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The Quest (Story)

In a world that is ruled by an evil demon one group will fight to end his reign.......

Tags: approval, boss battles, linear, tactical

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: shockingzelda

Created: 01-23-2012, 07:43 PM


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Game Log in The Black Nothing

The place where light can not enter and there is no escaping.

Posts 1 to 18 of 18

  1. Characters in this post:
    "AHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAH HHEHEHEHEHE EHEHEHE AH HA HA HA! Now Now, no need to point weapons!" he said, He pointed his hand at the girl and made her point it towards Tink, "Why would you try to kill your friend? You are such a bad friend! AHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAH AAAAHHAHAHAHAHAH EHEHEHEH OHOHOHO AH HA HA HA!"
    (Whenever I post as somebody else, the puppeteer is controlling you)

    She pointed the crossbow at Tink's stomach and she said, "NO! NO NO NO NO NO! Please do not make me do it! Please, I am begging you!"

    "Fine, then chose Kotori or Hegoror!" he said, he brought them out to show her. "CHOSE!"

  2. Characters in this post:
    Tink tried to get his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He shifted the settings on his goggles and frowned. "Spot 1, Spot 2- Illuminate." The automoton's eyes became bright with phosphorescent light. He looked up just in time to see Kiylo pointing her weapon at him, he knew the weapon was non-lethal, but apparently the villain did not. In fact, with his body armor, the dart wouldn't even penetrate to the skin.

    Best not to let on though. Hopefully Kiylo realized this as well and was just playing along. He mocked shock at the fact that Kiylo pointed a weapon at him.

    He tried to think about the source of this villainy. Who and where the dastardly being could be. He switched the setting on his goggles to infrared, looking for heat source, failing that, he switched to ultraviolet looking for spirits.

  3. Characters in this post:
    (this is now the puppeteers color)
    "Oh, well if you are too much of a coward to chose between your friends," the voice said, "Then, what about the FOURTH OPTION!" He said. He moved his hand and made her point the crossbow at her head. "Do you like this decision? If not you need to choose or by the count of ten your brains will be spilled all over the floor! AHHAHAHAH AHAHEHEHHEH HEHEHEH E OHOHOHOH OHOOHO OHOHOHOHHO AH HA HA HAAAAAAA!"

    She was forced to point the crossbow at her head. She was closing her eyes, fearing that this may be her last few moments of life.

    Kotori woke up and saw darkness and Kiylo pointing a crossbow at her head. Tink looked like he was going to die but, then again he did just fall five stories. He couldn't move his arms or legs. He saw two robot dogs, obviously tinks work. He used his own method of deduction to figure out how to solve this predicament. How are those dogs controlled? Tink doesn't have a remote, Kiylo wouldn't know how to use the remote even if their was one... So, they must be voice activated... Now how can I get the dogs to save us? Think..... THINK..... AHA! She may be under the puppeteers control, but the dogs can't. She can't control her muscles like I can't so she couldn't..... AHA! "KNOCK THE CROSSBOW OUT OF HER HAND! TINK MAKE THE DOGS KNOCK IT OUT OF HER HAND!" he yelled.

  4. Characters in this post:
    The dogs do not respond to Kotori's voice. They weren't programmed to it. Tink sighed at the voice across the field. It would be stupid to make them universally voice activated and let anyone control them. Only an idiot would do that.

    Tink wasn't overly worried about Kiylo blowing her brains out, with the weapon she had, she couldn't. It wasn't made that way. There wouldn't be enough force to punch through the bone in her skull. Still, Kotori was obviously freaking out. "Spot 1, fetch dart bow only." The metallic canine pounced in that direction. With an ungraceful leap, it bounded to the crossbow, snatching it from Kiylo's hand. "Spot 2, find the voice that said 'FOURTH OPTION' and track."

    Spot 1 trotted over to Tink and dropped the weapon at his feet. He reached down to grab it.

    His hand trembled around his own weapon. It was loaded with an Illumination round so that whatever it hit would light up like the full moon, making it easy to track and follow. He was fairly certain that wrist was broken. But, he could power through that if he had to. It wasn't badly broken if it was. Certainly it hurt to move his fingers, but he could do it. The other arm was just sore and bruised and his off hand which made things harder to do.

