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The Underbelly.

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Creator: LeePeeps

Created: 06-14-2016, 02:18 AM


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Thread: The Underbelly.

  1. Characters in this post:
    Nero- Gets onto a sturdy branch of the tree, he hears Tilly's faint soft voice and looks down at her sinking in the muck. his ears twitch and spike up in alert. He reaches down and grabs her wrist. "Grab tight." She does and he pulls her up from the muck, for being small framed he was quite strong, much stronger than he appeared. He pulled her onto the branch beside him. "There's a path up there. Can you jump?" He asks starting to get a sense of how Tilly works.

  2. Characters in this post:
    Tilly-Sighs slightly relieved that Nero was now being a bit more attentive. Her eyes scanned the now dark surroundings. Her legs already trembling partly from fear as well as the strenuous activity. She wasn't quite dressed for the occasion.
    "I..I can't make that." she said softly.
    They didn't have much time however. The Madam's loyal puppet had chosen his target. The one who was so intrigued by his very existence would now get to see exactly how he worked.

    Puppet waded through the swamp with ease. It's very presence felt absolutely enormous. The puppet caught up to the pair in no time. It's target locked onto the two wolves in the tree above.. It stopped directly under them.

    Tilly- looked down with fear in her eyes. "N-nero.." she said quietly gripping his shoulder to get his attention.

    The puppet raised its large skull and looked directly up in the tree at the two.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Nero- He hears Tilly and feels her hand on his shoulder. He looks down at her hand then over to her. Seeing her eyes he lowered his brow and looked down at what she was gazing upon. He sees the creature staring back at them. He is no longer intrigued by the beast. He can sense the hostility coming forth from it. He doesn't hesitate to scoop Tilly up bride style and jump from branch to branch heading away from the creature with complete seriousness in his eyes now. He knew he had to keep her away from it and he wasn't sure he could take it on. Running was their only option.

  4. Characters in this post:
    Tilly-for the first time she was vocal. She yelled and screamed. "Put me down!! You'll drop me!" Her claws dug into the wolf.

    Puppet continued at the same pace as before trudging through the water

    Ezod -Perked his ears forward hearing a rustling above him and his partner. "Hey wasn't that Nero.." He said as the flash passed he and Delphny. Then in front of them a black mass was approaching through the waters. "Is that.. that dead guy?"

  5. Characters in this post:
    Nero- "Mmmm!" He grumbled in pain as her nails dug in. "Sto-" He is interrupted when the branch under his foot breaks, they fall into the river with a splash. Nero comes up and gasps for air, he shakes his head then looks around. "Tilly!!" He yelled looking around for her. "TILLY!"

    Delphny- "Huh.. oh yeah.. I think it is. What's he doing out here?" She asks as she looks up at the tall Ezod.

  6. Characters in this post:
    Ezod-"No time!" He said as he pointed ahead of them at the puppet who was rapidly approaching while raising his giant blade. He put a palm between the girl's shoulder blades and with a swift push turned the girl around. "Run!" He yelled still pushing Delphny foward.

    Tilly-Finally surfaces from the murky water with a gasp of air. She cut open her leg on a jagged rock hidden in the swamp from the fall. Putting pressure on the wound she hoped no one would notice. She had no time to patch herself up. She needed to focus on escaping the puppet. "I'm here!" She said "Go I'll keep up!" Ezod and Delphny passed the two with the puppet edging closer.

    A sharp ear rattling noise filled the air. The puppet let out a curdled screaming moan as something hit him from behind. It was Roiston and Plume trailing the pack. They heard the commotion and acted quickly. Plume drawing her pistol from its holster and striking the beast in the back. This didn't stop the beast, it simply caught him off guard.

  7. Characters in this post:
    Delphny- "WAAAH! WHA-WHAT'S HE DOING?!" She says as she runs quickly with Ezod. "He's so scaryyyyyy!!! AAAahhh! Please don't eat us Mr. Puppet man!!"
    She sees Nero out of the corner of her eye. "Nero!" She gasps. "Are you okay?!"

    Nero- "Not now Delphny!" Swims to the edge and pulls himself out, waits for Tilly to do the same then joins Ezod and Delphny in running away from the puppet. He hears the scream and turns around, noticing everyone there he draws his swords and fully rushes the puppet attacking head on. "We can take him now." He thinks to himself.

    Delphny- "No stop Nero! Don't fight it!" She yells at him. "Aaah dang it!" She grumbles and turns as well running towards the beast, dual staff's in hand. "Come on Ezod! We need you!"

    Roiston- "HuuuuuAH!" He yells as he goes hand to hand with the beast, throwing extremely powerful punches to it's chest, it not seeming to have much of an effect, just pushing him back slightly.

