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WTF? A 2012 Halloween Event!

WTFRPG has been taken over by a mysterious outside force! Are you brave enough to explore these portals and figure out who is behind the Halloween takeover?......

Tags: event

Character Approval: No

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: WTF RPG Staff

Created: 10-26-2012, 03:52 AM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Jing didn't waver and the jagged candied-weapon stayed unnaturally still.

    "I'm asking the questions here." Hostile is, perhaps, the best way to describe her tone. Hostile and mean. "How can I know you are who you say you are, huh? How do I know you're not lying or some shit?"

    Almond-eyes narrowed with suspicion as the thought started growing. This girl—TrySton—could be anyone and there was absolutely no way for Jing to verify the information. She didn't know every member of the board—she barely knew anyone on the board. No, there was no way to prove that this girl was a board member and not the lunatic in disguise.

    "Well, TrySton or whoever you are, we're gonna go on an adventure." Arching an eyebrow, Jing gestured for the girl to move forward—jabbing the snapped cane a little as an incentive for the brunette to comply.

  2. Characters in this post:
    "Hey." She spoke out amongst the silence, turning her head toward Veto. "Thanks for sticking with me in this... it would suck if you were the 'lone wolf' type." Her gray-blue eyes locked with his momentarily, thinking about how little she really knew about this person, but how lucky she was that he was willing to help.

    From the looks of things, they had ended up inside a sporting goods store - which was a lucky occurrence considering the usefulness of most of the equipment around them. "How about you look for some kind of... padding or protection we could wear as a type of armor.." Her thoughts were suddenly dashed when her stomach grumbled loudly, loud enough for even Veto to hear. "Eh heh... and maybe some food if we're lucky." It became abundantly clear that Schiz hadn't had a chance to grab a bite to eat today and it was going to wear on her fast.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Veto grinned. "No problem!" He said as he walked to the other side of the store to look for supplies. He saw a few pairs of golf clubs, basketballs, and other items. No luck.. He thought. He went over to the front desk and hopped over it. He walked over to the 'employee's only' door in hopes of having better luck with food finding.

  4. Characters in this post:
    TrySton looked behind her. 'Finally someone who doesn't threaten me..." She released a somewhat happy sigh. Tryston smiled and causally walking towards the 'newcomer' she held out her hand.

    "Nice to meet you, I'm TrySton"

  5. Characters in this post:
    "Oooh..." the blue haired girl stood in awe for a moment, finding the keys to be oddly interesting. To Sure, finding any kind of key was like handing a toddler bubble wrap, or having a cat chase a laser pointer- easily distractible.

    Her lips curled up in a strange Cheshire cat like smile and just stared at the key ring composed of what looked like about a million keys. "Shiny..." Her eyes shimmered in a way that could be described as... well, shiny.

    After a moment of the stupid looking awe, Suer got distracted by something else: a blue broom handle. She picked it up to find the other end covered in spiderwebs and dust. She dropped it in a moment and freaked out, wiping her hands on anything she could touch, like the wall, her pants, Knerd's back...

    "Spiders in SPACE!" she screamed, frantically becoming a retarded ninja, waving her arms about and kicking in random directions. One could almost be sure that she was having a seizure, but that was only how it looked.

  6. Characters in this post:
    Jing blinked as TrySton walked away. She just walked away- casually. Possibly with a skip and a hop and a twirl.

    Either this girl had the balls the size of China or she was certifiably insane. Who the hell walks away- with their backs exposed, no less- from an aggressor with a brandished weapon? If this girl was, indeed, just a normal board member, she wouldn't have turned around so easily.

    No, she was definitely lying about something.

    Or that was the conclusion Jing had arrived at when TrySton approached another strange individual. Unlike TrySton or herself, this newcomer probably wasn't even the same species. 'We have non-humans on our board?'

    The bespectacled brunette took a cautious step backwards, her brain drumming up one thousand and two different explanations for why there was a funny-looking anthropoid standing before her. 'Wait, wait, this is an RP site. This is an RP world. This must be someone's character...'

    But that train of thought opened up another basket of scary. If members could be anyone- or anything, in this case- then there's even less certainty of identity. No, right now, she could only trust herself. She knew that she wasn't the madmen at the end of the tunnel. But these other people... They could be henchmen.

    They could also not exist.

    But before that cloud of thought could be explored, Jing shut it down. She wasn't here to think up philosophical problems. She was here to get the hell out.

