm smile.
    The next thing Candence tried to tell her wasn't so easy. However before Jade could think more about it she noticed the sound of a helicopter outside. For a second it made her panic and she started to turn transparent. "Candence d-did you hear that?" She asked softly as she started to go completely invisible. She had no idea what to do in a situation like this. "Wh-what do we do?"

  7. Characters in this post:
    Hearing the announcement, Cadence frowned, glaring towards where she knew the door to the outside was. Looking back when she heard the fear in Jade's voice, she was surprised to see her turn transparent and then invisable. Cadence quickly got over her shock at seeing the younger girl dissapear. She put her hands down where she remembered the other girl's shoulders to be, bringing a finger to her own lips to show quiet, and mouthed 'calm down' at her.

    She stood up strait, walking towards the exit, muffling any noise from inside so that she could hear the noise of what sounded like a helicopter outside. She was unsure of what this was all about, but she wasn't about to let the military take her new home.

  8. Characters in this post:
    Jamie would fire another pre-emptive shot in the same area he had shot at before as he did not want to risk the integrity of the warehouse as it wasn't in the best of conditions so his best option was to hit specific target areas in a zone. This'll also show that certain enemies have limitations and that they could gain an advantage.

    He would make a pass over the warehouse before going back to the field as he wanted to make them feel as if this scouting was not simply a scouting but possibly an attack. You never know with the US military so it's best that he tries to be like them.

  9. Characters in this post:
    Jade sniffled slightly and nodded even though she knew the other girl wouldn't see her. Taking adeep breath she did her best to calm herself as much as possible and followed Candence towards the exit. She opened her mouth for a second to speak but remembered that Candence told her to be quiet and decided against it.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Cadence stopped just inside the doorway to the outside, making sure to stay out of sight, while trying to see if she could tell anything from the sounds. It sounded like whoever was in the helicopter was firing missiles or something over to the sides of the building. Why they would do that, she didn't know. From her experiences with military, or even police, she knew that they were more organized that to randomely shoot at nothing, unless it was a scare tactic.

    She turned to where she knew Jade was, thanking her ability to see where the sound waves parted around the other girl for that. She motioned for the smaller girl to give her her hand. She would have to hope this made it easier to get her message across, as she didn't have time to go get her notebook and pen.

  11. Characters in this post:
    He had started to lower his helicopter down towards the entrance of the warehouse where he would be near close to the ground and sound an alarm which seemed as if the helicopter had lost power and would use this as a deceptive tactic, turning off the rotors of the Apache and acting as if it is disabled. Hopefully they'll get close enough for me to truly cause a little chaos as this thing can't be anything more than a hitbox.

  12. Characters in this post:
    Jade came closer and grabbed Candence's hand. She was trembling and buried her face slightly against the other girl. As her grip tightened on her hand Candence's arm slowly turned transparent. "Wh-what's that...?" She asked in a whisper as the alarm began to sound. She hadn't ever had any experience with the military or even the police much less any helicopters.

  13. Characters in this post:
    Cadence's eyes widened in shock again as her hand turned transparent just from touching the other girl. She forced herself to stay calm, not liking how Jade was handling this at all. She needed to get her calmed down. She petted her head and rubbed her back a bit with her free hand, flipping over the one she was holding.

    She spelled out 'HELICOPTER' on the smaller girl's palm, not wanting to lie to her. She bit her lip, but knew she'd have to do this. 'DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GO INVISIBLE AND SEE WHERE IT IS?' she wrote, hoping not to overwhelm her. She needed to know where it was, but she couldn't tell because the colour from the helicopter blades was making her vission covered in an orangey-yellow that made it harder to see properly. It was too loud to tell the exact direction, as well.

  14. Characters in this post:
    [You two can continue. I'll wait until you both get closer to Jamie before I continue my part.]

  15. Characters in this post:
    Jade slowly stopped trembling as Candence patted her head and rubbed her back. It had been a long time since she had been comforted like that and it made her feel better than she expected. Her grip loosened on the other girls hand and she backed away slightly.
    After Candence spelled out the instructions on her hand Jade nodded slowly. "O-ok... I-I'll do it," She answered after she realized that the other girl couldn't see her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to relax. Once she had calmed down she pulled her hand out of Candence's and slowly started out of the Warehouse. "D-don't worry," She said softly, though it was more to herself than Candence.

