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Don't Let Your Hope Fade - Closed

A tale of seven heroes who came in a time of darkness and fought when no one else would.......

Tags: adventure, betrayal, dark, drama, elements, fantasy, good vs evil, heroes, hope, light, magical, right vs wrong, romance, saving the world, saviors

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Intermediate

New Players: Open

Creator: Xavirne

Created: 08-25-2011, 06:52 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Still in shambles from intruding on Gavyn, he just knelt there with a blank expression on his face. The red blush still stained his cheeks, but his mind had wandered elsewhere. He was running rampant in his mind. Pissed at himself for his rudeness, Nick felt so ashamed. Everything he stood for, everything he said he wouldn't do, he just did. His world crashed around him. Eyes, losing their human touch, became dull and lifeless. Drained and filled with shame, his black framed eyes just remained attached to the last item of his focusing - the ceiling.

    An endless pit of guilt rocked at his soul. A frown now hung on his face. When his eyes finally came-to, he saw a reflection that sent a shiver down his spine. A pair of red eyes were looking back at him. They seemed so... lonely. Searching for answers, Nick's eyes quivered when they turned up nothing. A ripple quaked the crimson color to a less luscious shade. Almost gray, the last remnants of red finally faded.

    "I'm a monster," he whispered as his hand reached out to the glass before him. Caressing the smooth mirror, his eyes remained lifeless and emotionless. The look on his face even mimicked the lack of expression in his eyes. The only hint of color on his body was the dried crimson blood that was splashed onto him. His eyes, although they were without concern, traced every ounce of blood that decorated his pretty face.

    New pools of blood splattered onto his skin when his fist made contact with the glass. Shattering and embedding itself into his knuckles, Nick banged his head into the wall. Kicking the door, he fumbled into the hallway.

    Bleeding seemed to be the only way Nick could feel alive. The pain in his heart numbed his body and caused him feel unhuman. The sinful taste of of guilt still lingered on the tip of his tongue. His heart was still pounding and, now, his brows were sweating. His pace slowed and his vision was beginning to dwindle. As his eyes started fading, his heart, too, took a drastic dip. If skyrocketing was bad, halting to a weakened pulse had to be worse.

    Body folding over itself, Nick's forehead made contact with the wooden floor beneath him. As his weight became concentrated in one area, the boards began to warp and buckle. Snapping under the pressure of his weight (being vacant for so long really wore the boards out), Nick fell through the floor. It was the booming thud that trembled the building that would alert the others of his stirring.

    Thankfully, his fall was broken by a pile moldy hay. It wasn't good for him to breath in, but at least his fall didn't bring about his death.

    Laying there in the hay, he stared up at the hole his body just created. Nick's eyes wavered before they fluttered back open. Life flickered before him. He could almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, but something was holding him back. Although the light was egging him on, hoping to consume him, Nick fought back the desire to give in. He had no interest in dying, not yet, at least or so he liked to believe.

    A row of water came rolling down his cheeks. His past was poking at his brain. He could feel each of his demons rip at his flesh. The eyes of those around him seemed to eat him alive. He didn't mean to make them all feel that way. He never meant to bring them to their graves. It wasn't a game of wrong and right. It was the blindness that needed to be recognized. No one, not a single person, knew what toyed at the strings of his heart. Everyone just seemed to bat their eyes and believe that he was just a perverse man without a bit of compassion. Someone who was filled with deeply pitted hatred. They were foolish and wrong. Was no one able to see that it was because of them that he became such a soiled, foul man? Had someone shown him a bit of friendship, Nick might have turned out a better man. Perhaps even a gentleman.

    Why. Why must I suffer. Why can't I just die. No matter what I do, I seem to fuck it up. Gavyn, I didn't mean to hurt you. I... I guess I just didn't want to be alone. I hate being alone. I hate it. Why does it always happen. Why does everyone just go. Why. Why can't they see that it brings tears to my eyes? Why do they think I don't need them. I need them more than they would ever need me. Just look at me. Without them, I just end up getting hurt. It's always been that way. Ever since the beginning, I've been this way. And then, when people finally decide to help me they end up dying. I can't keep doing this. I need to just... leave. As much as I don't want to be alone... maybe it's safer. I can't hurt anyone. If I'm alone then I don't need to worry about their feelings or hurting them. After all that I've become, I'm only one. I long to die. I'm still waiting for a love I'll never have.... All my dreams that I've laid to rest, they just taunt me. I'm just... one. I'm all... alone. I'm on my own here... no one left to... save me. Will I really... die... alone?

    Is that really how you feel, Nick? Do you really think that lone wolf attitude of yours will bring peace to your friends? Do you really think love has vanished? Do you really think you'll die alone?

    Jenny? What are you doing here? Why do you even care... you left me....

    Stop being a whiny emo brat. Man up! Take responsibility for you actions. Moping around and expecting to be babied will get you no where in life. If you want to wallow in self pity, then do it, but don't expect anyone to like you.

    Are you saying... people will like me if I stop... crying? If I stop... hurting?

    Trust your friends. Put your faith in them. They will make the pain go away. You won't be alone and you might... find someone who will love who will love you for all eternity.

    How? How can they.... How is such a fairy tale even possible for someone like me? Just look at me... I'm nothing.

    Fine then. Rot away. Die. No one needs you. You're worthless. You just slow everyone down. No one wants you. You're just a burden. A pathetic excuse of a hero. You can't do anything right. Do us all a favor, kill yourself. Do it, do it now. Do it so we can move on. Use that sword and plunge it through your heart. End it. End your life. You want to die, so just do it. Admit it, you've been seeking death since the day I left. Ever since the day your brother died. Ever since you were born.

    Jenny... how can you say that... did I really mean nothing to you. Do I really mean nothing to the world. Why was I picked to be a hero then? Was it not my... destiny? It has to be, why else would I be here. Why else would I be taking these guys to see Devyn. If I wasn't to be here right now, I'd have been killed before reaching Dawn Castle. You're wrong. You're wrong Jenny, I am not worthless. I'm needed. I will be... I hope. No, I know. I know I will be needed because I will be the only one to... defeat you. I won't let my friends fall to your blade. I must live. I have to make it so that our blades shall clash. I will not allow you to be the one to kill them. I must protect them. I won't let their lives be wasted on me. It's time I start acting like the man I want to be. It's time I start to fight for what I believe in. I won't let you or anyone else come between me and my destiny. And I won't let you hurt my fr-f-friends.

