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    Wifey says nevermind! You posted just as I typed this xD
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    Wifey says post faster xD
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    Lies. I would never spam yo wall <3
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    omg your avatar. I remember making that XD
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    >.> stalker
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    Fancy finding you here!
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    Happy birthday, wifey~! <3
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    Thanks! ^^
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    Thanks. Glad you like it.
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About ISOS Duke

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Date of Birth
March 24
About ISOS Duke
For those of you that would for whatever reason be interested in watching my streams, they can currently be found here: https://livestream.com/vastani
Michigan, USA
video games, reading, writing, art
EyeCare Advisor


Eghads, Duke has a deviantART?!


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08-24-2017 07:05 PM
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07-22-2021 05:12 PM
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4 Friends

  1. BurningSkylines BurningSkylines is offline

    Legendary Adventurer

  2. Keirstati Keirstati is offline


  3. silenttiger43 silenttiger43 is offline

    Neither Sinner nor Saint

  4. Xavirne Xavirne is offline

    Imperial Ruler

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Showing Friends 1 to 4 of 4

    Heaven and Hell are the least of your problems...
    Welcome to Colville Private Academy, where only the most elite or most talented from around the world are allowed to walk the halls. If you've received this invitation to join The Colville Academy Host Club, then congratulations, you're desirable asset to even those who have it all.
    Xavi x Duke story
    ISOS_Xavi - Adult
    If you're not Duke (or Xavi), you should probably run far away from this place because we're pretty crazy. What you'll see in here only makes sense to us... kinda? Hell, it doesn't even make sense to us. So yeah.... XD
    Step into the world of Nonu Maihel Online or NMO. It's your escape away from reality. That is until the lines are blurred and virtual reality becomes your only reality. To survive, you must complete the game without depleting your life
    When power falls into the wrong hands, the guardians of the land come together to select the knights best suited to summon the most feared creatures of all - dragons.
    With the bite of Fall 2013 crisping the air comes a tale like no other as the Hallowed Folk extend a plea for help. It if up to you to save these normally peaceful, yet deadly people! What will you do? Will you fight the plight or sit back and watch a group of people fall into a forever darkness, never to return again?
    Witch Hunters - Adult
    Blood? Check. Violence? Check. Good old fashioned ass-kicking? Check. You game?

    Alexxis DuBoi   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    I would do anything to find my sister again.
    Allyssandra [STAFF]   (played in Nonu Maihel Online)
    Just because it's broken, doesn't mean it's lost forever.
    Amaki Fera Dwin'itryn   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    "History repeats itself because no one listens the first time."
    Anastasia Wade   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    Meek and timid though travelling alone, there must be something more to her.
    Constance E. Baxter   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    You'll just love me, I know it!
    Dayna Accalia Chekhov   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    I'm the big bad wolf you should be afraid of.
    Dokuganryu / Eleanor DuBoi - New RP   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    "In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself." - Laurence Sterne
    Eleanor Marie Duboi   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    Test subject + Super soldier -RESERVED FOR AN RP UNDER DEVELOPMENT-
    Hime   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    Being perfect just comes naturally~
    Kaida Regina Du Fior   (played in ISOS_Xavi)
    That look of disinterest on such a delicate face; she could lead you through desire to the ends of the world but would rather purge you in flames.
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