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The life of the Human Race.

After studying the Humans for a while, the Angels and Demons watching them visit Earth and try to blend in. Will the Humans remain unaware? Or will they find out that there are more than one species that resemble humans?......

Tags: , angels, angst, demons, friendship, hate, humans, life, love, romance

Character Approval: No

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: FallenHopeClearwater

Created: 02-28-2013, 03:29 AM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Fallen sighed as he walked through town. He had nothing else to do, so he just kept walking. "Man," he started. "It's days like today where everything is just... boring." He looked over at the park and sat down on a bench nearby it. He stretched out his wings when he had the chance, but every now and again, there were too many Human's Around.

  2. Characters in this post:
    Miguel walked through the humans without paying much attention to them. He was wondering why had the angels sent him to the human world instead of sending a minor angel. After all, he was an archangel, he had better things to do. He was closing to a park when he saw two golden wings shining in the distance. "Another angel?" He decided to walk towards those wings to know their owner.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Suddenly, Fallen felt a curious presence approaching him. His wings folded into his back, hiding from view. Hoping to whatever deity was out there that he was just imagining the presence, he casually stretched his arms out. 'Please don't be a Human..' he thought.

  4. Characters in this post:
    "Oh yes, he's an angel! At least I'm not alone." He thought. Miguel approached Fallen. "Hello. My name is Miguel. Nice to meet you." He let his wings show a little, just enough for Fallen to see them.

  5. Characters in this post:
    At the sight of Miguel and his wings, Fallen relaxed slightly and also let his wings show slightly. "Hello Miguel. My name is Fallen. It's a pleasure to meet you." He spoke with a small bow of his head. Fallen could feel a radiant presence coming from him, proving he was an Angel to Fallen.

  6. Characters in this post:
    Miguel smiled. "It's good to see you. I thought that I was the only one here. I was starting to feel lonely." Miguel sat down beside him, leaving enough space to avoid touching his wings.

  7. Characters in this post:
    "I know the feeling." Fallen spoke. "I figured I was the only one who got sent to this place. It's quite familiar, but I can't put my finger on it." He shrugged and looked over to Miguel. "Forgive me if this sounds rude, but you are not just an average Angel are you? You have a more... radiant aura about you than a regular Angel would."

  8. Characters in this post:
    As Fallen waited for Miguel's answer, he sensed an emotion nearby. It was... distressed, and that wasn't really a good thing, since most distressed human's he felt usually weren't around for that much longer. He was a little worried, but he did not wish to be rude to the Angel next to him, for it was not everyday one met and Archangel.

  9. Characters in this post:
    "You guessed right." He said, laughing. "I'm an archangel. Well, humans call me Saint Michael, the Archangel." Then Miguel noticed that Fallen was worried about something and looked around. He didn't sensed any demon. That was one of his abilities, he had headaches every time a demon was near. He had developed that as a mechanism of defence against them. Miguel looked at Fallen. "It's something wrong? You look a bit corncerned about something."

  10. Characters in this post:
    "I don't really know if something is wrong yet, but someone is feeling... distressed I would say. And in this town, the people who feel distressed usually don't last long. Either they aren't seen or heard from again, or are found dead within the following week." He explained and shook his head. "This town was thriving a few months ago. But then all of a sudden suicides and missing people started happening left and right. I just don't want any more people to die..." Fallen said while he ran a hand through his hair. He was right, as the population 3 months ago was at roughly 15,200 people. Now it's down to 3,718. That, however wasn't counting any of the other species, so it might be slightly higher.

  11. Characters in this post:
    "Yes, I understand your feelings." He put a hand on his chin, thinking. "And you said that was all of a sudden? And they are all suicides or missing people?" He frowned, worried. "It could be a demon behind all that's happening. You know, the people that commit suicide can't go to Heaven, so they go to Hell. . . And demons use to abduct people to do who knows what with them."
    He crossed his arms upon his chest. "Maybe that's why I'm here." He thought. "That's bad." Then he looked at Fallen. "Can you identify who is feeling distressed? Maybe we can help that person."

  12. Characters in this post:
    "The feeling is nearby... possibly on a bench around here." He said, standing and hiding his wings from any humans he might meet.

  13. Characters in this post:
    I don't know why, but a post I did in the Town some how went to the Sanctuary.

  14. Characters in this post:
    He felt it again, except stronger this time. Fallen took of at a small jog and looked for the distressed person. A dull ache entered his head from using his ability for so long, but he had to find the person. Soon enough, he saw a girl sitting on a bench by herself, her head in her hands. He slowly approached her. "Excuse me, miss." He started. "Are you ok?"

  15. Characters in this post:
    "Liar." He said as gently as he could. He walked over to her and sat next to her. "You aren't fine. I can see it in your eyes. Your body language says that you can handle yourself, but your eyes are pleading for help. The eyes are the gate to the soul after all. So you soul wants help."

  16. Characters in this post:
    He smiled lightly. "Hi Ella. I'm Fallen. I can tell because I've spent years studying people. So... what's up?" He asked. Fallen felt some distress going away, so he thought he was doing a good job.

  17. Characters in this post:
    "One depicting a person who has fallen from grace and is trying to reclaim his humanity." He said as calmly as he could. "Sides, my middle name is Hope. I prefer Fallen so people don't think I'm a hippie." Fallen added jokingly.

