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Kiylo "Key" Dannin

Roleplay: "The Quest (Story)"

Player: shockingzelda

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A helpless little girl? Perhaps...

Kiylo is 5 foot 5 and a half inches tall and weighs 103 pounds. She has a smallish build and is not very muscular at all. Her face is round and she looks a lot younger then she really is. Her long brown hair frames her face in a way that makes her look even more childish. Her eyes on the other hand, even though they are most of the time filled with cheer and delight, they have a twinge of sadness to them, as if she had seen a lot in her past. They are a deep chocolate brown and around the pupils, there is a circle of a brown that looks almost black. 

Kiylo has a distinct style of her own. Usually found wearing a red overcoat and a white shirt with jeans or a skirt, depending on the weather. She wears the coat because she feels extremely conscious about her body and how she looks a lot like a child, and is convinced that the jacket makes her look a bit older. The white on the other hand is a tradition that her parents started when she was younger, making her wear white with a splash of a certain color. They were strict up until the day they died and she still likes wearing white anyway.

She is cheerful, fun, liked, playful, and is great at making friends.

Kiylo is usually the most cheerful person around. She loves making people smile and helping out, but when she does try to help it either turns out really good or extremely bad. Most of the time it is good though. She is considered very, very playful, but only when she is not doing something important. Not surprisingly, she is also very good at making friends and talking to them without shying away. 

Despite all of this, Kiylo is easily pushed around. She is almost always overworking herself and has a bit of a stress problem. 

Equipment / Abilities
Kiylo can heal people. Not only physically, but mentally as well. She is willing to listen to every problem and can usually come up with pretty good advice that works. She has a good knowledge of plants and herbs and medicines and is almost always found helping out at the nurse's office at school. 
She can also cook. She loves baking treats and sweet things, but her most favorite thing to make is jellies. She loves her strawberry jelly the most and so do many of the other people in the little town. She also cleans, but it is not her favorite chore to do. She doesn't mind it much, and will do it anyway really really well.

 Kiylo was alone from the start. Her parents were killed in an accident when she was 3 and had no one to look after her except for her young aunt Listie. Listie was a very independent person, and was very impatient. The young 3 year old caught on to how fast she needed to learn everything her aunt was teaching her. 
Her aunt was a brilliant cook and the woman taught Kiylo everything she knew about making sweets and desserts and let the girl learn how to make normal foods by herself by just handing her a recipe. For the longest time, her aunt called her Key because she wore the key the backdoor that led into the kitchen first thing after school every day. 
One day she came home after a long day at school and found her aunt cooking in the kitchen, which she rarely did now. When she went in, she quickly realized that it was not her aunt, but a woman she did not recognize at all. The woman had killed Kiylo's aunt and parents just to get to her. The woman had claimed to be Kiylo's mother, but the girl didn't believe her. The woman kept hitting Kiylo until she called her mother from there on out. 
They moved out of the little house she used to live in and let the authorities take on the case and how she disappeared. They moved to a place where it was quiet, and for the longest time, she was home-schooled. The school was not the best place to be and the woman was sure she could teach Kiylo so much better then the teachers. But the woman didn't know how to teach, so Kiylo was left to teach herself. 
She took jellies that she made to the people of the town she lived in when the woman was asleep, leaving them on doorsteps and other places and occasionally giving them out in person. 
When she was 13, she was finally allowed to attend school, and she was able to make friends quickly. She got along with just about anyone and didn't hate those who made fun of her when she carried around her pastries and gave them out. 
That's how she got into the situation that supposedly started the revolution. A jar of jelly. 
