Alright! For the first post, all of the students get the same. I do not wanna rant on and on but a few things I gotta say.

First off, thanks for giving this a try. All I want is a chance to help people out. It would be nice to join more games with people whom are confident to post and write detailed, insightful posts.

Maybe through doing this I can pick up some new skills myself.

What will happen is you will be put into a scenario and just have to ride it out. We may change the scenario at any point. What we want is you to just go along with it. We will comment on your posts and let you know what you can improve on.

If you want help with something like character making, send a note in the OOC or PM one of the helpers. You will start with me, but as time goes on you will likely have others helping you. If you have any problems with anyone that helps you for whatever reason, contact me. I do not want a war on my hands so I would rather just switch out whom ever is teaching. That way there is no fighting.

Once again, thanks for getting involved.

A little later I will be uploading a note of game etiquette (Things that are greatly appreciated in games.) Please look in the notes folders often as they can be a great help.

So now I am gonna start this off. I am gonna use the same post for all characters to start with. THIS WILL CHANGE. Also. Your character will often be put in situations you do not expect him/her to be in. That is life. A good roleplayer will be able to cope and turn that into gold. And that is what I want to achieve.

To start is the narrative. This is gonna set the scene. Some points here will let you define parts of your character and let you fill in what you want. Such as this character Keith. What relation is he to you?

Winter had came early to the small town of Earlton. It was a harsh winter too. Not a single spec of land was spared in the town from being coated in the snow. Roads were being cleared by the towns folk with shovels. The hard work everyone had to put in made the town a humble one. Yes, you are in a rather back water little town. You lived a normal life, often helping on the farms to feed yourself and family. Winter always made working near impossible. That is why at that moment you and Kerth decide that a trip to the forest will put food on the table.

Who is Kerth you ask? You should know! Whether he is sibling, a close friend, a love interest, that is neither here nor there. He could even be a rival of yours. Whatever the case, the two of you went off to hunt. This way you can eat easy tonight. Kerth is a rather agile male. His skin has always been rather tanned with the sun, most likely because the male is never indoors. A true hard worker, but the red head was also a prankster. Yes, Kerth was not above causing trouble. He was wrapped up warm, in heavy leather coats for the trip. A rather large bag on his back holding many useful items.

The forest was land that had been closed off, due to the creatures that dwell inside. Some could be rather dangerous but the hunger that stuck in your gut made you need to travel here. You had never been here before but it was wonderful. So many trees coated in snow, the soft suns rays making the snow sparkle.

This is a player post. This will be a lot more personal to the character of the player. In this case it will be Kerth.

Kerth gave a low whistle as he ran his gloved hand through his short hair, spiked up like he was a kid. You think by the time he reached age eighteen he would have grown up a little but not Kerth. “What a view! Damn, look at all these trees!” He wore a genuine smile on his tanned face, as he had never seen so much greenery. Earlton forbids traveling outside the city limits and there was only a few trees near the town. To Kerth all the trees were a sign that breaking the rules could lead to wonderful things.

His gaze fell to Violet when he gave a small smirk. “You sure you are up for this? I don't wanna have to carry you home, crying.” He moved closer placing a hand on Violet's shoulder. He had his teasing tone on as he said this. With a large grin he knocked some snow off his shoulders as he turned back to the forest. Today would be the day that Kerth would finally be free to do as he please. No watching. No judging.

“So Violet, how you gonna hunt? I mean, did you even bring anything? I am gonna try and bag me a deer. But we should be careful... Apparently boars the size of humans sometimes trample through here.” He had heard from his father that some of the creatures here were monsters. Evil beings from another realm sent to bring nothing but pain. Last thing Kerth wanted was anyone to fall prey to that.