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Alcy Covington

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: a91nicole

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A strong young woman who has spent her formative years in the hardest parts of London


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Though a broken home is her background, she does not have a broken spirit. Raised by a single mother Alcy had to learn survival skills fast. She knows how to fight with words and fists. Alcy does manage to maintain a positive demeanor. She's spunky with a love of sarcastic humor. Typically she can talk her way out of trouble but she won't back down from a fight. Fear is just a four letter word. 

Equipment / Abilities
Knives on her person in various hidden places. She does have gun access but does not carry them with her unless she has a specifically dangerous task ahead of her. Pretty good at hand-to-hand combat as well.

Alcy was born  to a single mother in the more slummy area of town. Her mother Lena had initially been employed at one of the offices of a prominent politician in London. She had a passionate affair with said politician, but due to the visible nature of his career, once Lena became pregnant he fired her. He proceeded to ruin her reputation as well to send her to a part of town where no one would know or care that she'd ever been affiliated with her. She became a shop assistant and raised Alcy on her own. Since money was tight, they could never afford to move to the nicer parts of town, so Alcy grew up in the slums. She actually carries a striking resemblance to her father, and if the right press ever made the connection, his career would be ruined forever. 
