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Edge Elrianos

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: nero123

Rating: (any)   Genre: (any)  

Mage: Armor Shifter


"How long before I hurt someone important to me?"


Edge Elrianos


rank: mage
gender: Male
preference: Hetrosexual
age: 19
eye color: Orange
hair color: Dark Red
height/weight: 5'6"/120 pounds

Personality: Edge is usually quiet and tends to avoid people. He's friendly and insists no one tries to befriend him or else something bad might happen to them. Edge has always been a serious fighter and if something threatens his life he will fight it and only run when he can't handle it. Edge will never kill anyone that attacks him, he will always leave them unconcious or let them leave.

Equipment / Abilities

Talent: Armor Shifter

Specialization: Armor forms and Physical enhancement magic

Weapon of choice: Two Swords and a great sword


History: Edge was never given a chance to go to a monestary as soon as he heard that mages were being blamed for the Lords death he started to run never looking back. For hours he ran until he stepped into the forest and began calling it home, he avoided everyone from travellers to hunters. When ever someone threatened his life he fought to survive, and that's what he has been doing ever since.

Now he is seeing Templars more often and finding it hard to avoid them, his powers sometimes go out of control covering him in magical armor that appears to be normal but grants him attacks that seem impossible for a mage like him.