  18. Characters in this post:
    A small blush appeared on his cheeks at the fact that she like's his name. However, it faded as distress entered her mind again. "Something is bothering you again. Tell you what, I'll let you call me Hope, if you tell me what's wrong. I was always told to help a pretty girl in need." Fallen said with a wink.

  19. Characters in this post:
    The sun hadn't even set yet, and dusk was a distant thought. But due to the disappearances, the Mayor had decided to close down establishments deemed 'unnecessary' come the afternoon because of the lack of employment in order to save money. Open stores and services were usually reserved for amenities, groceries, chain restaurants, etc. Of course, with the deterring faith of the town the Church was one of the first places to be forcibly compliant with the new 'business curfew.' Save for evening funerals, which Father Cohen did pro bono out of empathy for the families involved.
    Kirby snapped the padlock shut and tugged down on the chain of the church's front gate to insure it was properly secure.
    He looked up at the steeple and kissed the cross around his neck. "Blessed be, Saint Dymphna." He whispered softly.
    The Saint he chose for to represent the church was a fluke, intended to be a nod to his own upbringing, now represented the town perfectly within the last three months. As the population was now a forth of what it used to be, Saint Dymphna watched over the mentally ill and the runaways, guiding them to safety, and God willing, Heaven.
    With a gentle sigh, adjusted the messenger bag on his shoulder and headed for the park, which was overlooked by the church and the shortest root to his home. It was also the most peaceful place to be in lieu of recent events, and he looked forward to the walk at the end of each day.
    There was an odd, but soothing feeling that washed over him as he passed an older gentleman, a college aged boy and a young girl. It caused him to pause in place and look over. The color gold...was it just the lighting in the park, or were they-"Angels..." Kirby whispered to himself, holding the three within eye sight.

  20. Characters in this post:
    His eyes widened out of anger and shock. "You get... abused?" He asked quietly. "You can come with me. I have plenty of room at my house." He offered. "You won't have to worry about anything. I'll make sure they won't hurt you again. I promise." Fallen was tempted to go find her parents now and have them face the fury that he was feeling, but he couldn't just leave her here alone. A small smile came to his face as he stuck out his pinky. "I don't just promise. I pinky promise. And you know what they say if you break a pinky promise..." Fallen added. Sure the entire 'You will go to hell if you break a pinky promise!' thing was bull, but the Humans didn't need to know that. Of course the higher up Angels realllllllly disliked it if people did break them. He heard a story about this Lucifer guy and how he got turned into a demon or something for breaking the pinky promise. He shuddered lightly but still held out his pinky with a small smile on his face.

  21. Characters in this post:
    Kirby didn't think the three noticed him as he stared absentmindedly at the billowing golden aura surrounding the two men. He thought about speaking up, to get their attention and maybe gather information from them to confirm his suspicions, but he withdraw. The college boy was talking to a young girl, her cheeks looked flushed and beneath a warm smile there was some distress. A smile crossed his own face, as he watched the supposed angel console her, offering a good old fashion 'pinkie promise'. Angel or not, this was a kind hearted soul who could bring light into the gray town.

  22. Characters in this post:
    "I think we'll keep that my little secret." He answered with a small smile on his face. "Well Ella, your officially apart of my Family. You won't have to go back to those... beasts unless if you absolutely need to."

  23. Characters in this post:
    "That's easy. See, all you have to do is show me where their house is. I'll just sneak in, take your stuff, and boom, we're good. Unless you want me to get you new things. I am well off enough to afford a shopping spree. Your choice."

  24. Characters in this post:
    "We aren't taking any chances. We'll wait till nine pm." He answered. "It's not that late yet, so we will worry about it later okay?"

  25. Characters in this post:
    He shrugged. "Might as well set some ground rules since your part of my family now. Rule one: You will not have to pay rent, as long as you smile and be happy. Rule two: No loud music after 11:30. I need sleep too. Rule three: If you so happen to find that special man or woman, since I don't really know that much about you, let alone your sexuality, no loud moaning past midnight. Rule four: If rule three is taking place, and it is with a male, I do have the necessary precautions if necessary. even the postcautions." Here he stopped and mumbled something about stupid college students and parties. "Rule five: If you have a problem, come to me and we will fix it together. You're not alone anymore." Fallen looked thoughtful for a moment. "That should be it. Are you willing to accept theses rules?"

  26. Characters in this post:
    A wide smile rose on his face as he intertwined his pinky with hers. "All right then. Well, Ella, I guess I really should see you home, if you wish to go now?"

  27. Characters in this post:
    He chuckled. "Yes Home. You know, the place where you and I are going sleep together?" After a few seconds his eyes widened. "I mean, sleep together as in the same house! Not in the same bed or anything!" After another few seconds he realized that that didn't sound good either. "Not that there would be anything wrong with that!" Here he just sighed. "You know what, forget everything I just said. Your NEW home." 'Yes! That's so much better.'

  28. Characters in this post:
    "Very well Lady Ella." He said with a playful bow. When he stood upright, he offered his arm to her. "I shall escort thee unto thou newest place of living." Fallen said to her in a fake posh voice, trying his best to keep his smile from showing up.

  29. Characters in this post:
    He raised a eyebrow slightly, as he highly expected her to reject the arm, but who was he to complain? Fallen walked with her for about five minutes, before they stood in front of a white house with a neatly trimmed yard. "Welcome to your new Home Ella." He said as he opened the door leading her into his house.

  30. Characters in this post:
    Hey, It's late and I'm hittin' the hay, so I was just going to let you know, if you read this, that me and you are now in 'My' house thread.

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