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Denver Rouges

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Longcat

Rating: General   Genre: Science Fiction, Futuristic, Fan-based, Other  

Just your typical junkie; crazy, overly-friendly, jonsing for a good muffin or money to pay for both his next fix and his medical bills.

Tri-colored, well kept dredlocks. Blue, pink and blonde. Often tied up with other locks, and other times by welding goggles. Always has his old welding goggles, occasionally his leather welders jacket, most of the time a shirt with front buckles and generally a pair of pants. Shoes are optional depending on whether he sold them or stole them. He stands around 5'10" and weighs in under 175lbs. Has a fairly large scar on his chest from his surgery, and a steel plate for his solar-plexus.


Friendlier than he should be, crazier than most, addled drug addict. He has very little left of a sense of morality. Thinks there are repo men behind every corner, so he's a tad paranoid as well. Will eat just about anything that looks even slightly edible. Has been known to steal things that weren't tied down but isn't very good at it.

Equipment / Abilities

Proficient use in welding arcs.
Welder's goggles + welder's leather jacket.
Not much else going on for him.


Denver worked in construction welding until a solid hit by an I-beam shattered his solar-plexus and smooshed his heart. But thanks to modern medicine he was able to get both replaced, at a cost. Now he owes thousands in medical bills and he got hooked on the Blue Glow (Zydrate). Now he's mildly paranoid that behind every corner is a repo man come to take his new heart and steel solar-plexus back.