    "Don't come any closer," Jing warned the white-haired, white-faced Moanna. Suddenly, her makeshift shiv felt less adequate, but, surrounded by gum drops and taffy, Jing couldn't find anything else for a weapon. "And hands where I can see them. I will hurt you guys. I'm not even kidding."

    She may have been a small, petite Asian girl, but she wasn't giving off any of the stereotypical cutesy attitude. No, she was a far cry from cute and a much closer kin of dangerous.

  7. Characters in this post:
    After a little bit of scavenging, Schiz's eyes fell upon a rack holding up about a dozen different helmets. "Hm.. Zombies do like brains..." Reaching out she pulled a plain black helmet off the rack. If this was an average day shopping venture she would have more than likely plucked the bright orange one off the rack instead, but this wasn't the place where she wanted to stick out like a sore thumb.

    Pulling it over her head, it was a little big - but comfortable. "Hey, Veto! Check it out!" Hopping over the counter to where he was standing, she smiled and knocked on the helmet sitting atop her head.

    Within moments she found herself distracted by the fact he was turning the handle to open the employee's only door. Lucky enough, the door swung open casually to reveal a storage closet / break room. There was a small table in the corner with one chair beside it. On the table was an old battery operated radio next to what looked like a cup of coffee. On the floor beside it all was a green backpack that was slightly open - a granola bar sticking out the side.

    "Food!" Another smile spread across her face, relief washing over her. But as her hand wrapped around the nutritional snack, the crackling sound of what seemed to be a news broadcaster came from the radio.

    "We advise... bzzz... any survivors.... bzzz... evacuation point...bzz... hospital roof by midnight tonight..."

    At that moment, her eyes met his once again. "Maybe this is the test? To see if we can get out of here in one piece by tonight?" Standing up, now slinging the backpack over her shoulder, she thought a moment. "You were here before me, any idea where the hospital is?"

  8. Characters in this post:
    Congratulations, your aimless wandering has led you near the edge of the forest.

    Those who wish to remain deep in the forest may stay here, while those prepared to continue forward should move on to the second scene!

  9. Characters in this post:
    The candy trees begin to thin as you head in this direction. This side of the forest is much easier to move through, with the sun shining down and sparkling off of the sugar plants. You’re feeling a pretty good sugar rush right now and the world feels much brighter because of it.

    In front of you, there appears to be a giant chocolate river! Perhaps that was what made those odd sounds you heard last night. The river isn’t babbling and flowing so much as just glooping around. But it’s easy to tell that, despite the thickness of the melted chocolate, the river’s current is moving quite quickly. Trying to swim in that mess would surely get you in trouble.

    As you’re viewing the river, there’s some movement on the opposite bank that catches your attention. Is that…are those…gummy bears?! Yes! All along the other side of the river stands dozens of happy little gummy bears. They’re waving to you and shouting “Hello!” in their tiny sugary voices. Aw, doesn’t that melt your heart? It looks like they want you to cross the river and come play.

    But it seems that luck is not on your side – There is no bridge nearby and the river is much too deep to wade across. It looks like you and your team of RPers will have to put your heads together and come up with a plan to cross the river.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Veto was relieved to see that they had better luck with food then equipment, though the helmet looked pretty useful for multiple things. He crossed his arms and stared out the room, back into the front of the store. "Not off the top of my head." He replied to her. "If we come across a working cellphone or something, we can check the GPS." He figured that their luck would continue to benefit them. That they'd have service. That's what he had hoped for.

    Veto took the small radio and handed it over to Schiz. "Let's take this too, just in case we have to go somewhere else instead, yeah?"

  11. Characters in this post:
    Gathering up what they had found, Veto and Schiz made their way down the abandoned streets once more. Everything continued to remain quiet - and lucky for them, the only encounter they had was with a small orange cat. Schiz attempted to make nice with the kitty, but for obvious reasons was far too skiddish and ran off down an alley.

    After what felt like at least an hour, the two happened upon an imposing building - the hospital. It was a shocking relief, but little did they know what was waiting for them behind those large wooden doors.

  12. Characters in this post:
    Upon moving closer to the hospital, the two decide to enter the
    building only to find that it unfortunately - isn't empty. The undead
    are haunting it's dark corners and are ready to spring into action at
    any given moment. It is apparent the zombies in here are slow moving and
    thoughtless, so if you're calculated or just down right brutal, you
    might have time to escape any encounters. If you wish to avoid contact with them, it's best to be as stealthy as possible.

