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~Willow Cafe~

A small, quaint cafe where anyone and everyone is welcome to relax, socialize and most importantly, eat delicious treats created especially for you!......

Tags: cafe, eating, relaxation

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: Mikasohi

Created: 08-09-2011, 06:48 PM


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Thread: ~Willow Cafe~

  1. Characters in this post:
    "They're chocolate chip... I think..." She answered slowly. Honestly she was so concentrated on how soft, warm, and delicious they were she barely even noticed what kind they were. "They tasted so good I hardly remember actually," She laughed embarrassedly, "But, I'm sure you'll enjoy them!"

  2. Characters in this post:
    Francis laughed, while pushing up the glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose. "Well, if they're that good I guess I'll just have to try one." he said, his voice hinted with a touch of his English accent. He had only heard the words "Chocolate" and "Tasted good".

  3. Characters in this post:
    Smiling, she went around the counter again and went to the table. "I'm Isabel by the way. And this is Aza, our waitress!" She said motioning at Aza. 'Drinks!' Isabel gasped at the realization. "Would you like something to drink, sir?" A soft blush spread over her cheeks. She knew she was getting a little too excited over thieir first customer.

  4. Characters in this post:
    Francis chuckled quietly at her frantic realization. He nodded slightly, running a hand through his hair. "Yes please. May I have some coffee? I could smell it from down the street." he requested. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, just kinda taking a break from the real world.

  5. Characters in this post:
    Azaria's cheeks slightly reddened at Isabel's remark about her being shy. She couldn't help it. It was quite a while ever since she was around such nice people. And she had already formed harsh stereotypes the minute the other two stepped in. Aza was a terrible person, and she knew that. She then took a sip of her tea and gingerly picked a cookie. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to have one bite." She bit into it and then a smile brightened up her whole face.

    "Goodness, this cookie is delicious!" Aza exclaimed, rather loudly. She then realized that a customer had entered and that she was supposed to do her work but Isabel seems to be doing a good job. When Isabel had introduced her to the man, she feebly waved, mouthing a 'hi'.

  6. Characters in this post:
    "Yes, Sir," She said with a warm smile, "I'll have your coffee right away!" It made her glad to hear that he could smell it from down the street, even if she had just began to work here. Before leaving to get the coffee Isabel laughed softly at Aza's exclaimation, "See? I told you!" With that she left to the kitchen to serve Francis his coffee.

  7. Characters in this post:
    Francis smiled when he heard about his coffee. When the girl went into the kitchen, he went to go sit down at a table. With the smile still on his face, he rested his chin in his palm, his imagination escaping him. Slowly his smile drooped into a soft line and his eyelids lowered in a dreamy expression.

  8. Characters in this post:
    Willow stepped back a bit, watching her cafe come to life. She almost cried, but she remembered that she was now an owner of a business and she must remain calm. She couldn't help but giggle silently at Aza's exclamation, though. She let them all go on about their business, not wanting to disturb this practically perfect moment.

  9. Characters in this post:
    Isabel served the coffee and put it on a tray. Carefully, she carried the tray back to the table where Francis had taken his seat. Once she had gotten to the table she softly put the coffee down. She giggled softly at the young mans dreamy expression. Isabel found it quite cute and didn't want to disturb it. He was an interesting customer and it seemed to her like he was a bit spacey. A soft smile appeared on her face as she looked at the young man.

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  11. Characters in this post:
    Francis stared for little bit longer, his green eyes finally closing. When his eyelids touched, he was startled back into reality and he saw his coffee. He looked up at Isabel and chuckled. "Thank you." he said. He took it in his hands and took a long sip of the bitter substance. While drinking, he looked at the decor of the room, seeing it very nicely done. It had been a while since he'd seen such a nice place. He turned to the girl and asked, "May I speak to your manager?" He had an motivation to paint this place, and wanted to make sure he had the owner's permission.

