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Tunnels under the Dome (OPEN)

Its a cruel place to be in a dome, Will you survive?......

Tags: death, dome, fighting, horror, humor, science fiction, strategy

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: OpheliaSmiles

Created: 06-03-2012, 11:15 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Freesia walked in the continuously darkening woods, birds squawked and animals scurried. She held her hand spear tightly as she approached a dear with caution. She licked her lips and stepped back to spring the spear forward, but the bell on her tan and white tail, dinged, causing the deer to be alerted and run. "Dang it!" she said, gripping the spear tightly, wanting to throw it, but not wanting to lose it. Freesia tucked the spear back in her boot and walked back towards the small river, there she pulled out her spear and aimed for many fish and caught two, which she planned on taking home.

    She tucked the fish in a bucket and headed back through the woods towards her home, the last place she wanted to be.

  2. Characters in this post:
    It had been a while since Frey last awoke before the crack of dawn. Spending the a good part of the early morning beside his beloved hound, the pair looked out across the flattened land of the Ice Dome. Though they were inside a dome, the world was large and vast, at least to Frey it was. The city was located in the center and all around it was ice, snow, and the bitter cold. Fixated on the sunrise before him, the green-eyed beau knew that today would prove to be a good day - a day worth remembering. Though he knew not the reason for the feeling in this stomach, he did know that he was glad he had awoken to feast his eyes on such a glorious display of colors. Marvel and awe stayed on his face for quite some time, vanishing only when a cold nose was pressed to the neck.

    "Oh, Siku." The lad hummed while reaching an arm out to brush the year old wolf. "Whatever am I going to do with you?" Burying his face into the warm fur, he felt some of the ice around his heart melt. Siku the wolf was the only one that could paint a smile on Frey's face - a sincere smile.

    Pushing himself up from the frozen tundra, he shoved his hands back into his pockets. Deerskin boots kept his toes warm and his feet from getting wet. They were a bit darker than usual, as they were rubbed with animal blubber to keep them sealed. Those boots of his went up past his ankles some where a nice layer of fur rimmed them. From there, black jeans with a layer of insulation finished off his lower-half look. To accessorize, he clipped a chain around his belt look and had it swing into his pocket. More often than not, he secured his switchblade to that chain to ensure it was on him at all times. As far as his top layers went, Frey wore a lot. He had a sleeveless black shirt closest to his skin. A layer out was a green shirt that mimicked the color of his eyes. From there, he had a large jacket with a feather-rimmed hood. Around his ears were earmuffs that he really departed with. Why, he even slept with them.

    Frey's lips moved but not a word was uttered from his mouth. Mouthing something, a whistling sound soon filled the air. The canine at his side immediately picked his head to the sky and let out a low, baritone howl. Together, they would back to the city, singing all the way.

  3. Characters in this post:
    Trees towered hundreds of feet into the air. Their massive leaves and branches gently swayed though there was no wind. For as long as Blanc had been alive, it was told that they moved with the circulation of magic that swam in the air. The forest Blanc was in was dense. No one in the Elven dome bothered cutting down the trees because they were so massive. Instead, they built on the trees; numerous amounts fragile bridges made from agriculture connected colossal branch to colossal branch. But that was only, roughly, forty-five percent of the dome. The rest of the dome was left un-tampered with.

    Somehow Blanc found herself again at the edge of the dome, kneeling. Her small, pale hand traced along the curved wall.She was thinking absently; her mind wondering from herbs, home, and what was outside. Somewhere, she knew, was a tunnel out. But the tunnel system had been done so long ago its location was lost. Blanc's skin caught goosebumps as two tiny things fluttered near her ears.

    "You should be working, not daydreaming!" Anette hissed in Blanc's ear. Frussia, Anette's sister, snickered in agreement. The small faeries circled around Blanc's head as they continued to whisper. "What will you do anyways if you leave? You're magic is practically useless outside these walls!" Frussia stopped in front of Blanc's nose. Blanc went cross-eyed as she tried to focus in on the small blue thing. Anette arrived beside her sister, and they both managed to say in unison. "Don't be selfish!"