    He started his walk after Spot 2, a weapon in each hand and a long blade on his hip. "Spot 1, heel." he said, the other metal golem walking by his side.

  5. Characters in this post:
    Kiylo dropped the act she was putting on and the shaking in her hands was even worse then it was before. Her eyes were wide with fear and she could feel little droplets of water beading on her forehead, scared of what was going to happen next.

    She was so frightened that she was speechless. She could say nothing. When she tried to open her mouth to speak, only a squeak came out before she clamped her jaw shut. She hadn't expected this. She hadn't expected to die to soon.

    Suddenly, one of the robotic dogs came flying at her. She wanted to duck and move, but she was frozen in place. The dog barely missed her, but it took the weapon, allowing her to no longer be in danger.

    A wave of fresh relief washed over her as she collapsed down to her knees, her eyes still wide. It was rather shocking to know that she was almost killed by her own hand- and unwillingly at that.

  6. Characters in this post:
    "AHAHAHAH AHAHA AH HA HA HAAAA! SO, you finally found a way to rescue the girl, well done. Now lets see if you can fight all three of your friends at once!" he said. He started moving his hands every which way as if he was actually controlling marionettes.

    The girl got up and started running toward Tink.

    The crab monster, curled into a ball and started rolling towards Tink.

    Kotori started running, but he was trying to fight it. He had a lot of strength unlike Kiylo. He kept trying to fight it, he started only jogging, then slowing to a walk, and finally to a stop. He was using a lot of his energy in trying to break free. He was trying hard, Come on fight it... HRRRR.... Don't use it........ Do not use it! HRRRRRRRRRR....... He couldn't fight the urge to use it, "Satore el rath soh MASS!" he said. The ancient spell of freedom, used by the ancient gods of the world to free others and themselves. A bright light radiated around Kotori, and the chains that binded him broke. He ran over to Tink to help save him, he turned towards Hegoror and said, "Toroth sampot de shol MOOF," the spell of immobility it stops anything. Hegoror was stopped in his tracks.

    Hegoror suddenly couldn't move and was glad that he wouldn't be able to hurt Tink.

    It was too late to use a spell on Kiylo, he just fought her hand to hand. She went to kick Kotori in the head, but he blocked it with his hand. She tried to punch him in the stomache but, He blocked it with his leg. She grabbed his leg and threw him, he landed perfectly on his feet, and said "Satore el rath soh MASS!" he set her and Hegoror free. "Sol tol amra dell LUMINO" the spell of light that can bring light almost anywhere and show anything. Due to the Black nothing having no light he couldn't do that but, he was able to reveal the Puppeteer.

  7. Characters in this post:
    "I don't need to fight my friends, I just need to fight you. Spot 2! Subdue! Spot 1, bite his hands off." Tink said, done with this nonsense. He pointed toward the puppeteer, lifting the orb launcher in his hand. He let the Illumination round fly. He cast a side long glance to Kotori, who was busy with Kiylo and his spells.

    "Let's see you puppet without your hands, hmm?" He lifted his other hand, half tempted to shoot the sedative dart into Hegoror as he walked past the crab man, disgusted by the thought of him at the moment. He was half disgusted with Kotori too. He could have used his spells at any time and waited until now. He could have freed Hegoror without the muss and fuss at the tower. He could have not gotten into this situation in the first place. He didn't need Tink's help at all, yet got him into this situation: endangered him, nearly killed him, gotten his family threatened and worst of all, dragged an innocent girl into the whole thing.

  8. Characters in this post:
    "SAL TALL NOS TOLONO ME NOLORO!" The spell of slowness, used to slow down even the fastest of objects or things, he slowed down the whole Black nothing. He hit the arrow away from the puppeteer. Took the crossbows from Tink, and threw them very far. As time started to go back to normal, Kotori said, "SHAT ALAL MERP STALLAL KAAAAY OPAAAAHEL," The spell of reversal, used properly turns anything opposite. He aimed it at the Puppeteer which turned him from good to evil.