    "I'm fine," he said rolling over onto his knees. Pushing himself up, he refused any help that was offered and crawled over to the wall beside him. Resting his head on the wall, his eyes darted to the outside sky. His view of the stars brought a smile to his face. "Everyone," he bit his lip "I'm sorry. I won't delay us any more. I'll be less... reckless from here on out." His deep crimson eyes flickered with a flame of hope. The courage he needed to press on was fueled by his desire to protect his friends. Making a promise to himself, Nick turned to the group and smiled. "I'm Nicholas A. Fusion. The whiny, emo, prick of Darkness. If you dare hit on Rynn, I'll send you to the depths of hell 'cause I already called dibs on her." Winking at her, Nick crossed his arms behind his head and laughed. From here on out, he would be a different man.

  2. Characters in this post:
    Another smirk crossed the woman's lips as Cole did everything but flat out say he was the real Ice. She couldn't honestly say that she'd predicted it, because she hadn't but it certainly hadn't surprised her when she'd found out. But, being in the position she was in, Rynn didn't have the luxury of allowing a freak out over what information he'd gleaned from them.

    "Jenna don't be hard on yourself for not noticing, none of us did. He had a reason for doing what he did, and chances are high that he was a La'Ronk, but we'll deal with that when the time comes." She turned her attention back to Cole, smiling at him. "I haven't exactly been discreet about my part, as you saw me coming out I'm sure you noticed that I am fire. But my name is Rynn." She sat in quiet as the other introductions were handled, and then she heard a nice loud crash from inside the house.

    "Excuse me Cole, I must handle whatever emergency just happened in there." with an exasperated smile, Rynn bolted inside to find Nick lying on the floor and a nice large hole above his head. With a whistle and a smirk, Rynn turned her green eyes upon Nick "Quite a fall you had there. You alright?" Rynn offered him help but he brushed it off, and with a sigh she followed him outside, a knowing grin still on her lips.

    At Nicks introduction, Rynn started laughing and placed her hand on his shoulder "Well I guess that's one way to say hi. And while I thank you for the compliment, since when do you have ownership of me?" she chuckled at Nick, good-naturedly making fun of him. The pretty fire heroine was just thankful that Nick had come out alright.

  3. Characters in this post:
    "I figured with your dogs here you could handle it yourself, but Jensen has been annoying the entire voyage. And I needed to shoot something. The kill shot was a total accident." he lied. No need to make himself seem too bad ass. He noticed she hadn't answered his question but didn't particularly care. It wasn't important anyway. He smirked at her introduction and politely nodded to her curtesy, not that he thought it was directed at him.. He knew better. La'Ronk only bowed to La'Ronk. "So I presume you will be joining us on our grand voyage huh?"

  4. Characters in this post:
    A smile slid onto his face as he looked up at Rynn. "I thought it was appropriate. And I believe you already know the answer to your question. Despite being surrounded by a mob of heroes, you're usually the first to rush to my side. I suppose it could be a motherly habit, but I think we both know it's more than that. Besides, I can't call dibs on Jenna or Gavyn. Gavyn's too pure for me and Jenna tries to hit me with lightning. Well, I guess I could call dibs on someone else... yes, I shall do that. It'll be a precaution. Adam, I call dibs on you."

    A deep exhale came from his direction before his eyes closed. "Now I know you all want to power through the night, but can we all please get some sleep. We'll need our strength if we're going to look for my friend Devyn. Besides, I have a bad feeling that he'll inform us we need to travel to my homeland in search of a book. I would have brought it with me but I... I seemed to have misplaced it."

    As his friends started to yawn, Nick, too, let out a nice yawn. Flopping onto his side, he laid his head down on his previously injured arm. His slender frame just made a pretty pathetic wall-like structure. The shoulder area down to his hips was definitely the height point on his body, with his feet and arms coming in last.

    Bending his body some, he almost formed a very rigid 's' like shape with his body. His breathing had slowed and he wasn't fidgeting about like the average person would. Where he laid was pretty much where he would awaken when the sun would kiss his eyelids in about six hours. A sense of peace and tranquility pulsed through his veins as Nick drifted into a light sleep. With the shadows dancing around him, the male knew the group wouldn't be completely vulnerable as he could feel an enemy move in, should one decide to attack.

  5. Characters in this post:
    Adam laughed upon hearing Nick introduce himself to Cole "I'm glad to see you finally accepted who you truly are!" patting Nick on the back as he said this. Adam felt bad that Jenna was being so hard on herself about Li'ing, no one could've been able to tell if he was a la'Ronk he hid it extremely well.

    Adam walked over to Jenna and placed his hand on her shoulder "Rynn is right no one could've known he was a spy for the la'Ronk except the la'Ronk, or other spies. Don't be hard on yourself Jenna."

    Whilst comforting Jenna Adam overheard Nick claiming 'Dibs' on him, Adam turned towards Nick with a confused expression. "See that tree Nick?" Pointing to the tree he had created earlier "I would rather fuck that than you. I'm sorry but no...never going to happen."

    Adam walked over to Cole laughing at what Cole probably was thinking of the heroes so far "We have quite the different personalities each of us, but we all share a common goal. But I must reiterate again that we are all out in the open and probably should move to a safer location."

  6. Characters in this post:
    Grumbling under this breath at Adam's noisy interactions, the sat upright. Within the ten minutes he had dozed off he had managed to get bed hair. Even though it was usually a mess, it was even more so now. There were parts that were matted to his head and then there were pieces that tipped out to the sides. His fringe ended up crossing into an "x" between his brows, which caused him to send a puff of air up his nose. Lifting, it hovered there for a moment, but soon flopped back down to mask his eyes.

    "I'm a bit disappointed that you would rather fuck a tree than me, but to each is their own. It's a bit too kinky for me, but, hey, you're the Earth Hero." He waved his hand in a limp manner before the placed both arms before his crotch. His legs crossed around his arms, which caused his back to arch some. Looking down, a yelp-like yawn escaped before his eyes looked up to the group. A nice dark ring covered his lower lids, indicating he was exhausted.

    "Listen, we can either shut up and sleep for a bit, or we can fuck the whole idea and just wander about without rest, food, and water. I, for one, don't want to go head on head with a la'Ronk without a wink of sleep. So why don't you just shut up and sit down. If you so chose to leave, then leave. I can't do much without my beauty sleep, so, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue my napping."

    Flopping over so that his body was now on the opposite side it previously was on, he looked up at Cole. "So you're the true Hero of Ice? How exciting. Not. I hope you're just as quiet as the fake Ice Hero." He really didn't like the idea of knowing that Li'ing wasn't a real hero and, like his comrades were assuming, he figured he was a la'Ronk spy. However, Nick didn't want to jump to those conclusions yet. "Stop whining about Li'ing. So what if he was a traitor. We will crush the la'Ronk no matter what. If they want to get some dirt on us, I say let them! It just proves that we've got the upper-hand."