  16. Characters in this post:
    Tired, weak, and miserable, Jayden groaned as she nearly tripped over a branch in front of a large clearing in the forest she had been wandering through. She had been convinced that she was hopelessly lost, but her heart rose as she noticed a grey building. Tilting her head to the side, the girl stepped through, pulling her cloak around her so it wouldn't catch on low branches.

    What is this? Are there people?

    Almost as if on cue, Jayden spotted two figures standing in front of the building. Surprised, she gasped, stepping behind a tree to hide herself. Her foot rustled a clump of dead leaves, and she mentally prayed that she hadn't been heard. These people might not be safe. She had learned a lot about trust in the past few weeks, and most of the lessons were not good. If her own family had wanted to kill her for her... her 'gift'... then God only knows what these strangers would think of her.

  17. Characters in this post:
    Jamie had though the idea was boring now and suddenly turned himself back to normal. He grinned at the thought that the Apache idea was a huge success since the helicopter was of a military nature and is used in signs of huge distress. I remember that movie War of the Worlds which had a Apache....man....that thing is why I like turning into it...the movie proved it was awesome, he thought to himself.

    He noticed there was someone hiding behind the tree and slowly walked his way over there. He tried to be as obvious as possible with it because he had nothing really to hide except the facility and his powers. He highly doubt she saw him transform into an Apache, and transform back into his human form. So i'm fine....I hope...if she doesn't freak out...

  18. Characters in this post:
    Seeing the man turn towards her, Nadya knew that she had been seen.

    Silently praying that this person wouldn't try to hurt her, she stepped out, her dark eyes wide with caution.

    she began, softly at first before gaining confidence, "I am sorry, I think I am lost..."

    The man looked kind enough, but she had learned that looks were often deceiving. What was this place? It looked like some kind of fort...

  19. Characters in this post:
    Jamie stared at the poor girl feeling a little bad for her before starting his speech on describing the facility which he runs. He lets out a little cough and messes with his collar of his shirt before he starts, "Welcome to the Clandestine Array. An organization for those with special abilities and and talents. We are off the grid and away from civilization....well....enough away from civilization so if you blow something up the government won't notice!" He smiled a little at the last comment before moving on.

    "This facility is equipped with quite a few luxuries including a kitchen, a living room, a massive field for training or doing whatever, and your rooms." He then grinned over at the girl with a kind grin, showing he was not a threat. Hoping she'd enjoy what luxury this facility has to offer.

  20. Characters in this post:
    As she listened to the man speak, she tilted her head to the side.

    A place for people with... special abilities?

    She smiled slightly in return, but she was still unable to fully trust this stranger's words.

    "What exactly do you mean by 'talents'?" she asked. She wasn't going to reveal herself yet, at least not until she made sure that he meant what she thought he did.

  21. Characters in this post:
    "Talents...something that makes you different from someone in todays modern world. A thing that separates you and allows you to do something no other person can do. That sort of talent...." He made a short pause before continuing, "Something like this...." He moved back a few feet before transforming himself into a a Ford F-150 that was of a camo color and having dark colored rims that almost blend into the design.

    He would stay inside his transformation for a good few seconds before turning back to normal into himself and starting to talk as calm as ever, "Talents like that...something totally unique and out of this world that no one can match your talent..." He said before smiling at last with a calming expression and hoping she would trust him.

  22. Characters in this post:
    Jade jumped in slight surprise when the helicopter turned into Jaime before she realized that he had most likely been testing them. With this knowledge a sense of calm washed over her as she sighed in relief. "I-It was just Jaime," She said.
    Jade's voice was more even at this point though she was still, for the most part, invisible. She watched him walk to the wooded area and wondered what he was doing.

  23. Characters in this post:
    Nadya did not speak for a while, so amazed at the man's transformation.

    "I... I see..." she managed, trying hard to seem more casual, and failing, "I can't believe I found this place..."

    Eyes wide, the girl slowly stepped over to the man and took his hand, shaking it enthusiastically. "My name is Nadya Arcos, I was cast out because of such abilities. Not as impressive as yours, of course, but..."

    Her voice stopped as she realized she might be talking too much. Blushing slightly, she looked at the ground. "And... ah... this is just all so wonderful sounding."

  24. Characters in this post:
    He noticed her looking at the ground at her slight embarrassment of her having powers as well and said as nice as he possibly could, "There is nothing to be shy about here. This facility is nothing but a hotel which surprisingly everything is accessible but still needs some upgrades here and there. I hope you just enjoy what you're offered so let me give you a tour..." He started walking to the field in hopes that she'd follow behind.

