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Fallen Grace

Welcome to St. Claire Secondary School, a high school in small-town California. You've heard all about the drama and hardships of high school, right? The drugs, the sex, the lies and the way your friends will stab you in the back? Yeah, it all happens. And yeah, you're going to see it... And remember: in a small town, news travels quite fast.......

Tags: drama, high school, modern, romance

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: katelynnxo

Created: 09-30-2012, 07:36 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Aiden shoved his hands in to the pockets of his jeans, glancing down at the ground as he watched Quinn and Avery walk off without him. It had been over two months since he'd seen her pretty face, and as much as he loved to deny it, he did have feelings for her. From what he'd got, though, he was in the hypothetical "friend zone".


  2. Characters in this post:
    Quinn gave Aiden another smile before linking arms with her little brother and beginning to walk down the tech hall. Avery's class was at the far end off the hall, two rooms off from the far doors. "You going to be okay?" Quinn asked. Avery gave her an awkward shrug.

    "Uh, yeah, I think so," he mumbled, chewing on the corner of his lip.

  3. Characters in this post:
    "Here in five it is," Aiden told Quinn with a grin, nodding his head. He found Avery's awkward shyness mildly amusing, having never actually met the kid. Aiden could already imagine what it would be like between him and Avery - he'd try and mentor the kid, bring him out and let him shine. One day he would make sure Avery was awesome, and soon.

    Almost as soon as he got to see Quinn more.

  4. Characters in this post:
    Avery gave an awkward nod, biting down yet again on his lip as Aiden released his sister. This wasn't exactly comfortable for him, he didn't exactly know Aiden, yet the older man was referring to him by name... It just overall was out of his comfort zone. "Uh, Quinn, can we just, uh, go to my class?" He glanced back down at the crowd, watching others walk by out of the corner of his eye.

    "Uh, yeah, 'course we can," Quinn responded with a smile, wrapping one arm around her brother's shoulder. "Meet me here in five?" She asked Aiden. "We need to catch up."

  5. Characters in this post:
    Aiden let out a laugh as Quinn collided with him, running one hand through her hair for a moment before returning the tight grip. He grin grew even bigger - he was definitely glad to get his best friend back, that was for sure. "Miss me? He asked her, messing with her hair as he realized her. That would cause a grump, it always did, but he could handle it.

    That was when little Avery chimed in, nervously asking him what he meant by 'famous'. "Well, Avery, your sister's said good words about you," he explained lightheartedly, realizing that he had potentially scared the poor kid. Quinn had told him all about Avery's shy personality.

  6. Characters in this post:
    Someone calling her name caught Quinn's attention, pulling her away from her about-to-be adventure down the hall. A smile lit up her face as she saw a long-time friend, Aiden, approach her with his typical silly grin... The one that she loved. "Aiden!" She exclaimed, breaking the distance between him and wrapping her arms around his ribs.

    Six feet away from her, Avery glanced down at the ground. A small blush formed on his face as Aiden said something about "the famous little brother". Had Quinn talked about him? Had it been good or bad? It didn't seem bad, Aiden didn't seem mad about seeing him... "W-what do you mean by er, the 'famous' little brother?" He spoke, glancing just slightly back up.

  7. Characters in this post:
    Typical Aiden wasn't exactly the 'early' type, so him rising and being at school early on the first day of school was a bit surprising. When he first entered, the halls were almost barren, only the students who caught early school buses in the crowd. Slowly, however, students had gathered. He had first period English, that much he was sure of, so he headed in that direction.

    Of course, along his way he saw a familiar girl being followed by a younger looking boy. "Quinn!" He exclaimed, walking over to the girl with a goofy grin on his face. "Is this the famous little brother?" he teased.

  8. Characters in this post:
    Avery held back a smile as Quinn offered him exactly what he wanted. He placed on finger to his lip, hooking it inside of his mouth as he tried to recall the room number. "Its, uh, room 156, I believe," he told her. Yeah, 156, that sounded right. He glanced in the direction she was, under the assumption that their destination was in that direction.

  9. Characters in this post:
    Quinn gave a nod, a small smirk forming on her face at her brother's hesitancy. He was so shy, she didn't know how he was going to make it through the day. (He would, of course, but that would be awkward for him no doubt.) "Yeah, that sounds like it should be in the tech wing," Quinn confirmed. Her eyes glanced off in the direction of the hall. "Want me to show you?" She asked him.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Avery bit down on his lip, fumbling with his back pocket to remove his schedule. He gave it a quick once-over -yet again- before glancing slightly up at his sister. "Uh, computer technologies with.... Harbook? Yeah, that's what it says." He gave a hasty nod before folding the paper back up and putting it in his back pocket. "It's, uh, in the tech wing, right?" He asked his sister, hopeful that she would show him around.

  11. Characters in this post:
    Quinn didn't know why she was rushing, after all it was only 7:55, and her first class, which was English, didn't start until 8:15. She still had twenty minutes to wait.

    Perhaps her anxiety to get everything over with stemmed from the fact that it was her first day back at school. It was her first day of senior year, and she was unable to comprehend the fact that she didn't need to be there twenty minutes early.

    Her brother, Avery, comprehended that fact, however, and he was groaning as he followed behind Quinn. "Y'sure we need to be here now?" He questioned, a sullen look on his face.

    "You, my dear brother, haven't learned yet." She returned. "One does not simply not be prepared for the first day of classes... What do you have first period?

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