    His crimson eyes lifted and stared at Rynn. Without saying a word, he hoped the woman would side with him and join him in a little slumber party. Although, Nick had a sinking feeling that she would side with Adam. For some odd reason, a level of jealous pulsed through his body. He couldn't help but dislike Adam (and even Cole) for there was a chance he could steal his woman. Yes, his woman. Even if Rynn wanted nothing to do with Nick, the black-haired Hero of Darkness had made up his mind that Rynn would be the one he wanted. Not to mate, per say, but to protect and confide in. He fought for the people, but he many fought so that Rynn could be a free woman. You could even say he was fighting for Gavyn, as he felt bad for intruding on her.

  7. Characters in this post:
    Cole watched the interactions of the other heroes. They were certainly an odd bunch, then again it was late and they were probably tired from the day. Cole was the type to get the benefit of the doubt, especially if he didn't know them. "Hey, nice to meet you all," nodding at the group as a whole.

    "We should move inside. This city is very dangerous at night," he told them, motioning towards the abandoned building they were staying in. Growing up there, he knew the dangers and knew that the city would not be quiet as it had been in the short term. He wanted them to get out of there before anything big happened.

    He looked at the Hero of Darkness and could tell he might be trouble later on, especially as protective as he seemed, more concerning the girls, but Cole could deal with that.

    "Crushing the la'Ronk...hmm, I could go with that," he repeated, nodding, thinking of his sister. Maybe going with them could achieve multiple things at once.

    He looked over at Jenna, seeing how poorly she felt about not seeing that the other 'Hero of Ice' was a fake. He went over to her and leaned down towards her. "Don't worry about not seeing it. It's as much my fault, I didn't show up at Dawn Castle," he told her, hoping to make her feel better.

  8. Characters in this post:
    "I may find you attractive and amusing" Rynn said, grinning as she walked up very close to Nick, her lips only a breath's distance from his face "But that does not mean you have ownership of me. I simply like to take care of own..." One more sharp toothed grin and Rynn moved away from him, chuckling at Adam's comment.

    "That tree is fairly attractive, I must say Adam." Rynn smirked, casting her sidelong glance between Adam and Nick, waiting for the quick retribution of a playful punch from one to the other. But it never came, and Nick made a suggestion to which Rynn was quite willing to agree with. Sleep was a very very good idea for all of them- they'd had a long day and an emotionally draining night. Bidding the others goodnight, Rynn walked inside to where Nick was sleep and laid out her bedroll, placing it a few feet away from Nick. Covering herself with her cloak, Rynn curled up and did her best to fall asleep.

    (short post yay! -_- )

  9. Characters in this post:
    Finally getting the last bits of dirt and blood off of her skin, Gavyn stood up and let the water drip off her body, wringing her darkened curly locks dry she reached for her satchel on the floor that had another dress similar to the crème colored one she had gotten dirty but it was light blue. “Okay Nick, I’m all do--” Her sentence was cut off by the sudden crash in the room.

    Quickly pulling the long and wavy dress over her head and down her body she let the partition of water fall back into the tub and jumped out, quickly stepping back to avoid cutting the bases of her feet. Worried at how quickly he had become upset she slipped on her sandals to follow him but instead heard nothing more than a loud snap and thud as his body collided with the floor below them. “Nick!” Rushing over, the girl was careful to not get too close to the hole in the floor where the boards had clearly given way under his pressure and looked through at the now newly dust covered boy.

    He was quick to roll himself up out of the bed of hay he landed in and assure the others that he was alright, but the truth in that statement was a little more than questionable. Gavyn couldn’t help but worry about the state of his mind, the “Prince of Darkness” really was fragile in a lot of ways… but he most likely would never admit it. A smile came to her lips as he spoke of Rynn, in all honesty he probably wouldn’t still be holding on if it wasn’t for her. She was his guardian in a lot of ways, much more than just flirtatious encounters.

    Looking around, the Water Heroine was stuck. She either had to jump down into the hay or attempt to jump across the large hole in the floor to make it to the stairs… But with the force of the jump would most likely crash through as well. Pressing her lips together she really didn’t like the idea too much, but it looked less painful and realistic than the leap. Closing her eyes she jumped, pulling her legs up so her butt hit the pile of hay in a dusty “poof”.

    “Oof~!” Scuffling to her feet she patted down her dress and walked off, pleased that she did it in a graceful manner. Although she hoped that this would be the last bit of energy she had to exert for the night. Even though she had that rejuvenating bath, all that healing had really sucked the pep and energy out of her. But it didn’t look like the excitement would end anytime soon. Overhearing on the other heroes she was brought up to speed on the fact the previous Ice Hero (Who she never actually met in the first place.) was actually a fake, and a spy for the la’Ronk. As if that wasn’t enough, the real Ice Hero was making his introduction as well.

    It really wasn’t that big of an issue presently, Gavyn just had that bloated brain feeling she often got when trying to study late at night. At least he was polite, and spoke more than the previous member of their party. When she wasn’t acting so lightheaded she would attempt to actually greet him more personally like she has with the others. As for right now, she offered him a wave and a smile.

    Seeing as Rynn decided to go along with Nicks suggestion of finally taking a rest she gasped a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness… I feel like I’m gonna collapse.” Her words were even lighter than usual as she glanced around the room. There was a large armchair that looked quite comfortable at the moment, (even if it was run down and dirty, anything would look inviting right now.) so with that she made her way over to it and slung her legs over one arm and slunk her body down so her head rested on the other arm. “Mm.. “, she moaned happily as her body melded to the contours of the lumpy seat, her mouth letting out a great big yawn. Letting her head fall to the side, the long damp strands of her hair fell over the side of her face as she slowly slipped into a peaceful state of rest in attempt to rejuvenate her body.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Growling, the woman's eyes shot open. Bounding onto her heels, she toppled into Kyle before shaking a fit at Kyna. Snarl still on her face, the blonde flicked her hair from her eyes before a smile parted her face.

    "Tch, you just want to wreck havoc on the world, Kyna. Don't lie. You enjoy the thought of squashing the little heroes."

    Kissing her teeth, she walked over to the two creatures that accompanied Kyna. "Why hello, sweeties. Jenny has some treats for you, yes!" Pulling a piece of jerky from her pocket, she dangled it before their dog-like noses. As the scent of the meat distracted them, Jenny ran her fingers through their fur. It was coarse, but in a soothing sort of way. Smile coming back onto her face, she twisted her head up to look at Kyle. The moonlight in her eyes caused them to shine and shimmer a metallic blue color. Her face was masked with a great many shadows, but the bright light from above helped to light her face up so that her expressions could be read.