  12. Characters in this post:
    Isabel blushed at having been caught staring but was relieved he didn't say anything. "You're welcome, Sir. If you need anything else don't be afraid to ask!" She said cheerily. She was about to go back to the table when Francis requested to apeak to the manager. Isabel blushed deeper thinking he was going to complain about her. " I'm so sorry I was staring at you, Sir! You don't need to get Miss Willow for that! It won't happen ever again!" She blurted out frantically. Her face was now a deep red color and she seemed to be tearing up slightly, "I'm so so so sorry!"

  13. Characters in this post:
    Francis stood up and put both of his hands on her shoulders, his eyes filled with concern. "Wha... I wasn't going to complain. Please calm down, Miss. I was just going to ask if I could paint a picture of the place." he explained, his warm green eyes trying to figure out what she was going to do next.
    Inside, he smiled some, the crimson color that tinted her cheeks very adorable on the girl.

  14. Characters in this post:
    Azaria raised an eyebrow at Isabel's flustered demeanor. She was very worried that it made her laugh. She chuckled under her breath. "Isabel, dear, I think he just wants to talk with the manager. You're doing a great job," Aza reassured her, looking over at the customer for a split second to give him a smile. She was sure that complaining was not his intention.

  15. Characters in this post:
    Azaria raised an eyebrow at Isabel's flustered demeanor. She was very worried that it made her laugh. She chuckled under her breath. "Isabel, dear, I think he just wants to talk with the manager. You're doing a great job," Aza reassured her, looking over at the customer for a split second to give him a smile. She was sure that complaining was not his intention.

  16. Characters in this post:
    Isabel laughed in embarassment at being so hysterical. "Silly me," She said softly, "Miss Willow is there at the counter. Shall I bring her over for you?" She gave him another warm smile. She was relieved that he wasn't going to complain that she was staring at him. 'Maybe he didn't notice,' She thought with a soft sigh. Between him and the other girl who came in Isabel realized that the place attracted the artsy type of people. With that she found herself wondering how the young man painted.
    Aza's words brought her out of the thought and made her blush again, "O-oh, thank you. You're too kind Miss Aza."

  17. Characters in this post:
    "Please?" he requested, a warm smile crossing his lips. He pulled his hands back to his side and shifted his weight to his heels, his body leaning back and then shifting back forward, a bit excited to finally have inspriation to get his hands back on the paint brushes he had stored away a long time a go.

  18. Characters in this post:
    "Of course," Isabel answered softly. With a bright smile she turned and went to the counter excitedly. She had an almost bounce to her step from her excitement. "Miss Willow!" She exclaimed cheerfully once she got there, "I have the most wonderful news! That young man over there wants to speak to you about making a painting of your cafe!" She smiled widely, sure that Willow would be very pleased to hear that.

  19. Characters in this post:
    Sipping a steaming cup of coffee and watching traffic go by outside, Willow was lost in thought and she jumped a little when Isabel said her name. Setting the coffee down on the counter, she stared at Isabel, trying to comprehend exactly what she was saying.

    "Someone wants to paint my cafe...really?" She was a tad shocked but she nodded and started walking with Isabel over to the man she was referring to. She cleared her throat and put on a big smile. "Excuse me sir? My employee just informed me that you would like to paint my cafe?" She choked up a little but cleared her throat and continued, "I would be absolutely honored!" She fought the urge to squeal like a school.

  20. Characters in this post:
    Francis looked up when he heard the sound of another voice. He smiled and nodded."Yes ma'am. And thank for letting me do so." he said with a warm smile. He put out a hand to shake. "My name's Francis Dakota, and may I ask what your name is?"

  21. Characters in this post:
    Smiling even brighter, she took the mans hand and shook it firmly. "Mari Willow Buonamici, but I go by Willow." She giggled. "It's very nice to meet you Francis! I'm quite pleased that you deem my cafe paint-worthy. What all would we need to do in order for you to paint it?"

