The candy trees begin to thin as you head in this direction. This side of the forest is much easier to move through, with the sun shining down and sparkling off of the sugar plants. You’re feeling a pretty good sugar rush right now and the world feels much brighter because of it.

In front of you, there appears to be a giant chocolate river! Perhaps that was what made those odd sounds you heard last night. The river isn’t babbling and flowing so much as just glooping around. But it’s easy to tell that, despite the thickness of the melted chocolate, the river’s current is moving quite quickly. Trying to swim in that mess would surely get you in trouble.

As you’re viewing the river, there’s some movement on the opposite bank that catches your attention. Is that…are those…gummy bears?! Yes! All along the other side of the river stands dozens of happy little gummy bears. They’re waving to you and shouting “Hello!” in their tiny sugary voices. Aw, doesn’t that melt your heart? It looks like they want you to cross the river and come play.

But it seems that luck is not on your side – There is no bridge nearby and the river is much too deep to wade across. It looks like you and your team of RPers will have to put your heads together and come up with a plan to cross the river.