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Cronos Arkaius Phamos

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Nanaki

Rating: General   Genre: Fantasy  

A mysterious and disgruntled king who can't seem to keep a wife.

Cronos is a magic born man who took on a somewhat beast like personage in his youth. Average in height he stands at five foot eleven. He is thin and has a very pale, sickly complexion. Despite this he is of rather decent looks, his face is slim and angular with high cheekbones, his body, while wiry does have  a bit of lean muscle, and though he is of the sickly nature, he cares for himself as well as he can. His hair is long and white, reaching to just about his hip, he keeps it braided and can occasionally be seen with the braid around his neck. His eyes are red but most often hidden under his bangs or white cloth because they are very sensitive to light. His vision is pretty bad anyway.

His ears are pointed, but not too noticeably and his fingernails are sharpened to claw like points. His teeth are also abnormally small and sharp, his canines longer than the rest. He seems to be able to hide some of these things with glamor spells but doesn't often do it because he refuses to let people really see him.

He is hardly ever seen out of his room and hardly ever seen standing. Even his past wives got no more than a glimpse of him as he keeps himself shrouded at all times. He's a bit self conscious this one. He wears mostly light colors, he seems partial to blue and gold, to try and downplay the drastically white tone of his skin. It doesn't really work.    

Cronos is an introvert, plain and simple. Because he was born sickly his parents kept him locked away and denied him the socialization every child should have. Because of this he is awkward, rude, and just a bit childish in the way he works and lives. He expects things to be done for him and done right. Not a particularly present ruler he is more of a figure head who is controlled by his by his prime minister, though more often than not he chooses actively not to do anything and let others handle things.

He is not a lazy man, he is very active in his hobbies, but he is a sickly man and so is mostly confined to his room. It is not simply by choice that he is an introvert but also by circumstance. The sickness of his youth has grown with him into adulthood and kept him confined to the closed quarters in which his doctors and attendants can watch after him. He tries to stay active in the ways that he can and often entertains himself with reading, puzzles, writing, playing music, and low level magic. He is very passionate about his life's few pleasures and wants desperately for someone to share them with.

He is a lonely man, the constant search that  he is on for a wife stems from that loneliness. Ever since the death of his ever doting parents he's been desperately alone and wanting for someone to care for him, or at least be his friend. He is aware of the fact that while not unattractive he could be a bit unsettling without his glamor on and he is sure that no woman would be willing to come near him if they knew what he really looked like. He doesn't seem to notice that his attitude is probably more repulsive than his looks when he is in a bad mood, which is often.        

Despite this loneliness and his bad attitude he is not a mean person and doesn't wish to truly harm anyone. That is the reason that he never sends after the wives that run. He figures that if they can't stand him when he's trying to be nice they wouldn't be able to stand him at all when he was upset. Of course, his view of nice are quite off from the rest of the general population.

Equipment / Abilities
  • Lute
  • Books
  • Puzzles
  • Books of riddles
  • Low level healing magic
  • Low level fire magic
  • Low level water magic
  • Intermediate level earth magic
  • Advanced level air magic
  • Riddle solving
  • Lute playing
  • Pan flute playing
  • Lyre playing
  • Calligraphy

Cronos was born to the royal Phamos family a sickly, albino child. He nearly died at birth and has been sickly from infancy. His parents, ever concerned for their only heir, made sure that he had the best of the possible best in health care and took him to see healers every day. It kept him alive and in some sort of well being but the treatments called for him to be in as clean an environment as possible and so he was kept isolated for all of his childhood and his adulthood.

Five years ago his father passed, his mother two years before, leaving him the throne and a country he does not wish to rule.
