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Aizuru "Alice" Seridian

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: ChiNoMizuumi

Rating: Adult   Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Futuristic, Modern, Other  

I kill. I kill whoever they tell me to. I shoot and disappear. I am an assassin. I am... a wraith.


Birthname: Alice Seridian (does not know her first name is Alice; has forgotten)
Names she knows: Aizuru Seridian
Age: 18
Birthday: May 17
Race: Human -- Caucasian/Asian -- Half-German Half-Japanese

Hair Color: White (genetic disorder)
Eye Color: Light magenta (genetic disorder)
Skin Tone: Pale -- alabaster
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 105 lbs

Dressed in:
-- Wears white shirt with/without a bomber jacket (thick, army-ish jacket; only when cold), Kevlar vest, black leather biker gloves, black sweatpants/skirt, black running shoes, and a Bluetooth headset when on a mission.
-- Wears black hoodie, white t-shirt, black baggy jeans, and sneakers otherwise. 
-- Always has a pair of huge, light-blue/silver Sony headphones around her neck or on her head. Sometimes acts as a sound muter. 
-- Always has tiny pistol somewhere.

Completely and utterly brainwashed -- Aizuru has been brainwashed for years. The only thing she knows how to do is kill and run. This had turned her into a cold-hearted and emotionless person, although she can be a sadist/masochist sometimes. 

Misanthrope -- Aizuru acts all emotionless, but she still hates everyone. After being abducted and forced to become an assassin, Aizuru lost all trust in the human race.

Great Liar -- Aizuru has been on countless missions in her short lifetime. These missions have taught her everything, from holding a sniper the right way to having sex in order to get her way. Aizuru's facade seems so realistic that no one has ever broken through it. 

Equipment / Abilities
-- Anti-material sniper rifle -- Russian KSVK 12.7 w/ 12.7x108mm cartridge
-- Harris Gun Work M-96 (semi-automatic) w/ .50 BGM cartridge 
-- Beretta 92FS (standard semi-automatic pistol for US Military) 
-- Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife 

--Hand-to-hand combat (Kung Fu, Judo, Ninjustsu) 
--Great liar/ great at manipulating people  

Surprisingly, everything for Aizuru was pretty normal when she was a child. At the time, her name was "Alice", but she has long since forgotten her birth name. 
She lived in an average-sized house with loving parents. Her neighborhood was pretty decent, especially for a city. 
All in all, average kid. 
Until that one fateful day. 
It was May 17, the girl's birthday, when she was abducted. She just turned 10 years old. It all happened so quickly: first, Aizuru was merely walking home from a rough day at school. The next thing she knew, she was being grabbed and forced into a van, a stinging and numb feeling spreading through her. 

The Rest of Her Life:
After being abducted, Aizuru spent 4 years in a special institute designed specially for training her. After 1 year, she was brainwashed -- forgot everything about her past and became "Aizuru Seridian," or the "Wraith" as many called her. 
After those 4 years, she started going on all sorts of missions. The first few were all hit-and-run missions. Those were ones that required a few people to be shot from a long distance. 
Soon, Aizuru became highly proficient in her "trade," bumping up the number and difficulty of her missions. At the age of 16, the age where she looked enough like an adult, Aizuru started to work on more long-term missions. They usually only lasted a week or so, which wasn't too bad. She came in, got to know the target, got information from him, and then shot him. 
However, it was this long-term mission, a mission that could last months and months, that could change her forever. 
