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Zetharia (Zeth) Kingston

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: watching-and-waiting

Rating: General   Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Other  

I don't belong here.


Black wings that glow white.
Cross scar on his chest.
Has a birth mark on the back of his neck that is the mark of the devil.
Thin and lanky.

Zeth has a very cold demeanor. He is solemn and angry and often cannot control himself. He has been calloused by the ways of this world. He does have a very kind side, however. Zeth is an accidental loner. He does not like to be alone but he will not go out of his way to make people like him. People tend to flee from his presence. It is rumored one can tell when he is in the room because the room itself becomes cold.  

He fights between his good side and his bad. His flesh versus his spirit. There is an ever-present war within his soul. To whom does he belong? God or Satan? To where will he go once he dies? To Heaven or to Hell?

Equipment / Abilities
Zeth can...
  • Fly
  • Heal
  • Manipulate temperature
  • Speak to other through his mind
  • Move things with telekinesis

Zetharia is the spawn of a Demon and an Angel. His mother and father can look after him but they cannot take care of him. He was soon adopted. Until the age of ten, he seemed like any other child. Then his wings began to grow in. Horrified, his adopted parents abandoned him. His mother and father weep over their lost child every waking moment. Zeth took off by himself into the woods where he matured and his powers came in. Zeth is now 15. He is terribly inexperienced due to the fact he rejected the idea of having special powers. 

Zeth now travels around the world, subconsciously searching for an answer to his life long question: What is he?

He tries to repress his memories.
He knows he has a purpose but does not exactly know what it is.
He knows he has been misplaced, for he could not possibly be a human.
Zeth is very protective of people he cares about.