    A yawn escaped from her smiling lips, which caused the woman to bend at her hips. Stretching, she laid a pair of blue eyes on Teresa. "Teresa, I would like you to keep your eyes on this woman. She's of the same class as you, but, like yourself, she sought out the life of adventure. You might be able to learn a thing or two from Kyna."

    Exchanging a grin for one of Kyna's, Jenny walked forward to embrace the woman. You could say they were friends, but that wouldn't be all that accurate. They had a history, but it was a little more complicated than some. There was a time where the two ran about the streets of Kittmund causing chaos, but that week of terror was short lived. Jenny was engaged to the Prince and it seemed to put a damper on their friendship. Having known each other for a small amount of time, Jenny couldn't help but wonder what their friendship would be like had she not been swept into the Mon la'Ronk lifestyle.

    "We should be arriving at the port within the next few hours. Until then, perhaps we can shut our eyes. We'll be able to sleep more when we make it to Nick's house. I'm assuming he'll be a wonderful host, so he should grant us a pleasant stay."

    Folding her hands behind her head, Jenny looked up at the moon. "She's beautiful tonight," she whispered under her breath. Eyes closing, she could almost hear the faint voice of a man. Yes, you are beautiful. The words seemed so surreal. For so long, Jenny had prayed to hear those words come from Nick's mouth, but the day that would have happened, she was swept away to the world of the la'Ronk.

  11. Characters in this post:
    There was warmth before him. Shuddering due to the new-found heat that entered his skin, Nick sniffled. His mind toyed with the desire to inch away. Being from a cold nation, Nick often found the cool air to be peaceful and soothing, but there was something about this warmth that drew him near. Like a bug is attracted to the light, Nick was attracted to this field of warmth.

    Not daring to open his eyes, as he feared his dream would explode with a rather unwanted ending, Nick moved toward the heat. He hadn't realized it was coming from Rynn until the woman's face popped into his dream. Her eyes were looking into his own as he watched their intense stare. That grin of hers then swept onto her face, which brought a grin to his own.

    Peace surrounded him. It had been a while since he had last had a calm dream. For the past few years, Nick had endless nightmares. They were usually a continuation of previous nightmares. Nightmares from his past were laced together with his present nightmares, creating a terrible story that played vividly in his mind.

    It was then when Nick's nose nose found the bridge of Rynn's neck. For a moment, his breath just shot down her neck, caressing her shoulders with his delicious aroma. As the time passed, Nick could feel her warmth pour into his own body. Warming his core from the center out, a smile dotted the sleeping male's face.

    Looking more peaceful now than ever, Nick's arms wrapped their way around Rynn's body. With her shoulders rested against his chest, he was sure the woman could feel his heartbeat in her back. It was a little faster than he liked, but it wasn't a bad thing. Rynn was more than aware of the fact that Nick had taken a liking to her and he saw no harm in showing her this.

    Nose nestled beside her ear, the black haired male slid his other hand (the one against the floor) between the little gap between her neck and the floor. Once it was through to the other side, he tugged his arm up and rested it on her bosom. The other arm, the one that wasn't pinned beneath her neck, was rested respectfully on her hip.

    Smile still on his face, he whispered lightly to her. "I can go back to my corner, if that would please you. But, if it's all right, I would prefer to stay right here. I like it here." Trying his hardest not to tickle her ear with his lips, Nick closed them and kept them still for a few minutes. When the pursed, he let lose a small sentence. "By the way, thank you for saving my life." With that heavy burden off his chest, Nick went back to his dreaming. As much as he liked the thought of having a date with Rynn (that's what his dream away about), he much preferred the back that he was cuddled up beside her as that was reality and not some little desire his mind wished to create.

    A small stroking motion caressed his hips before Nick retired his affection. He had other things he had to worry about. Focusing on Rynn would mean he wasn't focused on the shadows outside. Granted, having her nearby did wake him up some, but it was more of a distraction than a good thing. Nonetheless, Nick welcomed the warmth and the happiness Rynn brought into his life. For that, he was more than grateful.

  12. Characters in this post:
    Adam peered over at Nick cuddling up to Rynn "D'awwww!" Adam said, sarcasm oozing off of the statement. "You know when he's curled into a ball like this it just makes you think he's not emo! To bad..." Adam couldn't help but chuckle to himself after saying this.

    Upon seeing Gavyn heading into the house to sleep Adam spoke up "Gavyn has the right idea, we all need rest so let's all sleep. I'll take watch in my tree...I'm going to name her Martha. I'll take watch in Martha!" Adam swooped up into the tree a took place in the seat he had made earlier and readied himself for a long night of watch.

  13. Characters in this post:
    She felt a figure move closer to her, a hand wrap around her and a chest come to rest against her back. Though Rynn was nearly asleep, she was awake enough to know who it was and what was happening, and this night, Rynn decided to allow it, to give in to what she actually wanted to do in that moment and feel the soft comfort of another person beside her as she slept. Very few things could replace the feeling of having someone hold you as you slept, having the irreplaceable warmth of another body lying next to you. The quiet concern and subdued care that it signaled was something that comforted a part of Rynn buried deeply beneath layers of bravado, courage, and flame.

    As she felt Nick's body wrap around her, Rynn nestled herself against his chest, her back touching his wherever it could. She curled up more tightly, allowing the circle of his arms to hold her more easily. As his hand found its way to her chest, Rynn moved it ever so gently to a more appropriate spot, giving him the slightest of momentary burns so he'd know she'd figured out what he'd been trying to do. His cuddling was very welcome, but Rynn couldn't allow him too much freedom too fast. A smirk crossed her lips, however, and it was all meant well. She allowed his hand to remain on her hip, not minding that at all.

    "I thank you for your compliment Nick, but it took many people to save you, I am not the only one who contributed." she whispered softly, so that only he could hear her "and feel free to stay here as long as you like" she interlaced her fingers with the hand that she'd removed from her chest "I like your company just as much as you like mine, and even though I may create physical warmth, there's a different type of warmth that comes of being close to someone you care about." Rynn's voice was still a low whisper, it was not loud enough for it to even be noticed that she was speaking by anyone but someone in her immediate area, and the only person in that area was Nick. And Rynn was thankful for that, she could only show so much tenderness at this point. They needed her strength and they needed her authority. But for this night, she could be tender.