    Everyone may take this opportunity to search the hospital for more
    weapons or medical supplies. You may also barricade yourselves into any
    room, or move up toward the hospital's roof. Just remember to watch out,
    and don't get bitten!

  13. Characters in this post:
    Schiz was the first to walk through the door, shakily holding onto the handgun she had acquired earlier. Who knows if holding that thing could even protect her, odds are she'd end up hurting herself or maybe even Veto by accident.

    The hospital hallways were dark, dingy and smelt of stale blood - all these factors only making her stomach turn even more. Stepping forward she saw a slow moving body leave one patient room and enter another, breathing in a sickening tone. "Hold up." She whispered to Veto, holding her hand out to stop him from moving past her. "There's one in there. What should we do? Avoid it, or try and... kill it?" The last two words moved from her lips shakily, the thought of killing someone sending chills down her spine. Even though... a zombie wasn't really a human anymore, just a monster.

  14. Characters in this post:
    Veto closely eyed the zombie as it pasted by into another room. "Let's avoid it. We have to keep unnecessary attention off of us, and try not to use the gun, the noise might attract them too." He whispered. Veto had never found himself in a zombie apocalypse before, but just judging by how much DayZ and Left 4 dead he's played, he knows what zombies like, and what they don't.

  15. Characters in this post:
    Nodding, Schiz agreed with the dark haired male. "Alright." She made sure to keep her voice down at all times from here on out. Slipping the gun into the side of her belt once again, she slowly peeked into the empty room the zombie had just staggered out of. "I want to try and find a bandage for your nose... we have some time to kill before midnight." The clock indicated that it was late, but not that late yet.

    It was then that she wondered if anyone else from WTF had made it into this world, did they know they were supposed to be here? Were they okay?

  16. Characters in this post:
    Veto couldn't help but smile at the fact that someone would go out of their way for something as small as a bandage, but it was needed. Open cuts in an apocalypse could mean bad things. Whatever virus that affected these corpses, would easily infect him if his wounds weren't taken care of.

    Veto peered into the room that the zombie was in, and quickly transitioned to the other side of the doorway, keeping an eye on the zombie to make sure it didn't notice their presence.

  17. Characters in this post:
    After a few minutes of opening various cabinets and drawers, Schiz found a bandage that looked about right for his wound. She'd never worked in a hospital before, but with two little siblings that constantly were bruising themselves she had learned a thing or two about first aid. "Alright, I'm no nurse, but this should do the trick." Along with the bandage she found a liquid to clean the wound with. Pulling him inside the room, she slowly closed the door enough for them to be hidden but not all the way - to prevent making the loud clicking sound.

    Dabbing his nose lightly with the liquid, she cleaned up any remaining stains of blood that were around his face, following that by placing the bandage on his nose. "Sorry, again. I'll make it up to you when we get out of here and join your roleplay." She made an emphasis on the word 'when', indicating that they would definitely leave this place.

  18. Characters in this post:
    Veto stayed still as Schiz tended to the broken nose. With her finish, he replied "No problem, i'm looking forward to it." He grinned wide once again, and an idea popped up in his head. If this is the RP world.. Does my character exist here? Maybe I can use some of his abilities...

    He shrugged, and got himself ready to move again. "After you." He says.

  19. Characters in this post:
    "Uhm..." An apparent look of hesitation was worn on her face before she took a step forward into the hallway once again. "Here we go..." This time she decided to pull the bat she had gotten when she had first arrived ready. Veto was right, a gunshot would certainly call more of those undead freaks their way, and if they did get in a skirmish, this would be a quiet way of dealing with it.

    Stepping slowly down the hallway, she moved cautiously, the lights flickering overhead. She could hear herself breathe, her heat beat - the tension was thick. As they moved down the hall and toward a staircase up to the next floor - the gurgling sound of a zombie crept out from the dark shadowy corner, catching Schiz off guard and freezing her in place. "Veto!"

  20. Characters in this post:
    Damn! Veto ran up from behind Schiz, his hand on his sword that was sheathed on his back. He took it out and swung for it's neck in one motion.

