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Joshua Blake

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: xD3siR3x

Rating: (any)   Genre: (any)  



Name: Joshua Blake
Age: 23
Height: 188cm
Race: Human

Typical clothing: dress shirt over normal t-shirt, dark straight jeans, light sweater for colder evenings with a scarf, that sometimes seems more like an accessory for him.
Other accessories: a layered pendant necklace gifted by a special someone.

Unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering. That's how most people see Josh. He comes off as a very cold person thus rarely found in a big company. However those few that deserve the title of a 'friend', know that he is far more caring that one might think.

Equipment / Abilities
Diplomacy: Joshua is a very diplomatic person, capable of negotiating even the trickiest of deals and finding compromises.

Art: he's really good at drawing just about anything.

Joshua was raised in quite an ordinary European family: mother, father and a younger sister who is ten years his junior. He went to school like all the other kids and just spent his time with a few closest friends. His life was pretty much the same and sometimes he would consider it dull and boring. That was until the summer, when the boy was 16 for that was when he met Erica. As opposed to Joshua's calm personality, Erica was a extremely energetic and spontaneous. They seemed to always be at each others throats, however almost half a year later they surprised all their friends by becoming a couple. They weren't exactly the lovey-dovey type of couple, not on the surface at least, but a deep bond kept the two together and not even the differences in their personalities could break it. And so they dated for more than a year and a half before it happened...

It was a warm summer night and Erica suddenly asked Josh out for stargazing. He accepted without hesitation. That night she gave him a present - a layered pendant necklace while saying that he was an undeserving bastard, but... she didn't wasn't anyone else but him. They spent a few more happy hours together, before both of them had to return home. The goodbye they both bid to each other that time was the last time Josh ever saw her. A day later, Erica was announced missing.

Five years have passed since then. Joshua is now in his last year of University. A lot of things changed during that time, except for one - the layered necklace pendent he still wore around his neck.