    "Adam if you're jealous I'm sure someone would cuddle with you..." Rynn said with a quiet chuckle, hearing Adam's highly sarcastic comment. She knew that he meant it in good humor, but it also reminded her of something she didn't want to face at the moment- in the morning to real world would come back. Rynn didn't want to face it, not yet, she didn't want to remember that so many had died and that they were responsible for many more, but she had too. Rynn could never forget the ones that she'd lost, whose deaths she'd caused. She couldn't forget Adam's sisters or Nick's brothers or the families of the others. The mission had to be done, and no matter how much Rynn wanted to allow her emotions to overtake her and to start a fiery passionate romance, she knew that there was something more important to be done. But those thoughts were for the morning, and this night- this night, Rynn could indulge in something other than hate fueled fire. She could indulge in a softer glow.

  14. Characters in this post:
    Teresa decided there was something Kyna wasn't telling, but Kyle wasn't asking and Jenny Lynn knew the girl so she decided it wasn't worth pressing it right now. And besides her only advantage had been a slightly higher social rank which if she used again would completely undermine Kyle's authority and probably anger Jenny, two things she really did want to avoid. Especially since Jenny said she could learn from this Kyna. And she did want to learn, all of this was new to her and much harder to navigate then the endless politics and court games that had ruled her life previously. The rules were different and she needed to learn them all. She turned towards the new girl " its a pleasure to meet you Kyna, I'm Teresa Relline, only daughter of Senator James Relline."

    She smiled she wasn't sure if she liked the newest addition to their group but that wasn't a reason to not be friendly. She remembered the lessons her mother had drilled into her head when she was as young as five "Smile at anyone you meet, its easier to be a friend then an enemy. And on top of that a smile shows you're confident and not frightened, If you act as if you are not frightened or nervous no one can take advantage of it. Confidence is a shield against those who wish to make you a pawn in their own games. If they want you on their side they must work much harder now. She had thought some of the advice was stupid over confidence could get you killed, but her mother was right on most accounts, if you are nervous and acted weak everyone was stronger then you and able to control you, and back home that meant your downfall.

  15. Characters in this post:
    ((SO sorry I've been gone! Hopefully I got everything..lol))

    Hearing Rynn tell her not to be hard on herself Jenna looked over to her. It was easy enough to say but hard to do. Mistakes on the streets were not ok, you usually died or got into some kind of trouble. After she left her parents she quickly learned to not make mistakes. But she nodded anyways and agreed with there leader. She wasn't the only one that made the mistake.

    Then when she heard the loud crash Jenna's eyes went wild, scanning the area for any danger. Her hands clenched tighter around the torch and her staff, until she realized it was just Nick. Letting out a heavy sigh she shook her head. She listened as Nick told them to get to sleep. Jenna didn't even know if she could fall asleep. When Adam walked over to her and rested his hand on her shoulder, Jenna gave him a smile. He was the only guy shorter than her so she didn't have to look up like usual. "Thanks Adam," she said as he walked away.

    As Cole started walking towards her Jenna watched him carefully. When he leaned down closer to her she couldn't help but study his extremely handsome face. After hearing his words she smiled up to him softly. "You shouldn't blame yourself either. I'm beginning to realize it's none of our fault. But thank you, you made me feel better." Leaning up Jenna placed a kiss on his cheek then stepped back with a smile.

    Tossing her torch on the ground Jenna quickly kicked dirt on it to snuff it out. Once she was sure it was out she pressed the button on her staff to shrink it and then placed it back in her boot. "Hey Adam if you get tired come wake me up and I'll swap you places. Please don't try and keep watch if your tired. You'll need to be some what rested for tomorrow," she called up to the earth man in the tree. Then glancing back at Cole she gave him another small smile. "Goodnight," she said then walked into the building. Jenna went all the way to a corner and sat down, resting her back against the wall. After wrapping her cloak around herself she pulled her hood up so she was completely covered. Her hand rested on one of her daggers.

  16. Characters in this post:
    Adam waited in Martha, seated peacefully with his legs crossed on a seat of intertwined branches. Made more comfortable with leaves he grew on the branches. When Jenna called up to Adam about watch Adam smiled.

    "While I do thank you for offering I think I'll be fine watching tonight, I don't sleep much as it is so I should be fine."

    Adam cracked his neck and began to watch in all direction ever vigilant, ready to alert his friends at the first sight of the la'Ronk.

    "It's going to be a long night..."

  17. Characters in this post:
    Believe it or not, the night was rather peaceful. Only a few wild Vesporeon lurked in the shadows, but they paid no attention to the heroes. A few little creatures scurried about, but they were more than terrified of crossing paths with the heroes. As the night started to fade to an end, a creature called in the distance. It was a sign that morning was coming.

    As the rays of light kissed the earth, the heroes would begin to stir. Although they were well rested, their minds would still be sore from the strain that was now forced upon them. Body rested, but still exhausted, they would finish their current mission - finding Nick's friend.

    With the first day behind them, the heroes can awaken with a new sense of pride and hope. They are the heroes of the world and they made it through one day. Who knows what horrors await them, but there is one thing that is certain, they will stop at nothing to bring peace to the land. Have faith in them and they will win. I know I believe. Do you?

  18. Characters in this post:
    With night still playing a role in the delayed arrival, the crew was able to get a bit of shut eye before they would be awoken by the morning's rays. When they would finally come to, they would be hovering over the city of Vesper. Within no time, Teresa, Kyna, Jenny Lynn, and Kyle would be off the ship and being met with the lovely Garnette.

    With the strongest la'Ronk assembling, it is only a matter of time before the heroes start running into trouble. What will happen? Well, my friends, I cannot tell you that for not even I know. All I do know is that trouble is a brewing and there is a storm on the horizon.

    [[ All posts should now be moved to Vesper. You might want to reflect on the night's journey. If interested, you can talk about the city below them. ]]

  19. Characters in this post:
    Gavyn had already been awake for quite some time as the other heroes began to stir as rays of morning light peered through the slats of the boarded up windows.

    Being one of the first to fall asleep, and because she slept so deeply it was expected she would be one of the firsts to awaken. It seemed that even after she had freshened herself up and blinked away what was last of her morning sleepiness the clan was still not quite fully mobile.

    In order to pass time quietly she decided to examine what she could salvage of the burned up book store. Like she assumed last night, the majority of the books were severely damaged to the point she couldn't even open the bindings. But there was a section in the front corner that had a few rows that seemed to be untouched by the fire and only sprinkled by water.

    Her eyes and fingers grazed the books bindings as she eyes for something that caught her eye, it wasn't long before she slipped a large black leather book from it's home. Taking a seat she opened up the book of fiction entitled Holy Rogues, smiling and pulling out a blueberry muffin from her satchel. It was an interesting read, taking place in a fictional world... told from the point of view of a pessimistic man who had just been told he was destined to save the world. But he would not journey alone, as Gavyn read on it was revealed the main character would have to seek out a band of misfits to help him on his quest.