    "The field here is the area where you can freely practice with your powers. We're quite a bit away from the city so there is no way that they'll see anything you do. Plus you have a trained...well....not really a firefighter but I can turn into an engine.", he said it enthusiastically, "I recommend you stay a good few miles close to the compound if you're going adventuring though...." He finished his long tour of the field before slowly going inside the facility.

  25. Characters in this post:
    Wordlessly she followed, taking everything in and the whole time wondering if this could be a dream. The place was enormous and secluded.

    "How many people live here?" she inquired as they entered the building, suddenly very curious about the number of people who had these powers.

  26. Characters in this post:
    As he entered, he made his way slowly to the living room before stopping to talk, "There's three at the moment but more should be coming in any moment now. That'll depend on if they find it or not..." He said it as he looked around the living room to see if everything was there before speaking, "Anyway, this is our little living room. You can see the TV, a console or two, and some games with movies also beside em. There's also the couch there and a the table for you to do whatever."

    He then began walking again, moving to the kitchen. He would show her everything about it and not really speak at all since it wasn't completely finished at the moment as it would require a little bit more work long before it was done. He might have to go and get some supplies and may need some help...

    Then he began heading down the hall before he would stop at a room which was not showing signs of occupation and then turning around to look at Nadya. "Here's your room. Not much but each room has some unique quality to it. Surely you'll find some close to brand new furniture and probably some things that remind you of the world that is outside", talking to her like a friend, "and i'll be preparing to get ready to head into the city to rob some supplies...I may need someone to use a forklift to put it in the back of the trailer of my tractor trailer transformation." He finished and talking about her room and what he was planning to do soon in hopes that she may join along once she gets set in.

  27. Characters in this post:
    "This is all so wonderful," she repeated, unable to find any other words to describe her excitement, "I would... I would be honored to be a part of this."

    Her mind buzzed with possibilities. "And I will help you in any way, Mr..." her voice faded out, and she turned red again. "I'm sorry. What is your name?"

  28. Characters in this post:
    "The name is Jamie. Jamie Kolmia." He said it as he was walking outside. He then turned back and looked at her with a serious expression as he would give her instructions, "First of all since you're joining alone you need two things. One you need to find the forklift somewhere nearby and two you need to see if it has a CB. If it doesn't then i'll get one for you because that'll be the only way to contact me once i'm in my morph." He said it kind of scared now as to what was to come and then slowly sat down to make sure he calculated it in his head right as to what he'll do.

    "After we get our supplies for the trip, we're going to head into town and I know there is some hardware store that is closed right now and on the outskirts. I can turn into something to break in and you can load the supplies into the back of the rig when I turn back. The best bet is to be out of there in half an hour to an hour or else we risk trouble." He looked up at the sky as he was thinking as to how that would go down, calculating it down to seconds, and then went silent as he waited for her to get the forklift with the CB.

  29. Characters in this post:
    Only half an hour, and I'm already turning into a thief, Nadya thought nervously, but she still agreed to Jamie's plan.

    "O...Of course..." she said after a moment, glancing around before she spotted the machine some ways into the woods. She glanced at Jamie, noticing that his mind was far away, and headed towards it.

    Once she reached it, she climbed in and froze, realizing at once that she wasn't exactly sure what a CB radio was. Jamie was obviously more technology savvy than she, but she did not want to look or seem stupid to him. Her eyes set upon a sort of black metal box with something resembling a telephone connected to it, and after making sure that this was the only thing that could possibly be the radio, she took it, carefully climbing back out and returning to Jamie.

  30. Characters in this post:
    Jamie looked at what she found as he got up and slowly inspected the Forklift to see if it had all the required things he requested. He saw the CB and turned it to the unoccupied channel of 133.7 for her to talk to him on when he goes into his morph when she's not within talking distance of himself. He looked at her with an approving look and said precise instruction, "The moment I break in....you should well be getting 5-10 pallets in the back of the truck within a good hour and a half. The grace period is the last half hour before we risk getting cops after us."

    He would then back away a couple yards and he would slowly turn into a blue Peterbuilt 368 with an average sized blue colored box trailer attached to it. The truck instantly started up and he would stay still for a few moments getting adjusted to the new morph. The CB radio due to the power of himself turned to 133.7 before he began speaking out of it, "Get a ramp that is strong enough to handle the forklift and bring it to the rear of the trailer, open the trailer, and put the ramp on it, then drive the forklift into it and park it inside with the ramp. After you're done with that get out of the trailer and close the rear end then come to the cab and enter inside the passenger seat so we can head to the store."

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