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The Experiments

Heroes to the world, experiments to one, family to each other.........

Tags: experiments, heroes, sci-fi, thriller

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: ArtNightshade

Created: 04-09-2013, 06:33 PM


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Nine experiments, nine pills, one secretly insane doctor...


9. Brown Pill: Gives you the ability to go back or forward in time.

4. Yellow Pill: Gives you the ability to read and search the minds of anyone you can see, even if it's a picture. You can also turn their minds off to put them into a coma.

8. Red Pill: Gives you super speed, super strength, and rapid regeneration (not invincible)

1. Green Pill: Gives you the ability to shape-shift into any animal.

5. Blue Pill: Gives you the ability to fly, swim/hold breathe for an extremely amount of time, and teleport to any area while being impervious to any physical danger

7. Orange Pill: Gives you the ability to instantly master any sport, job, activity, martial art, etc. than a human can do

3. Pink Pill: Gives you the ability to make any person to love you with a single touch. Can you turn off the effect by retouching the person.

2. Black Pill: Gives you the ability to see up to one month into the future

6. Grey Pill: Gives you the ability to control any machine or electronic using only your mind. You also have the ability to generate powerful electrical discharge by touch


No god-modding unless your ill and want to continue on

No killing off other characters unless he/she is an antagonist and/or a betrayal 

One pill ONLY you cannot have more than one if you choose say green pill and black, then make a different character for that pill

Have a blast

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