    A giggle escaped her, for she thought the main character was quite amusing yet oddly familiar...

  20. Characters in this post:
    Morning came too quickly for Cole, as it always did. He had fallen asleep quickly, once things had died down the night before. Faster than he would have thought with all that had happened. He would have never thought that he would have joined the heroes, despite being one.

    The morning sun hit his face, waking him. Cole's first instinct was to roll over, which ended with him falling onto the floor from sleeping into a sitting position. That woke him quickly, maybe even a few others as well.

    He looked around, trying to tell if he woke anyone. He could see Gavyn looking around the burned out building. He knew there was probably not much to be found, most of the buildings like this one had been pillaged long ago, but she might find something of use.

    Cole thought about going to his apartment. It was not far away and he might be able to pick a few things up they might need. He had a decent amount of money stashed away there, which would be useful in getting anywhere.

    Without saying anything, he slipped out of the building, heading towards his apartment, which he reached within minutes. Going inside, he grabbed a bag and started gathering the things they might need, money being an important thing. He took what all he wanted and needed and left, unsure if he'd ever see it again.

    On his way back, he stopped at a beignet street vendor, getting enough food for everyone for breakfast. He didn't know when they'd get something decent to eat again. Holding onto the bag of food as he bit into one of the sweet pastry. "Hey guys, breakfast," he announced to the group, holding the bag out for people.

  21. Characters in this post:
    Waking up slowly, Rynn was surprised to find that there were arms around her and a warmth not common to a sleeping bag enveloping her. Moving slowly, she turned her head just enough to see that it was Nick who was embracing her. In spite of herself, Rynn smiled. She knew it wasn't the time to be quite happy about this but she was. Careful not to disturb the sleeping man, Rynn inched her way from his grasp, a cold draft catching her the instant she did it. She always hated the cold that attacked as soon as one moved from the place of sleep.

    But it was morning, and they needed to get going. She would allow Nick and Jenna a few more minutes of rest, but they couldn't dawdle much longer. Walking outside, Rynn cast her eyes up to the tree to see Adam still sitting up there, still awake. "You really stayed up there all night?" she laughed, smirking up at him. "Feel free to come down as soon as you want, we're are awake now."

    As she stood there looking at Adam, she heard Cole, the new one, talk about breakfast. Rynn turned, a broad smile crossing her lips as she took in the bag and the scent of a sweet breakfast. Rynn gratefully took her share, smiling at him as she did so. "Thank you Cole. That was very thoughtful."

  22. Characters in this post:
    Pleasant dreams danced around his mind as he slept. There wasn't a single monster he couldn't conquer. With Rynn at his side, Nick felt knight-like and he loved the idea of protecting someone. As the dream played on, he began to notice that it was reflective of his destiny. For the first time ever, Nick's eyes were opened to the horror of what was engulfing the planet. Should he fail, the world would cease to exist. Well, it would exist, but people would be slaves. Freedom, something he clung to would forever vanish from the dictionaries. Anyone who utter such a word would surely be silenced, and publicly at that. The thought of watching more people suffer because of his inability to survive caused the male to wince. For the rest of that early morning, he would remain stiff and clammy. Nicholas was finally coming to terms with his duty. It wasn't just a game. It wasn't just an attempt to save the world. He had to. Everyone was counting on him. Rynn, Gabyn, Cole, Devyn, Jenna, and Adam (and Martha). They all needed him.

    It was the rays of the sun that finally broke the cloud of terror that swallowed him. A pocket of cold air shifted into his face, which sent a shiver down his spine. Groping at the nothingness before him, Nick's eyes fluttered open to see that his cuddle-buddy had vanished. Arms crossing over one another, Nick embraced himself in hopes of warming up. The chattering sound of teeth filled the still air. Soon, it would be accompanied by a deep groan.

    Rolling onto his palms and knees, Nick stretched out his forearms. A bone popped back in place here and there. Before long, he was towering above the boards he was previously snoozing upon. Teary eyed, the Dark Hero let loose a yelp-like yawn. His hair was matted to his face, but there were a few pieces that refused to conform. Standing upright, they just added to the sleep-deprived look that ghosted Nicholas' face.

    "Grrrrr, who invited the sun to come. I was..." another yawn squeaked from his lips. Sniffling, he wrinkled his nose as he fought back a sneeze. Successful, the crimson-eyed lad turned to face Gavyn. "Before I forget," he approached, "thank you." Bowing his head, his eyes remained on her feet until he was satisfied with his gesture of appreciation.

    Head popping up and ears sliding back some, his pupils shrunk to pin-prick sized dots. "We've got company," a low growl pursed his lips. However, the scowl didn't last long. In fact, it barely lasted a second for it was soon replaced with a wide grin and the squeeing sounds of excitement. Reeling out of the building, Nick practically tumbled headfirst into the person he was just alerting the others of.

    "Whoaaa, eep, eep, eep... errrrr, hiya... Devyn!" Nick's nose slammed into Devyn's chest, which caused the black-haired emo kid to recoil and whine. "Your chest... it's so... strong. You better not have broken my nose!" he said while poking the male.

  23. Characters in this post:
    Kyle Alan Gear just walked away after the confrontation. Apparently Jenny Lynn and the new comer were not exactly friendly. The dogs seemed loyal, and extremely rare. A benefit about being a la'Ronk. You get all the best pets and the best toys. He was almost disgusted but he couldn't be. He looked at the crew and shouted "Get Moving!" extremely loudly. They all gave a start and then rushed around to get things ready. When Jenny mentioned something about resting Kyle only nodded and returned to the wheel of the ship.

  24. Characters in this post:
    The smell of smoke in the air quickly interrupted the male from his journal. He placed a palm on his forhead, remembering the food he'd been cooking not to long ago. Devyn quickly stood up, and rushed to the kitchen. Another meal gone wrong. Devyn chuckled, before looking over his shoulder and at the time. It was getting late, and Devyn didn't want to go out to get more food. The scientist quickly tossed the burnt food out, before deciding he would get some rest, and go out in the morning.

    After a night full of dreams about his past, Devyn awoke as a ray of light crept through his curtain and onto his face. Quickly standing up, Devyn stretched out his arms before resting them back at his side.

    "Time to get the day started!" He spoke aloud to himself, as he looked in the mirror and fixed a few out of place hairs. He spun around to face his closet it, and pulled out a white cloak with a few black markings on them. It was one he wore often. Devyn didn't often dress out much, and the cloak kept him rather blended in, well, it did in Wayfter, Gagdofph anyways.

    Grabbing a small bag, Devyn shoved a few items into it, before setting off. He often brought a few extra items along with him, just in case he got lost. Afterall, he was still getting used to New Vegra.

