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Tunnels under the Dome (OPEN)

Its a cruel place to be in a dome, Will you survive?......

Tags: death, dome, fighting, horror, humor, science fiction, strategy

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: OpheliaSmiles

Created: 06-03-2012, 11:15 PM


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Early in time, in one particular dome called the Ice dome, there was a group of kids- rather teenagers- that had dreamed  there were other worlds like theirs just outside of their own dome. Since the law was tight, and they had no way of getting to one whole side of the dome, they started to dig secretively under the dome. They called it the Tunnel system. 

They made it out, they were never seen by their families/friends again. It is said that they made other domes and started different species in each. (But really there were already different domes with different species so they just mated and became a part of that dome.)

Years pass and another group of teenagers like the ones before, want to venture out in search of adventure, possibly even a land where there is no dome over top of it, They had also herd that there was to be a new ruler that will put an end to the tunnel systems, they go on a journey to stop him/her before they do so. There's one "evil" person from the Ice dome that has set out do destroy all the tunnel systems. This boy was not "evil" to begin with. The shadow people (will explain in background) had killed the baby prince and had placed his soul into a different body and taught him to hate, destroy and kill anyone that was not himself. This boy's name is Soren.


.Each dome has their own sign, travelers from other domes must cover up their signs (if they still have them) and draw/tattoo the sign of that dome to avoid being caught by the shadow people. When the person turns 18 years of age, their sign that has been given to them at birth dissapears.)

.If you die, a person can come collect you're soul in a jar/bottle and put you into a different body. You can only do this once. Also the soul has to be put into a baby's body or else the soul will get rejected. Like any reincarnation, when you come back into the different body you lose all memory of who you were in your previous body.

.If you die a second dime your soul goes to the underworld where it will never have a body of its own.

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