    "ERRRAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" HE yelled as he felt a sudden mind frame change, he suddenly felt like being evil wasn't right.
    "Huh? Wha- wha- WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME! You made me not want to be evil, but how? I thank you. AS I said before the people who could beat me which were you four may be granted one wish a piece. What are your wishes?" he asked them, "Be warned, I cannot do anything huge. I know one of you will try to ask if the world can be freed. I cannot do that, it must be a wish in which my powers can actually accomplish. So, knowing that what do you guys want?"

  9. Characters in this post:
    Kiylo just fell to the ground, her body weak from all that had happened. Fighting was not her strong suit and it had taken a lot out of her. She didn't like having to hurt anyone, or be hurt for that matter either.

    She glared up at the puppetmaster, her eyes filled with a hatred that she absolutely meant. She didn't like anyone who intended harm on those she cared for.

    Slowly, she forced herself to stand up, her legs wobbling dreadfully as she put any weight on them at all. Kiylo was not a strong girl at all, and it didn't take a lot to make her fall. It was all too easy for her to be beaten in a fight, so she avoided them as much as possible.

    She looked at Tink, the anger fading from her eyes. "Are you okay?" she asked, ignoring the ghostly man. She didn't want a wish from that monster. It was just like what had happened with Hegoror- a monster that was turned good. She managed to get to the young man.

  10. Characters in this post:
    "I want the town to be protected from any more guards, this way the town can be at peace and not be harmed,"

    (See what I did there? That was the whole point with this battle.)

    The ghost was prepared to talk to him and said,"As you wish, I will remain here and protect the town from any guards that come to attack. That language you were speaking, I recognize it. It was the language of the gods was it not? But, that is impossible. Only heroes can speak it, so that means... you must be the one who will bring up an army to end the reign of Deviliculitus. I must warn you, that though you have friends the journey will be rough, you four will face tasks that are nearly impossible, you will have to find more people who are brave enough to fight against the evil ruler of this land. Let it be known that you four cannot win without the ancient stones of the ancestors; the Moonstone of Agnarokon, The Jasper Heart of Slorth, The Natural Glass Sword of Tornio, The Obsidian Shield of Tarnt, and the Diamond Eye of Solorin. With these stones, you can create a portal to the gods and be given the training needed to beat Deviliculitus. I hope you will win, when the final battle comes, I will be there but for now. I must stay here and protect the town,"

  11. Characters in this post:
    Tink looked at Kiylo, his angry slowly backing down from a boil. He sighed, his ire barely concealed at Kotori and the puppeteer. "I will be fine." He smiled at the one person he knew he could actually count on and trust. The one person who hadn't done anything to inspire irritation in him today. His angel. "Are you alright? It must have been awful. You know the dart bow wouldn't have killed you, right? It didn't have enough force to get past your skull. At worst you would have had a pin prick hole and passed out from the sedative."

    He reaches out to Kiylo, wanting to both comfort her and receive a bit of her comfort. "I am sorry if you were scared. Will you be alright?" He paused for a moment, not really wanting to ask the puppeteer for anything, but having a sudden brainstorm.

    He looked over to the man as he spoke to Kotori. He waited as the apparent ex-villain to finish talking, making mental notes of what was required. (He didn't trust the ex-villainy as far as he could spit a barge to last for long considering all the mind controlling that had already been demonstrated to him over the course of the day) "I wish for Kiylo to be immune from harm." He doubted the man could grant it, but well, when wishing, wish for the stars.

  12. Characters in this post:
    "That is a dangerous thing you are asking for," the ghost said, "You are asking for invincibility. I can do it, but if she does not die, she will have troubles of having to live with the fact that she cannot go to heaven. I will not allow it, unless she asks. I think though, I have a gift for you because, you are the only one whose brain I could not get through, your knowledge acted like a firewall and didn't allow for me to get through," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny device, shaped like a sphere and had one huge light blue button on it, "This is a gizmo I picked up in my travels as a human. The person who gave it to me said that its was, 'Context sensitive,' I do not know what he meant by that but, I guess if you need any help just try pressing the button and something will probably help you. Anyways, if anyone can find out what it does it would be you," He tossed it to Tink and when he caught it the button started glowing. "Hmmmm, try pressing the button. Trust me I could not tinker with it, I am not even remotely smart enough to try to even attempt to mess with it,"

  13. Characters in this post:
    Kiylo took Tink's hand, pressing her forehead into his shoulder. She didn't want to answer, seeing as how he was right. She sighed before shaking her head.