    After walking for a while Devyn stopped as he came across an abandon house. He didn't remember seeing that before. He must have been going the wrong way. With a quick shrug, Devyn decided he might as well go in. He needed to change his shoes anyways. Completely missing the male in the tree, Devyn walked up to the house, and cautiously opened the door. He looked closely, seeing a few figures in there, one looking oddly familiar. Was it? It couldn't be.

    Devyn's thoughts quickly stopped as his chest was crashed into, causing him to fall. A huge grin managed to creep onto Devyn's face as he discovered who it was. Standing up, Devyn brushed off any dirt that was now on him. He let out a laugh. It was actually a longer laugh than he intended. It was filled with a mixture of shock, and joy. He couldn't believe it was Nick. Devyn new about Nick being a hero, and all, and he never expected to see him again. But, that also meant Devyn would have to tell Nick things that Nick may or may not want to hear. Either way, it was him. He figured the others were the other heros and heroines. He could easily guess which hero belonged to which element.

    "Nick..." was all he managed to say as he looked at his friend.

  25. Characters in this post:
    The sound of someone walking around woke Jenna up instantly. Her eyes flew open, hidden still by her hood. She kept her body still, like she was still asleep as she looked around. When she realized it was just Gavyn she relaxed a bit. Then when Cole thumped to the floor she smiled under her hood. She watched as he left and Rynn went outside.

    The smell off food made her sniff the air and she finally stood up. Keeping her hood up Jenna was about to walk over to Cole and Rynn when Nick woke up. Watching him made her laugh softly. He was probably the most interesting person to watch upon waking up. The way he yawned and stretched was funny to her.

    When he suddenly said they had company Jenna tensed and quickly flipped a dagger out. She was about to throw it when the door slowly opened it, but stopped when Nick ran into the guy. Frowning she lowered her hand because they obviously knew each other. "So this must be your friend eh?" She asked as she walked over to Cole and Rynn, putting her dagger away as she walked.

    Looking up at Cole from under her hood she gave him a smile. "Thank you Cole." She pulled out a pastry and her mouth started watering. Jenna didn't realize until that moment how hungry she was. Pulling her hood down she starting eating the pastry in her hand. "Oh this is heaven!" She said with a happy sigh.

  26. Characters in this post:
    Adam was very sore by the morning, his back ached with intense pain. "Note to self! Next time I take watch make a hammock of vines! By the gods my back hurts!" Adam waited until he knew everyone would be awake, not long after Rynn called up to him telling him that mostly everyone was up and that he could come down. "Fantastic then!"

    Adam gathered his things and began to get down from the tree when he saw a white haired man approaching the hideout, Adam feared the worst grabbed a branch and dive rolled towards the hideout. Adam rushed the man ready to knock him out with the broken off branch.

    Adam raised the the branch above his head, when he heard Nick greet the man. Adam quickly stopped the branch raised above him. "Ah...so you know him...glad you said something before I struck him over the head with this branch. Sorry that I almost hit you with a branch...I swear I don't normally strike people with branches!"

  27. Characters in this post:
    Exhaustion kicked in and the woman let out a yawn. Turning her attention to the crew, she suggested that they try to get a wink of sleep.

    Falling into a deep dream, Jenny found herself torn between two options. In her dream, Nick had become a hero. Her fiance, as everyone knew, was a la'Ronk. How was she to chose which path to follow? Could she slay Nick and stop him from overthrowing her fiance? Or would she betray the man she's been wed off to for a past lover? As the dream toyed with her mind and drew up great waves of doubt and decisions, the Mon la'Ronk whimpered. Tonight would be, without a doubt, a long night.

    [[ Jenny Lynn is here - Vesper - when she awakens. ]]

  28. Characters in this post:
    It was true, Gavyn had just finished a blueberry muffin she had taken out of her satchel for her morning breakfast, but oh how she couldn’t resist the sweet and sugary smell that pleasantly filled the air. Licking her lips, those large blue eyes of hers left the pages of her new found book and locked onto the bag of delights the newest group had to offer. “How kind!” Without hesitation she reached in and scooped up a beignet with an overjoyed smile.

    Now standing beside Cole, Gavyn happily teetered on her feet from side to side as she took small bites, savoring it’s taste. The odds of enjoying something of this caliber again on their journey were going to be few and far between. It was then that she heard their leader, Rynn awaken and alert Adam who had managed to keep watch all night. He’s been up their all night without sleep? He really is a team player. Gavyn thought to herself as Rynn approached the two, taking up a pastry in her hands as well. “Good Morning Miss Rynn!” She said with a cheerful smile.

    A animalistic groan could be heard from across the room where Rynn had just awoken, “That is either the sounds of a wild animal giving birth, or… Nick is awake?” she said giggling while taking more bites from the beignet. One of the first things he did upon actually rising to his feet was approach Gavyn with his fresh bed head and all to thank her. The sudden appreciation made her blush slightly, a bit surprised. “No really, it was no problem. I’m just glad I could help.” With that she finished her pastry and licked the tips of her fingers.

    “Company?” Turning her head, Gavyn looked toward the entrance. A fair skinned male come in, dawning snow white hair and bearing powerfully blue eyes of a much deeper shade than her own. He had obviously excited Nick to the point of child like excitement, but those efforts were soon daunted by the twos sudden crash to the floor. Who was this man? He looked older than Gavyn, but probably not by more than a handful of years, but his height and body type alone gave him a more mature look.

    Jenna was awoken shortly after, obviously the commotion was enough to bring someone out of even a deep sleep, but Gavyn couldn’t help but think the pastry bag had powers of attraction. As Jenna partook in one as well, Gavyn giggled. “Yummy, huh?” Holding up her hands she showed them to Jenna, "I had one a minute ago but it was so good I ate it in a blink of an eye.” As much as the brunette wanted another, she had already eaten twice what she normally ate for breakfast and Gavyn had a tendency to get sleepy on a full stomach. “How did you sleep?” She asked Jenna, their conditions weren’t exactly four star and under the pressure that the group was it was a task in itself for most to even shut their eyes, especially Jenna who seemed quite protective of the group. As she spoke with Jenna, the last of the group Adam had finally made it down from his perch and into the room where they were all standing, bent in a position that made him seem like an old man. “I bet Rynn could heat up his back for him and ease those aches.”

  29. Characters in this post:
    "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME! Goddamn, Adam! Keep Martha on a shorter leash; she nearly raped me!" A great huff of air was sent at the branch that was dangling by his side.

