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A collection of private RPs between Aleyn and Kuro Ningyou!......

Tags: aleyn, kuro ningyou, multi-fandom, multiverse, private

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Creator: Kuro Ningyou

Created: 01-03-2013, 03:08 AM


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Game Log in KamiHaji Retold

Retold events of "Kamisama Hajimemashita" with a twist!

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  1. Characters in this post:
    holderThe amount of prayers that had accumulated during the previous land god's absence was nothing to shake a stick at. Stasi found herself frowning more and more as she thumbed through the various books that Tomoe had kept up with over the decades. At lot of the prayers people made, she wouldn't have even began to know how to grant them and she wondered if some of the older ones were too late to consider.

    holder"Hey, Onikiri-chan," she began as she flipped through the most recent record. "Is there a way for me to be able to speak to people without being seen?"

    holderStasi was thinking of those whose prayers hadn't been answered. Though she couldn't do much in terms of actually granting them, she would at least see if she was able to speak to their hearts and apologize for the absence of the Land God's presence. They deserved that at the very least.

  2. Characters in this post:
    willowispThe masked onibi-warashi looked up from her game with Kotetsu at the sound of her name, and tilted her head in thought. "Mikage-sama often took on an inconspicuous form and spoke to people through it. But that is a very high-level ability. As much as I hate to say it, Stasi-sama, I don't think you're able to do that at your current abilities."

    willowisp"That's why Stasi-sama needs Tomoe-dono!" Kotetsu declared. "With Tomoe-dono around, you could be protected by him while practicing to strengthen your land god powers!"

  3. Characters in this post:
    holderSitting back on her feet, she sighed softly. Well then, her idea would have to wait until she was powerful enough to put it into motion. Once she was able to take on an inconspicuous form of her own, she would set out to visit those who had paid homage to the Mikage shrine years ago and apologize for their blessings not being answered. She felt she owed them that much even though it wasn't any fault of her own.

    holder"Well then, how do we get him back here?" she asked the masked spirit.

  4. Characters in this post:
    willowispBoth spirits wilted slightly at the question, shuffling uneasily. "I'm afraid it might not be that easy," Onikiri mumbled. "Tomoe-dono is very upset that Mikage-sama didn't come back."

    willowisp"And he might be... there... right now." Kotetsu added. "But if you want, I can go look for Tomoe-dono."

  5. Characters in this post:
    holder"Please and thank you, Kotetsu-chan~" the young woman smiled and patted his head. They are so helpful!

    holderPatiently, Stasi waited for the spirit to return with the youkai that she intended to make her familiar. The thought of the process made her wonder just how she'd actually pull that off. Would she have to make him fall in love with her or could she simply kiss him and make him her familiar?

  6. Characters in this post:
    willowispMinutes crawled by until quite suddenly the two spirits tumbled back into the room that Stasi was in. Though Tomoe was absent, their antsy behaviour was more than enough to tip off what had transpired in their short sojourn.

    willowisp"As we thought, Tomoe-dono is there! But he won't leave!"

    willowisp"He's being unreasonable, even when Mikage-sama recommended you!"

    willowisp"He knows we can't protect the shrine and Stasi-sama on our own..."

    willowisp"And making those callous remarks about Stasi-sama and the shrine...!"

    willowisp"Oh, what do we do?"

    willowispThe onibi-warashi were clearly very upset and concerned over this matter, but at the same time it showed just how low on the demonic hierarchy they were. They could do almost nothing to help the situation, only suggest and plead their cases.

  7. Characters in this post:
    kamisamaStasi could feel her eye twitching in annoyance at the little ones' report. Obviously, it wasn't their fault for his words. Still, acting this way was just... it was just rude!

    kamisama"Callous remarks, huh?" she said softly, standing up and looking to the two spirits. "Take me to where Tomoe is. I'll make him come back."

    kamisamaThere was absolutely no way she would allow him to dip out on her. He was this shrine's familiar, right? If so, he needed to be there with her to get things back into shape.

  8. Characters in this post:
    willowispThe pair of onibi-warashi glanced at each other. Was it wise to take Stasi along? Even though she was a land god now, she was still a human. It wasn't safe. But her tone was so firm... Each taking one of her hands, they led her through the shrine to a darker area. Soon something came into view: buildings, reminiscent of the Japan of old. Tile roofs, white-wash walls, paper lanterns from the eaves. From the buildings were the sounds of merry-making and voices, glimpses of inhuman creatures from the windows. The two led Stasi to a rather luxurious looking building, with colourful lanterns at the door and equally vivid hangings over the door. A single glance inside would have given this place as a brothel, but they went in nonetheless.


    familiarfoxThe irritated kitsune looked up from where he was lounging and being pampered by the tanuki sisters. Ugh, they were back again? He already knew what they had come to say, so he waved a clawed hand at them.

    familiarfox"What, you two again? Leave me alone, you're not making me go back!"

    familiarfox"Please, Tomoe-dono! Stasi-sama needs you!"

    familiarfox"Of course she does, what does a weak little girl like her have to offer? I already told you, so long as she's there, I'm not!" He paused and then smiled slyly. "Although... if she bows her face to the ground before me and says, "Please help me, Tomoe-sama!" I might think about it~"

    familiarfox"Tomoe-dono! That's no good! How can you treat her that way?"

  9. Characters in this post:
    kamisama"If who does what now?" the mocha said with her hands placed on her hips, looking at the kitsune who was enjoying the company of the other females. "So you want me to grovel, is that it? You want me to say "Oh please Tomoe-sama, I'm a weak little girl who can't do anything, come back to the shrine"? No deal, foxbutt. To think I wasted my time coming here... You're not even worthy of being a familiar."

    kamisamaWith her stubborn pride intact, Stasi turned on her heels and stormed out of the building in the direction they'd entered... or so she thought. Being obviously unfamiliar with this realm, she had gotten herself lost pretty easily and was now heading toward a forest.

    kamisama"...was this the way we came?" she asked no one in particular, feeling a bit of panic creeping into her heart.

  10. Characters in this post:
    familiarfoxThe netherworld was not an empty place. Silhouettes with far too many or too protrusions and inhuman body parts skittered across the screens; hands of all shapes and sizes and colours reached out from some, claws and blackened nails and groping digits - or digit, in some cases - tugging for Stasi's clothes. Voices slithered out from everywhere, beckoning to her, whispering to her, trying to lure her in. Even the softly glowing lanterns lining the avenue seemed to be alive, flickering almost eerily whenever she drew near.

    familiarfox"Hey, little miss, come in here~"

    familiarfoxA vice-like grip, cold as ice, closed around the mocha's wrist, trying to pull her into the building. Before it could move her a foot, however, a fan cracked across its knuckles, and the hand recoiled. The owner of the fan turned out to be Tomoe, who snapped the fan back open and fluttered it lazily over the lower half of his face as he gazed at Stasi with an almost distasteful glower.

    familiarfox"You're an absolute idiot, coming into the demon realm," he quipped. "Someone like you is a free and easy lunch for their ilk. Go back to where humans belong, and stay there." With a disgruntled sigh, he held out his hand. "Come, I'll take you back."

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