    "No... I didn't know that...I'm sorry I worried you, I am fine now." she mumbled quietly, her eyes closed tightly. She listened to the ghost ramble on about things they needed to get before they could overthrow their tyrant of a ruler. With a slight frown to her lips, she waited for him to stop babbling, but something caught her her off guard.

    Tink's wish would be the end of her magic. The cost of healing someone was the dull pain that her patient was feeling. Her eyes grew wide as she threw her head up. She shook her head from side to side, her long ponytail hitting the back of her shoulders as she did so.

    "I-I can't let you do that." she said, her voice cracking some. She wanted to explain why, but it would only make things harder for the group. He wished for no pain for her, but pain is what she takes on to heal someone and if that was taken from her- she would be worthless.

    "I'm sorry." she bowed her head and bit down on her lip. She didn't care about heaven or hell, because she knew exactly where she was going after today and that was something she didn't need to worry about now. All she needed to care for was others, and in order to do just that, she needed her power.

  14. Characters in this post:
    "I didn't ask for immortality, I asked to be immune from harm. Completely different things. Who wants immortality? What an awful thing to wish for. I thought I was pretty specific, but obviously not. What I wished for does not preclude getting sick, aging, pain associated with harm, emotional trauma, drowning I would guess or suffocation of any sort...just the harm or injury if you will. Completely different things. Shall I be more specific so you can comprehend the differences? I wish for Kiylo to be immune to physical trauma and injury to her direct personage produced by things caused by physical force- kinetic, potential, frictional or otherwise. This does not preclude feeling pain obviously, that would be foolish- pain is a sign you are doing something wrong and everyone needs that safeguard." Tink sighed, obviously the man was a moron or trying to go above and beyond. He didn't trust it.

    Then the man tossed him the bauble. He looked at the light and shrugged. "I'll push the button later." He didn't trust Hegoror or the puppeteer...or Kotori at this point, so he would press it while he was alone.

    He looked at Kiylo as she spoke and shrugged. "Your choice of course. I shall just invent something that does the same for you before you all leave on your journey to find the items."

  15. Characters in this post:
    "Ahhhhh I see now, I can see why. Here is a gift for you Kiylo," he said as he went over to the girl and placed his pointer finger on her forehead. He showed her images of one of his friends who had the same gift as her. He showed her how he would redirect the pain to others so he wouldn't have to have pain. Eh took his finger off her forehead and said, "Your secret is safe with me and that is so you can survive,"

  16. Characters in this post:

  17. Characters in this post:
    Kiylo didn't want to be touched by the puppeteer, but she couldn't fight it. His hand covered her forehead and suddenly, the scene of a young woman... My mother... The woman had short brown hair and dark dark brown eyes. Kiylo had recognized her from a picture her aunt showed her once before.

    When the hand was pulled away, her eyes went wide and her expression was one of fright. She glared at the ghost and shook her head, her hands going to her ears.

    "No. There's no way I can do that. No way..." she cried. "There's no way I can hurt anyone else." She stopped throwing her head side to side and forced her gaze down onto the floor.

    "I can do it myself... bearing it all is my burden." she closed her eyes and turned away from the ghost.


  18. Characters in this post:
    "That was not my only gift to you. Your mother is telling me to give this to you," He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace, it was one of those that had a picture in it, the one in this one was one of her mother and her playing with toys. He gave it to her and said, "Your mother is telling me this was one of her favorite pictures of you. She says if you ever feel discouraged or down, remember that she will always be right there with you," he turned and looked at the other two he had not given something to. "Ahh yes, I have a gift for you as well Hegoror," He pulled out of his pocket a set of armor that was made for his kind of people, "It was your fathers, it is made to make your shell and stomache more protected. And to you Kotori I give you this," He pulled out of his pocket a pair of twin blades, perfectly balanced and sharpened. On the blade it had an inscription that said, trust in the blade and the blade shall trust in you. "I have given to you four all that I can without breaking the ghosts code. I cannot bring you guys back or the ghost council will not allow me to roam free and help the living,"

    (Press the button on the sphere.)

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