    Growling, two beads of water swelled up at the side of his eyes. Looking like he was about to burst into a great fit of sobs, the male's facial expressions continued to hint at a more depressing sort of outburst. It was then when the great beast opened it's mouth! Anyone in the area would have been wise to cover their ears for the sound that was to follow would surely be a scream.

    "AAAAAUUUUUUUOOWWWHHnomnomnom... do I smell noms?"

    All that and for what? A yawn which was followed by his desire to eat. It certainly was not an expected move, but it was better than having to deal with his childish whining. Honestly, how could a young adult have the nerve to cry about having a sore butt. Well, perhaps he was sobbing over the fact that he was almost raped by a tree branch, but that's another story.

    Rubbing his butt, he glared at Gavyn and her remark about having Rynn assist Adam. "What about my butt! Devykins just showed me on the floor. Don't I get some lovin?" Anticipating a snide remark, he spat out an incoherent string of words. "AndyesIrealizeIwascuddlingwithRynnlastnight. You'rejealous,Iknow. Soshutthefuckupandgoaway." It just came out of his mouth like a booming avalanche. Shifting his weight onto his heels, Nicholas hobbled backwards until his rump collided with the person closest to him (Jenna). Flailing forward, he groped out at the person who was directly to the right of him (Rynn).

    "Waaaaaaaaah! It's not fair. I want a kitty." he whined as he latched onto Rynn's hips. "I had a dream that you and I... we..." his lips drew tight when he realized everyone was listening in on his comment to the fiery woman. A few drops of perspiration dotted his brows as he immediately had an idea as to what they would think. Fumbling to come up with a great comeback, he shouted out the first thing that came to mind.


    His hands came flying up to his lips. Falling backwards onto the floorboards, Nick's eyes looked about the room. Rynn is going to kill me! Moving his hands, he took another attempt to fix his issue.

    "It was hot. I mean she was hot. I mean..." frantically shooting his eyes between the heroes and Devyn he continued to sink into a state of panic. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Say something that doesn't make it sound like you just screwed Rynn last night. But I'm pretty sure, had we done something, they would have known. Yeah! They would have heard us!

    "We weren't loud, so I don't know... erm, that's not what I meant to say. I mean we were silent and.... fuck, fuck, fuck!"

    His shoulders slumped as he shot Rynn his puppy-dog eyes. In that little connection, Nick's eyes wavered and signaled that he needed help. He was just going to keep digging himself into a bigger hole and he feared that it would end badly. But, being the fool that he was, he didn't give the poor woman a chance to speak. Sure enough, his mouth was opening and would most likely spit out something that was far from the truth.

    "Don't be too rough on me..." he choked out. Immediately after the words hit the air, the black haired brute realized his comment could be taken sexually. Not that he didn't like the idea of being rough with Rynn, but that really wasn't what he wanted to say. This whole time the guy just wanted to let Rynn know that he had a dream that they adopted a kitten.

    Well, I suppose I can just make it awkward or continue this train of thought. Ya know, save my face and all? Yeah! That would totally work. Mustering up his courage, Nick let his uncensored mind run with whatever popped into his head first. He would make this work and fix everything.

    "I'm so gay...."

    Flopping onto the floor like a fish out of water, Nick reeled around until he was out of breath. Panting, he looked up at Rynn, who he had magically moved beside. All that flailing around and moping must have directed him toward her. Not that he was complaining, but it did look bad.

    Nick's legs folded up under him. Hands pawing at her stomach, the crimson-eyed hero whimpered. A heartbroken, defeated expression adorned his handsome face. Whimpering again, he let his head rest against her crotch. With his hands still gripping at her shirt, he tugging himself up some so that his nose was closer to her naval.

    Still whimpering like a dog, his sadden red eyes remained fixed on Rynn. He really didn't want to pay any attention to the heroes (and Devyn). They would surely think he was a spineless coward. Or gay, since he told them all that.

    His head banged against her bladder. Keeping silent, Nick feared what would follow. To be honest, Nick feared Rynn the most. He was already imagining life without his 'man goods.' He even thought she might burn off his eyebrows and hair. The thought of being bald made Nick shudder before another whimpering sound pursed his lips.

  30. Characters in this post:
    Night faded into morning, a little glimmer of light peaking over the inactive volcano in the distance. The sun slowly rising over the peak as it rose. It would have been lovely to anyone else, but Garnette could have cared less about it.

    She had gotten enough sleep through the night and was now getting impatient. She hated waiting more than almost anything in the world. She was beginning to wonder if her information was in fact wrong. That made her hand tighten around her morning cup of coffee. She ended up squeezing the cup too hard, crumbling it, boiling hot coffee spilling over the edges.

    "Dammit Jenny Lynn," she muttered angrily at the mess. Blaming her boss made the most sense to her, after all it as her fault that Garnette was stuck in this hellhole.

    "Miss Garnette?" one of the airstrip attendants asked nervously, stepping forward to try and help her. With the flick of one hand she swatted him away, throwing the remnants of the cup at him.

    "Don't touch me," she gnarled at him, an edge in her voice. She hated being touched by those of a lower standing than her, especially one as low as his.

    That's when she noticed something was up. All five attendants there had a nervous edge to them, as of something was going to happen. Turning around slowly, she looked at the men, all much larger than her. An amused chuckle escaped her lips as she realized what they were going to try to do. They clearly underestimated her.

    The first one tried to take her on his own, rushing quickly at her. She sidestepped his charge easily, unwhirling her whip from her waist in the process. She used it to catch his neck, pulling it tight, knocking the wind out of him. He landed with a heavy thud, down for now.

    Two more came at her at once next. She was able to dodge one, but the other got her arm in his grasp. He tried to twist her arm the wrong way, but she twisted her body in time with his, managing to grab name pin in the process. He laughed as she pulled it off, such a small thing couldn't do too much damage, or so he thought. She first jammed it in his eye, then his buddy's as he came for a second round. Then, she used her whip to slash both men viciously, the studded weapon slicing their skin apart.

    Just as they were going down the final two, as well as the first man, came at her. Two of them managed to grab her by both arms, holding them firmly apart. The third man grabbed her throat, choking her. "How do you like it, Bitch?" he growled at her. She spit in his face as her foot came up and hit him in the crouch. As he went down, she locked her ankles around his neck and twisted, breaking his neck and the hold the other two had on her arms. She took care of them easily, pick up the dead man's gun from his holster, shooting them.

    The tarmac was a bit of a mess, blood pooling down the slanted runway. "Tsk, what a mess," Garnette said, looking at her long jacket and whip. She took it off, wiping the blood off on the jacket, throwing it onto the mess.

    She turned to the sky. "Anytime now, Jenny Lynn. I'm getting bored here," she said, still impatient.

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