  8. Characters in this post:
    Ezod-"Ah man you guys are crazy!!" He says before charging the beast as well.

    The puppet swings his giant blade in a circle in an attempt to catch anyone in the pack.

    Tilly finally makes her way to the bank and pulls herself out of the swamp. She looks on at the terrifying scene. When all of a sudden she catches a glimpse of glowing green eyes. She steadied her vision honing in on the orbs or light. Along with a pair of bright green eyes peeking from beind a tree she saw a mischievous grin, and of all things one dirty little foot. Peeking from behind the tree appeared to be a small dirty wild eyed child. "What the?" She thought to herself cocking her head to the side.
    The puppet was landing some harsh blows on the pack, wearing them down.
    Tilly fully got to her feet and sprinted opposite of the battle toward the child. The small child hadn't noticed yet. As she got closer to the little toes peeking out from around the large trunk she saw.. A small wart on the child's pinky toe. Tilly gasped and the boy heard. He looked up in awe at the pretty girl as she reached him.
    Tilly-Slowed down as she approached the small child. She crouched when she finally got to the child. She reached out gently. "You're Toad aren't you?" She asked with an outstretched hand.

    Toad- Smiled slightly still admiring the woman before him. He nodded. The boy was a mess. Covered in mud and soaking wet. His blond hair was dingy, damp, and laid right above his eyes. The boy took the girls hand with a smile.

    Tilly- "I'll take you home now. Is that okay?" She asked. Toad nodded pressing his small chapped lips together. She hoisted the little boy up and carried him through the swamp giving a quick glance back at the pack who was now fighting for their lives. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her back to the swamp. Running right past Hyugga, blood running down he wounded leg. She held the boy tight in her arms and busted through the front door. "Madam I brought your pet!" she announced. "Please call him off!" She called out in desperation as she let the child down who then ran to his owner.

    Toad-"Ma!!" He called out with a smile holding both arms out for an embrace.

    Madam Inese gave a big warm smile and scooped the boy up kissing all over the stringy hair on his forehead. "Oh babe how I've missed you!" She felt pure joy squeezing the boy tight. "What have I told you about running off in da swamp boy?" She question.

    Tilly_"Madam please!" She cried out.

    Madam Inese- "Ah yes! You did good dear child" She praised Tilly before resisting tongues. In that very moment the beast dropped his weapon and halted all activity.

  9. Characters in this post:
    Hyuuga- "What?" He thought to himself as he saw Tilly rush past him in a blur. "Hey!... TILLY!" He runs after her quickly and reaches the house as well. "What is going on here?!" He said angrily. "Tilly, you're bleeding!"

    Nero- Breathing heavy, still on guard even though the puppet stopped moving. Looks around at the others.

    Delphny- "What now?!... I-is he done?! This is insane!" Out of breath as well.

    Roiston- "Where is Tilly?" Lowers his guard and looks around. "She was with you Nero right?

    Nero- "Yes.. but." Looks around more lowering his swords. "I don't know..."

  10. Characters in this post:
    Tilly-With trembling knees falls to the ground. An amber cloud of dust puffing from under her caused by the dirt floor of the hut. "I'm sorry boss" she apologized. "I had to leave them, I was only trying to help!" She looks over at the witch doctress. "Your puppet, he went after us" she exclaimed looking back at Hyuuga.

    Madam Inese- "Well my dear," she smiled. " You've found my Toad as one. You worked together to survive. I'm impressed. Not many people survive the puppet." She gleamed.

    Plume-Falls back with a sigh "I'd like to know what the hell is going on!?"

    Ezod-"That makes two of us." He mumbles before looking at the others.

    The puppet turns and makes his way back toward the hut as if nothing has happened. Trudging through the swamp dragging his blade through the tangled mass of vines and damp vegetation.

    Ezod-"Let's get the hell out of here.."

  11. Characters in this post:
    Hyuuga- "I'll speak with you later Tilly..." He says with a stern tone and look about him. He looks back at the Madam. "What are you talking about?! Your Puppet fought against my wolves?! Why was I not informed on this earlier?!" He asks with anger in his voice. "Where are they now?!" He asks.

    Delphny- "You said it..." She sighs and they all go back towards the hut with tired and confused faces.

    Hyuuga- Hears them coming up and he goes out to meet them. "Are any of you hurt?! What happened?"

    Delphny- "That scary thing attacked us!! It came out of no where!" She said to the growing angry leader.

    Hyuuga- "This is enough! Were packing up, everyone head out! I need to speak with the King.." He says to the group who are tired. wet and tattered. "Did the king know about this.." He thinks to himself with suspicion. "Tilly come here, you don't need to walk on that leg." He says as he bends down putting his arms behind his back to carry her. "The rest of you! Roiston, Ezod! Go first and clear the path! Delphny secure the center! Nero, Plume bring up the rear! Keep eyes peeled for any more surprises! "Well take our leave now Madam.." He says with a tone of anger in his voice.

