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Eternal Sands - Closed

These are but a few stories in the desert world of Amara, and in time, when their final pages have turned, they will be buried in the sand and it would be as though they never happened at all.......

Tags: adventure, amara, bandits, desert, empire, eternal, fantasy, fiction, magic, nomads, punk, rebels, sands, science, shadow

Character Approval: No

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: enkerzed

Created: 10-09-2012, 04:29 PM


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Game Log in Fall of Antega

Antega, a city close to the Shadow Lands, is infected by a plague that turns people into mindless husks, hungry for flesh. A single Ranger has arrived to help, but will any survivors be found?

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    Hundreds of leagues away from the Shadow Lands, the modest yet densely populated city of Antega flourished as it enjoyed the completion of its first Oasis machine. With the addition of this new water producer, the people of Antega would no longer have had to depend on other cities for a constant supply of the precious commodity... no one could have known that the machine had been sabotaged by an agent of the Shadow Lord. Corrupted by dark magic, it did not take long for the city to succumb to its own long awaited, shining jewel of the desert; now a vessel for a plague of demonic creation. All those who drank the water are now shambling husks wandering the streets, searching for uncorrupted flesh to feast upon. Their moans fill the air along with the occasional screams of dying victims. The only glimmer of hope for the survivors is a single Ranger, dispatched to investigate the city and find the source of the plague.

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    The ruins of Antega stretched into the sky like grasping black fingers into the illuminated horizon. Yet when Myyrah stumbled across the city she thought nothing of it. Her steed trudge onwards and she let it- all the while she emitted a sound that was profoundly close to boredom. It was only until the wind blew through the fallow buildings and crept onto her nose did she figure something was amiss. It wasn’t as if she had a higher sense of smell, but death, blood and carnage all emitted the same sort of fragrance into the stale air. “Halt,” she breathed onto her steed as she glanced onto the peaking buildings that met her sight. A piercing shriek emitted Into the air and its’ sheer panic caused her horse to nearly buck. Myyrah calmed the beast and forced it forward as it wanted to turn away. The equine’s dissonance was enough for her to feel the need to draw DawnStar as she pressed forward. Usually folks didn’t mess with her. The woman’s immense stature coupled with the array of weapons she strung across her body made them think twice before insulting her aptitude. One-fourth Orc was a nice commodity, but to hear it from Myyrah she would rather be one-half, if not pure Orc. The woman was not at all vain about the apparent beauty held in her form- she just wanted power and respect. Instead most thought her to be a well-endowed human, and treated her as such.

    Now in the midst of the apparent desolate city of Antega her need for survival outranked any aesthetic desire that might form. As Myyrah reached the cusp of the city she saw jaunty bodies meander their way through streets only to halt and writhe carnivorously towards the smell of fresh meat. Before she knew it her horse was overcome by blunt teeth attempting rip away meat and flesh for their own desire. She leapt off her beast and rolled onto the ground- her mace greeting the first head that met her. It erupted in an volcanic eruption of gross proportions before it fell. Shortly afterwards her horse was drawn to the ground and devoured. Myyrah offered a slight prayer for the creature before she abandoned its’ corpse to be devoured by what she thought might have been Antega citizens at one time. Her mind was so prone to battle that it did not take long for it to alter its’ choice and flee from the husks that were currently consuming her horse. She managed to kill many along the way and inevitably found herself in a small shop in the corner of the city. She bolted the doors and held her mace out in front of her as if it was a brick wall to keep her protected. The reports had said it was bad, but no one had dared to get close to the reality of it all- this situation was foul beyond belief and now she was stuck right in the middle of it; with no horse to boot.

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