Lewis sat in the corner of his cell silently searching for a way to escape. He was trying to refrain from using his powers but he doubt that would happen. 'If its my only way out then so be it.' He thought to himself as he walked over to the cell bars. A couple guards walked up with a man in a deep navy blue suit. "I'm not telling you guys anything. If you want information guess you;re just gonna have to beat it out of me. But looking at how weak you look...I doubt you'll get much of anything." Lewis smiled as the rage filled man instructed the guard to open the door. As the bars slowly slid apart Lewis made eye contact the man and his eyes quickly dilated. Lewis pushed false memories of the man almost drowning in a terrible shipwreck but getting saved at the last minute by a teenager with exceptional powers. Lewis also implanted memories of the man's boss giving him directions to release all prisoners at once.

With his work done Lewis' eyes returned to normal. He grabbed his bag off of the floor and walked right past the man and his guards. *Your free to go. Get back safely kid. And stay out of trouble.* The guard said shaking his head. He couldn't help but feel as though his mind had been played with. Lewis walked down the long hallway and up to the deck of the ship. The man must have radioed ahead because a guard led Lewis to an empty canoe and handed him a paddle.

After about an hour Lewis reached the shore and hopped out onto the beach. As soon as the warm sand hit his feet, Lewis ran as fast as he could to the Labyrinth Forest. Hoping to get away before anything else happened to him.