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28 Visitor Messages

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    You get a 2019 post!
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    Hey I was wandering if you would be interested in a 1x1 roleplay?
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    So I made a new steampunk fantasy rp called Sky Striders and I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining. It's not Homestuck, but it ought to tide you over until you meet a fellow fan.
  4. View Conversation
    Le gasp!? How can one be bored? I mean all it does it rain. -_- Or at least that's why I'm bored. XD Seriously, it just keeps raining. This is the 8th rainiest summer on record for us. >.< I really hope it stops...
  5. View Conversation
    *glomp* How are you, dear! I haven't chatted with you in forever <3
  6. View Conversation
    Interest Gathering ABDUCTION A SUPER HERO ROLEPLAY signal boost.
  7. Hi, I saw you posted in my OOC Thread like, forever ago in Finding the Truth, and I feel so bad I forgot to get back to you, and was wondering if you're still interested.
  8. View Conversation
    hey, if you're still interested in Storage, please do join so I'm not the only one there
    Thanks ^_^
  9. View Conversation
    D'aww it's fine~ c':

    So how are you?
  10. View Conversation
    Hey there! :3 Long time no talk, haha. c':
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About MarineViolet

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Date of Birth
October 5
About MarineViolet
Hi. I like making friends, RPing, talking, animals, and other things. I'm a very humorous person, don't enjoy fighting. Well, not OOC anyway. I'm down for all sorts of things.

Fandom-wise, I'm a homestuck. That's the biggest. Anything else, ask me, I'd be willing to look it up or I might be a part of that fandom, but the entire list is too long to put here.

Big fan of all types of genres, RP-wise. Really, there's nothing I don't like or won't try, 'cept romance-based genres. Never been a big fan of romance, at least not genres where romance is the focus. Secondary plots, sure. Anything else, I'm game.

I like to get to know the people I RP with, so don't be afraid to shoot me a visitor message asking about inspirations or anything like that. Again, I'm game.
Land of Rocks and Dust (the midwest United States)
RPing, mostly.


*is a filthy homestuck*
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08-09-2019 06:27 PM
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01-23-2025 02:06 AM
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3 Friends

  1. Syrasya Syrasya is offline


  2. Venin666 Venin666 is offline

    Dusty Adventurer

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  3. Xavirne Xavirne is offline

    Imperial Ruler

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    Human kind lives on the dawn of “going back to normal” after decades of fighting against the infected or "zombies" as people call them. After a long time it’s generally allowed to plan your future and enjoy life despite of the infected scratching on the city walls. If only people could get enough of the medication on their havens to start work to save the infected and people at other safe cities.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning. Neverland, a place where you never have to grow up. Come! Fight pirates, look for treasures, swim with mermaids and play with indians! Anything you want to do because the only crime is not having fun!
    A roleplay made to help those that feel they could stand to be better.

    Alyssa Violen   (parked in character pool)
    "Fondest, dearest to me..."
    Anabella Mata Casas   (played in Neverland)
    Respect the Pirate Captain, and maybe she'll let you live.
    Anabella Mata Casas   (played in Ready for improvement?)
    Respect the Pirate Captain, and maybe she'll let you live.
    Elan Howahkah   (played in Neverland)
    "Of course! Of course! Whatever makes you happy!"
    Kai Shroff   (played in Generation 2)
    They did always say she was a strange one, the one you have to be careful of.
    Pirate Crew Members   (played in Neverland)
    Them crew members.