  21. Characters in this post:

    In one quick, smooth motion, Veto's blade went clear through the monsters neck, sending it's head spiraling through the air and onto the floor. It's body went limp and collapsed on the floor in a pool of rank smelling blood.

    At that moment, Schiz was still in shock - but the loud accumulating screeches and gargles filling up the hallway knocked her out of her senseless daze. "We gotta go! Come on!" Grabbing his arm she pulled him up the stairs, the first floor near the stairwell beginning to fill with slow moving zombies.

  22. Characters in this post:
    "That didn't last long!" He shouted as he tried his best to keep up with Schiz on the stairs. He looked behind him and saw how fast the zombies filled the bottom stairwell. Video games did NOT tell me about this. He thought as they both raced up the stairs.

  23. Characters in this post:
    "Well," She stared, speaking within deep breaths. "Video games... also..." She stopped briefly, before they went up the second level of stairs. "Give you like.. infinite lives, and re spawn points..." With a groan she pulled a bench around to block the stairs. It wouldn't keep them at bay for long, but it would give them an extra vital minute in the long run. Unfortunately for Schiz, running wasn't her strong suite. "And we only have one life!"

  24. Characters in this post:
    Fortunatly for him, Veto had spent alot of his life running to his destination, for him, walking was too slow. So the brief sprint did little to wavier him. He looked at Schiz and raised an eyebrow. "And what do you know about video games?"

  25. Characters in this post:
    It was amazing how this guy could manage to make her laugh in such a stressful situation. "What is that supposed... to mean?" She said, acting offended. "I know my way around a toggle stick." Another laugh escaped her, "Although don't get me wrong... I absolutely hate Call of Duty."

    By now, they were coming up the stairs to the fifth floor and all this running was really starting to get to the girl. Her pale cheeks were now flushed rosy red and she could barely get a solid breath in. She made the quick decision to enter the floor, darting into the nearest empty room and slamming the door once again. "I need... a rest." She sat on the hospital bed and looked over at Veto. "Make sure... that radio is... on in case.... they say anything again..." Closing her eyes she laughed, "As you can imagine, I didn't play any sports in school." She let out a laugh before pushing her bangs out of her face. "And I'm a little on the unhealthy side."

  26. Characters in this post:
    Veto crossed his arms and tilted his head. "I see. I'm not a sports person either." He said. He took a walk around the room they ran into. "You can take a nice rest. I'll stay on lookout, I guess." He opened a few cabinets and drawers, but found nothing of interest. This is actually pretty fun. He thought to himself. He smirked and continued to look around the room.

  27. Characters in this post:
    "Thanks, Veto." She took the time to close her eyes, relishing in her moments of rest. But unfortunately, a quick little nap wasn't an option right now. Rolling over onto her side, she watched Veto poke around the room for things that might be of use.

    It was then she saw something twinkle in the corner of the room, drawing her eye to it. Curiosity getting the best of her, she sat up and realized the glimmering blue glow was encased inside a syringe. Something was drawing her to it, and she felt the need to pick it up and examine it. "What do ya think this is?" She questioned, knowing very well, odds are he wouldn't have a clue either. "Something tells me we should keep this with us..."

  28. Characters in this post:
    "Maybe it's a vaccine?" Veto figured that whatever patient that was stationed here was sick, and was nearly ready to receive the vaccine before.. this happened. "It looks weird, though."

  29. Characters in this post:
    The first sensation she could feel was the angry butterfly in her stomach, fluttering and jumping like a rabbit in a cage. Moaning, Hiu pulled her torso into a painful sitting position. Space...? Oh, I've always wanted to go there!
    She jumped to her feet to quickly. Dizziness took hold of her limbs, and she fell right back on her butt. Owww...
    Biting her lip, Hiu regained control of her wild limbs, and more slowly, pressed her hands to the ground to assist her legs in supporting her. Freakin dandy, I'm in a place with no up or down. Is this how they expect me to save my...
    Hiu's short attention span was caught by a girl waving her arms around in the air like an idiot. What is she doing? A rain-dance?

  30. Characters in this post:
    "Spaaaaaaace spiiiideeers..." Sure shivered after tripping over a can of cleaning supplies that had rolled near her feet. She pushed herself across the room with her feet, her rear end sliding on the floor, acting as a broom or a mop, picking up the dust. Her head was tucked between her knees and her chest in a matter of moments and she then hid from everything.

    "-pace spiders...." she mumbled. "I hate them..."

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