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Sekatoul Rachnis Tevo

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Aquaticus

Rating: General   Genre: Fantasy  

A protective spirt with a very specific purpose; The protection of children.

Sekatoul is a rather large (Were talking over 8 feet tall here!) black haired man. His hair is just a bit past shoulder length, and he lets his bangs grow out beside his eyes. He is oddly thin looking, until he moves, and then... When he moves, he has this aura of "I. Am. Superior." (But not in a "You are dirt." way.) He is rather well muscled, but it's not the 'devoted every other hour of his life to weights style strength. It's more like the blade dancer's grace. He always wears a long jacket, black and unbuttoned, half sleeves; a plain black shirt; and black pants.

Most of the time, Sekatoul is a very calm, focused, and friendly person. He always tries to help a child with anything he can. When he sees a child hurt, though, he changes. He becomes angry, and just a little crazy. He will protect any child, no matter what, even at the sacrifice of his own mind.

Equipment / Abilities
Sekatoul is a soul eating spirit, but has a very specific limitation on it. He can only eat the soul of a being that has harmed a child.

His main weapon of choice and power is the mist, a black substance, growing from his skin at will, forming claws, blades, and extra limbs. The claws are a shiny black, and smooth to the touch, each claw looks like it grew over something, creating a curved bottom half and a jagged, ripping top half. The blades grow from the Mist pure silver in color; if you look into them, you will see your own soul reflected back at you. Extra limbs formed by the Mist are also smooth to touch and semi-reflective. The limbs form as Sekatoul needs, wings, tails, arms, and more can be made easily. The blades sometimes are like swords, other times are extensions of the claws; Three claw is a good example: He raises his arm, three claws held up. He brings his arm down, and as he does so, huge blades extend from those three claws. The claws tend to be no longer than a foot or two, but can extend incredible distances; a perfect example is Longclaw: He sort of sets his arm against his side, or holds it out at the target, and a single claw extends, at about the speed of sound, rushing forwards into the target. The longclaw attack can also curve, branch off, and even flex like a rope when he wants it to. When fighting, his usual base claw set up is three claws from his arms, the upper arm having two facing down the arm at his elbow, and the lower arm having one facing up in between the other two. Each hand is covered by Mist, forming claws. He grows a pair of horns, blades with claws sort of growing inside of them. His entire body is lightly covered in Mist, adding to his physical strength.
Sekatoul can, as mentioned, use Mist to produce claws, blades, and extra limbs. But that's not all he can do. His more mystic abilities are rather potent as well. He can channel a form of soul magic through his body, including Mist formed extensions. This is what he calls Soul Claw/Blade. Using this he can cut through magic and divine barriers, and even, to save enough children, damage gods. But using Soul power literally consumes Mist as he does so, so he uses it only when necessary. He can turn his entire body to Mist as well, spreading out. He can attack while doing so, forming claws in the air, but they are not as strong. He can create very powerful Mist shields, and his Shield Claw can block magic to a point, and reflect in some cases. 'Sekatoul's Ward' protects children and those around them from unfriendly intent and harm. He is limited though. Without a direct, as in 'trying to rip out a child's throat,' threat, he can only hold up a few Wards at a time, and can form maybe one or two extra limbs. But when he eats a soul, it is turned into more mist for him to use. He can, sort of, teleport by turning to Mist and reforming in a new place. When turned into a Mist, his Longclaw, and a few of his other powers, all act even faster. Longclaw in particular is nearly instant, moving almost light speed. But it is less damaging, and uses up Mist completely, unlike his normal way of using it, meaning that it can be very draining.

Sekatoul was given his ability to eat souls by some other being, the mist by that same being. He put them together to become even more powerful. Eventually, he developed a goal, the protection of children as mentioned. Most of his existence has been dedicated to this goal, and he tends to make leaders and gods angry by getting in the way. Nothing much else matters to him, though.

Sekatoul, oddly, enough, has a voice you would expect from an [i]Archangel.[/i] His voice has calmed whole ravenous mobs before.
When Sekatoul fights, he begins to go a little crazy. This is the side effect of having eaten evil souls for as long as he has. He still retains the same morals, but against the opponent, he becomes very, very violent. This makes him both more and less dangerous. He is better at fighting when under the madness, but is no longer, in his mind, 'human' (Relative, of course!) and it takes a toll on his body, as well. When he is under the madness, his pupils widen and turn black, his teeth grow sharper and longer, his gentle smile fades, replaced by a manic grin, and his normally beautiful angelic voice turns sharp and raspy.