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  1. Slowly but surely getting the hang of this.
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About Silhouette

Basic Information

About Silhouette
♠ What to call me: Silhouette or Sil is just fine, I am often open to suggested nicknames as well.

♠ Boy or girl?: I am female, last I checked.

♠ Personality: Considerate, Empathetic, Open minded, Compassionate, Usually friendly, Can be blunt, Cynical, Timid (Sometimes), Dark sense of humor, can be hotheaded and brutal when angered.

♠ I have been writing stories and role playing for several years now, and whereas I will likely never consider myself an expert (There will always be more to learn)... I do consider myself a fairly decent writer by this point. I've been on a few role playing sites over time, and eventually this one was recommended to me. I'm not sure how swiftly I'll get used to the way this site functions, but I will do my best to be a quick study. I can however tell you this much, I usually welcome communication. From people just wanting to talk or say hello, but especially from my role play partners. I feel that communication is key when role playing, I'm alright with putting together a basic premise idea and plot. But I will always love to gain input and ideas from the person I'm writing with, and co-create the story together as we go along.

♠ As for character types and genres, I play both male and female characters. I like genres such as; Supernatural (No sparkly Vampires please), Modern day, (Some)Historic times, Fantasy, Mystery, Action, Some suspense and drama (Provided that it is not all centered on how one character's life sucks), Romance (I'll do a few plots centered on this, but only if I'm very taken with the setup. Ideally I welcome romance as an element within my role plays, though aside from my few exceptions I prefer for it not to be the center of the story), Horror (Though not with ridiculous amounts of gore). I'm also open to expanding an trying a few sci-fi based rps as well. As for pairings; I have a bit of a weakness for malexmale pairings, but I also do hetero based ones and femalexfemale ones. PLEASE NOTE: If I am playing a male character pairing with your female character, I ask that she not be another 'Mary Sue' please give me characters that are interesting. It's fine if they are good people or tormented people, so long as those aspects are not their entire character!!!

♠ If I haven't scared you away, please feel free to post a visitor message or send me a pm if interested in talking or role playing. :3
Drawing, Writing, Sword Fighting, Music, Video games, Netflix binging
College Student, Dweller of Darkness


- "The world is not as bad as you think." -


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10-30-2016 09:11 AM
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02-14-2019 10:12 PM
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  1. Morningkill Morningkill is offline


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    For the time being, this is just a place for me to store my characters.

    Hiro Ling   (played in Silhouette's character housing for the homeless)
    "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely fools."
    Rai Hollowell   (played in Silhouette's character housing for the homeless)
    "Angels are not always so pure."
    Seikatsu Boseki   (played in Silhouette's character housing for the homeless)
    "All living people are fucking wastes, the dead at least are more honest."
    Seikei Boseki   (played in Silhouette's character housing for the homeless)
    Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?