  22. Characters in this post:
    Francis looked around the cafe and then stood up, walking to a corner right next to the counter, furthest away from the door. He stared for a moment and then looked to Willow. "All I would need to do is set up an easel here. I'll be able to bring it back and forth as I go, but I'd have to request that you don't change the decor..." he said. He smiled at her. "Hopefully, its not too much."

  23. Characters in this post:
    Willow nodded thoughtfully. "I believe that's doable." She smiled. "And anything you want to eat or drink will be on the house. You just let us know!" Clapping her hands together once, she turned towards the counter. "I believe I'm going to make some pies! What kind would everyone like?" She was in the mood to cook, cook and cook some more. She had a knack for it and enjoyed it immensely, she just always doubted herself and never sought out any kind of professional classes to become better.

  24. Characters in this post:
    Francis's lips parted in a huge smile. He felt immensely happy now, finally able to hold a paint brush with a motivation. He clasped his hands and smiled wider at the thought of free pastries, but he could pay for them. "Well, free pastries I am a lack of, but I can pay for everything." he said kindly. He went back to his table and he picked up his cup of coffee. He took a long sip of it and then held it tightly in his hands. "I'm going to go to my apartment to go get my supplies... I'd like to start as soon as possible." he said, putting the mug back on the table.

    Saya put on the apron and the name tag, and stared down at her school uniform, remembering where she was supposed to go to a while a go. But she didn't need to be there for another week. She smiled some and pulled her hair back into a pony tail and she came into the front, seeing a tall green haired man about to leave. She blinked a few times. "Mr. Dekota?" she heard herself ask. Mr.Dekota used to be her art teacher at her old school.

    "Well..." Francis froze and turned around, seeing a tan girl with an inquiring look on her face. "Its been a long time since I've been called that!" he said laughing. He watched as the girl came closer and hugged him. "Saya?" he asked, looking down at her.

    Saya laughed and pulled away, nodding. "Yeah! Its me." she chuckled. She looked him up and down and then put her hands on her hips. "Surprising to find you here." she said smiling. It was great to see an old teacher that she hadn't seen in 3 years.

  25. Characters in this post:
    Willow gathered her waitresses and cashier together to tell them the news. She was going on a little business trip, she hoped to learn more about how to run a business even though she was already pretty good at it anyways. Or she thought so.

    "Hey guys. I have to go on a business trip for a couple of weeks, though it might run longer than that, depending. I trust you all to take good care of the cafe while I'm gone and make sure Francis has everything he needs to do his painting." She smiled at them, hoping she wasn't putting too much of a burden on them. She felt a pang of guilt and decided to add. "Of course, if you do not want to stay, that is completely fine. Just let me know."

  26. Characters in this post:
    Francis had already left when Ms. Willow had made the announcement.
    Saya walked over to the counter where everyone stood and listened intently. She blinked a few times and nodded. "I'll stay." she muttered softly. She smiled meekly, not usually being one to talk. "Besides, someone needs to bother Francis into doing his work."

  27. Characters in this post:
    Azaria had been watching everything that had happened as though she were in a distance. It had been going by so fast, but she was able to make heads and tails of it. "I'll stay. I'm afraid I don't have anywhere else to turn to," she admitted, looking down at her glass. Aza didn't want to go anywhere else. She had had enough of her past life.

  28. Characters in this post:
    Isabel smiled and clapped her hands together in delight. "Of course Miss Willow! We'll have everything taken care of," She answered, brightly. Even though it was a little scary to know that they would be left in charge of everything until Willow came back, Isabel felt it would be a great opportunity for all of them.
    Isabel tilted her head slightly at Aza's mention of not having anywhere else to turn too. It seemed a little odd that such a young woman would say something like that. She wanted to ask Aza but decided now wouldn't be the time.

  29. Characters in this post:
    It was obvious from the look on Isabel's face that she wanted to ask her what she meant by those words. She was glad that she had refrained from doing so. Just talking about it would open an already closed wound. Aza didn't want to go through remembering it again. It was hard for her the first time.

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