  12. Characters in this post:
    Madam Inese pats her puppet as he enters the hut a sleazy smirk dresses her face. One hand on-top of Toad's head who also has a smile. Toad waves at the pack as they leave. "Take care now" She bids the group farewell.

    Tilly-Hesitates for a moment, but not wanting to argue with the visibly irritated boss makes her way on his back. He aching leg now getting much needed relief. "I'm sorry boss" she whispered in his ear.

    Ezod slings his sword to clear their path. All are quiet until they enter the kingdom. Hyuuga lets the hard working pack go relax as they all reach the castle.

    Inside the King's castle
    The King's chambers

    King- "Ah Hyuuga, back so soon?" He asked sitting at his large red wood desk.

  13. Characters in this post:
    Hyuuga- Hears Tilly but to angry about the situation to say anything, his gaze just stays forward as they make there way back to the King's domain.


    Hyuuga- He bows as he approaches the king. "With all due respect my Lord.. What was that? ...They attacked us! If this was not your doing this is treason! My wolves weren't ready for this and were injured because of it!" His emotions boiling as he speaks. "That woman is not to be trusted my Lord!"

  14. Characters in this post:
    The King let's Hyuuga vent his frustration and stays silent for a while before offering a response. All while keeping his eyes locked on the leader. "Are any of them dead?" he asks.

  15. Characters in this post:
    Hyuuga- "...Well no Sir but!..." He sighs. "You knew." He looks down. "I didn't mean to doubt you my Lord." He says quietly with his ears drawing back like a scolded dog. "I should go check on the pack.." He says as he turns away from his King and walks out feeling a little foolish for not being informed on the plan. He walks to the first room which is Nero's chamber. "Nero, may I come in?" He asks knocking lightly on the door.

    Nero- Looks over at the door from his bed which he is laying. He sits up and replies in a quiet mono toned voice. "Yes." Hyuuga enters.

    Hyuuga- Have you sustained any lasting injuries from the fight earlier? He stands in the doorway looking in at Nero.

    Nero- "I think I broke a rib." He says bluntly not looking to be in pain but Hyuuga knows better than to believe Nero's facial expressions.

    Hyuuga- "Alright, Go see Tilly. She'll patch you up. Is that all?" He asks once more.

    Nero- He nods silently and gets up from sitting on the edge of his bed. He walks past Hyuuga to the infirmary where Tilly can usually be found.

    Hyuuga visits Plumes room next.

    Hyuuga- Knocks on her door. "Plume, may I speak with you please?"

  16. Characters in this post:
    Tilly-Dabbing an alcohol swab on her freshly stitched leg. Not a large gash, just deep enough to require four small stitches. She looks up and sees Nero enter the room. Staring at him as he approaches, Tilly places the crimson stained needle used to suture herself in a stainless steel medical pan laying on a bedside table. The tinging sound was all that could be heard in the large room as the needle hit the pan. "Can I help you Nero?" She asked as she stood.

  17. Characters in this post:
    Nero- He watches her for a moment then meets his eyes to hers. "My rib hurts. Is it broken?" He asks as he comes forward into the room. He looks down at her leg half wanting to ask if she is okay but he doesn't he just looks back up at her waiting for her response.

  18. Characters in this post:
    Tilly-Blinks "Um.. I'm not too sure yet. May I take a look? she asks outstretching her arm, motioning toward one of the cots. "If you take off your coat and lay down I can take a look."

  19. Characters in this post:
    Nero- Stares blankly at her for a couple seconds that feel like minutes then to the cot and back at her. "Mm.." He ponders his head for thoughts. He steps over to the cot and takes off his jacket dropping it on the floor him. Then he sits on the cot sits stiffly then lays back, looking at the ceiling. "I can still fight right?" He asks with slight concern in his voice it becoming clear that he's never really had injuries before.

  20. Characters in this post:
    Tilly-Stands over the other and raises her eyebrow. "Well let's see" she says quietly before reaching for the loose fabric of his black shirt that was bunched at the bottom where it was tucked into his pants. With one quick tug she un-tucks his shirt, then pulls it above his chest in order to examine his rib. Before she had a chance to ask him which side she could see bruising and a bit of sunken skin on his rib-cage where the bone collapsed. "Oh my" she thought. reaching over gently with one hand she ran her fingers across the hollow point. "It's broken." She said simply. "I'm worried it could puncture your lung. Are you having any trouble breathing Nero?" She grabs her stethoscope off the table. "Take a deep breath for me."