    Blanc swatted at the sisters. She knew the possible outcome of her abrupt disappearance. But could that really stop her from leaving? She craved something new, an adventure. Blanc lifted herself from the forest floor. Blades of grass stuck to her knees. She happily wiped them away. "Please collect twigs from the Merde bush. Along with the usual berries." Banc's voice was barely audible. For some reason she's always been like that-soft spoken. Blanc spun on her forefoot and began to move. It would be awhile before the faeries got back to the treetops.

  4. Characters in this post:
    In the middle of the night, loud "Ohh's" and "Ahh's" came from one great big black and white circus tend. It looked harmless, though you wonder if its safe to go in. But finally, you come to a descision to go im- just for a while.

    You walk up to your seat amongst the curious crowd. Everyone itching with anticipation as their eyes looked down to the big arena-like circle. The ring master spoke- all fell silent. "Tonight, my unconventional conventions! You will witness the most daring performances, by some of the best performers in the world!" The crowed roared with excitement as the ring master took his leave, and in his place was a young man.

    He mannaged his way over towards one of the ginormous poles in the tent, it has a ladder which the male swiftly climbed to the very top. You realize by now that he is a jumper, since he had no partner to be an acrobat.

    The man gets onto the small platform, looking fearless where he stood. At the bottom, there lay a very shallow kiddy pool with water. You think to yourself that he must be crazy, no one could survive that jump..

    Lithium, formally known as Envy- looked all around at teh crowd below him. He felt nervous, although he had made this jump a thousand times before. He calmed his nerves by humming taht sweet lillaby his father had sung to him when he was frightened as a child. He took a deep breath, bending his knees to get a good head start. His arms rose above his head as he too the jump off the platform.

    Its that moment, the crowd falls silent as you free fall downward into that shallow pool of water. You can't help but think taht this could be the end..All you can do now is cross you're fingers and hope.

    The crowd watched in horror and amazement as the blue haired jumper, jumped. Moments later, he hit the pool, but there was no cheering yet, they all watched in silence as the man's body lay still in the pool of water.

    You close your eyes and turn away, wishing you hadn't of come. Suddenly, everyone was on their feet, clapping and cheering. 'what was wrong with these people, don't they know he's dead?!' You look back down at the man below, now standing on his feet with what appears to be a big grin on his face.

    Welcome to insanity, oh do please join me" The crowd cheered on as he left the ring, new performers coming to the stage.

  5. Characters in this post:
    Deep within the dwellings of the Ruler's icy castle, a member of the Shadow people was pacing outside of what appeared to be a worn out - rotten curtain which had been stained to a sickening crimson color. Tension filled the already thick atmosphere about the castle. It was always like that here. Always reeking of fear and death. Many who were unfortunate enough to find themselves here, knew that whatever lay beyond the black, icy gates, would surely lead to their death or something so horrible and unimaginable that they would have wished they had been sentenced to death in the first place.

    This was the home of a monster. This was the home of soren, the Ruler.

    Soren sat impatiently on his great white throne. The designs and marks were from the tattoos on the skin of all the people he had defeated. Yes, he was a sick and twisted monster, and he loved that the people thought of him as exactly that. The corner of his lips would always twist into that cruel, merciless smile. That was the sign that your time here was over. It gave him pleasure to know that he was the one everyone feared. He as the one who was on every single person's mind.

    He glanced up from where he had been looking, which was down at his loyal pet, saphier. She had been by his side and was the only living thing that he could almost trust with his life. You could even say that she was precious to him, something no one in all of the ice dome knew about.

    As he raised his head, he found himself looking upon an elderly man with a ridiculously frightened look upon his face. As if that weren't enough, his whole body was shaking like he was having a seizure. Soren finally decided to "put him out of his misery." As he did to many others.

    "Old man! You have been sentenced to death for trying to steal from out most valuable markets. This crime is unacceptable." With that said, Soren got up off his throne, nodding to the head of the shadow people, which had been a gesture that they had his permission to carry out with the sentence. As he walked away, the shadow people closed in on the old man, his screams were of pain and agony. The sound Soren had learned to love - crave even,

    Satisfied, Soren called to his pet Saphier, as they walked down the long shadowy hallway.

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