  21. Characters in this post:
    Nero- Tenses when she pulls his shirt up, not used to this sort of thing. He looks down at his rib then her. He tries not to grimace as she touches his sore side. He simply shakes his head no then looks to the ceiling again and does as she says drawing in a breath, it flutters a little as his lungs fill, being a bit painful for him.

  22. Characters in this post:
    Tilly-Listens closely before letting out a sigh and pulling the ear piece around her neck. "Well it sounds a bit cloudy, but that's to be expected. I think you dodged a bullet, but I want to keep a check on it. You can not at any cost fight or do anything strenuous until this heals.. Do you understand? It should heal soon enough, but if you do anything to hinder the healing you could hurt yourself more." Without much trust she says "I'm going to make sure Hyuuga knows."

  23. Characters in this post:
    Nero- He sits up and puts his jacket back on. "No fighting?..." he sighs a little and looks down towards the ground. "What if something happens?" he thinks to himself.
    He stands and fixes his scarf, he nods at Tilly and walks out of the room silently, complacent about being defenseless.


    Belphagore's shack.
    Late night

    Belphagore- Laying in his bed throwing a ball of trash up then catching it and repeating. "Uhh! I'm so BORED!" He sits up abruptly. "We should go cause some mayhem!" He says with a grin on his face. "Where are you idiot?!" He looks around as he stands.

  24. Characters in this post:
    White noise rolls his eyes as he hears that ear piercingly annoying voice. He croaks as his long slender body makes its way out from under his counterpart's bed. His lanky fingers creeping out from under the bed first, slowly. Then his unnaturally long thin arms made their way out, his horns scrapped against the metal bed frame making an unbearable noise that resembled nails on a chalkboard. His head twisted all the way around to look at the man he cursed with his presence. His long crumbled body still making its way slowly out from under the bed. His movements were absolutely indescribable. Like a jointed doll, his limbs moved in all directions. Nothing made sense. Until he was finally erect. He let out a long gurgling sigh. Black tar escaped his mouth as a large grin overtook his face.

  25. Characters in this post:
    Belphagore- "Do you have to sleep under there? You know the boogeyman will never visit if you are always blocking the entrance! Geez.." He shakes his head and sticks his finger in his ear. "And will you stop making those annoying damn noises. I'd hit you if I didn't just phase right through you you weirdo.." He says as he curls his lip. "I'm going out. I assume you'll follow me.." He goes over to the door and kicks it open and strolls out not closing the door with his hands in his pockets. "Ahhh gotta love that smell." He says after taking a deep breath and exhaling. He grabs his giant bloody, rusty sword from the yard and he heads out not knowing what he will run into but looking forward to anything.

  26. Characters in this post:
    With a smile and black slime oozing from his mouth he lets out a muffled moan. The moan not only contained his own voice, but another. Much deeper and even more sinister than his own. "What'll we do today?" He asks. as he follows. His bones cracking as he slinks about. Picking up the pace to catch up with his eager friend his long legs twist. His knees moving forward and crunching backwards as if the bone is breaking in two.

  27. Characters in this post:
    Belphagore- "If I knew that don't you think i'd tell ya already!?" He sighs again shaking his head. "But whatever it is, it better be fun." He says with a grin. "Why don't we pay our old friend a visit hm? I'm sure he's lonely out there all alone riiight?" He laughs with a sinister tone. About 30 minutes into their journey they come across a field. "Well well here he is, just as usual. What's up scardey? Kill anyone today?" He says as he comes upon a strange looking young man lying in the field.

  28. Characters in this post:
    The melancholic young man who sat cross legged in a field with his eyes closed in some sort of meditative state opened his eyes as he heard the other approach. He secretly gripped his long wooden pole laying hidden in the wheat by his side. "I don't kill sir." His voice an empty sounding echo.

    White noise- "A stick by his side. One which he'll use to bludgeon you to death master." He croaked and let out a maniacal laugh.

  29. Characters in this post:
    Belphagore- "Aaaaah, still playing good huh?" he asks as he takes a look around. Seems to ignore White noise even though he knows he was heard. He grins. "Do I make you nervous scardey? It's not like I'm the Reaper you know.. Or that Wich bitch.." Getting angry at the end of his sentence as he thinks of Madam Inese. His mouth curling into a snarl. "I came by to offer my company but I see you're happier alone. Ha.. well then we'll just have to find someone else to play with.. I think we should visit the slums today... What do you say?" He looks over to a vacant spot in the grass beside him.

  30. Characters in this post:
    Scarecrow- "Still talking to yourself?" He questions. With a sigh he rises from the grass holding his long wooden pole. "I'll visit with you. Just don't try anything funny. My leg is still sore from the last attack you so kindly bestowed upon me.." He said with brash sarcasm.

    White noise just smiled at the thought of that memorable mental breakdown he caused last time.

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