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Eli Abott

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: naresho

Rating: (any)   Genre: (any)  


Name; Eli Abott
Age; 17 Years Old
Gender; Male
Date of Birth; 23rd May
Sexual Orientation; Bisexual

Hair; Extremely light blond
Eyes; Hazel
Height; 5'11" (180cm)
Weight; 147.5 lb (66.9 kg)

Voice; Relatively low with gravelly undertone
Languages; English(UK)
Nationality; British
Accent; Faded British

At first glance, Eli comes off with the 'bad-boy' or 'rebellious' kind of atmosphere but he really isn't a bad guy. He will rarely approach someone first, however, if he is approached by someone he will immediately see that person as a friend and will act outgoing and loud, which the majority of the time will catch the person off guard and drive them away from him. Another trait about him that people don't appreciate is that he has an excessively dirty mouth, as well as mind. Regularly coming off with crude comments in front of people how would rather not hear it is one of the reasons he has as little friends as he does, not many people like hearing a curse word or two thrown into every sentence that comes from someone's mouth.

Eli is quick witted and sarcastic most of the time. He generally finds it funny whenever people get offended by what he says, and the majority of the time he will keep doing whatever it was just so he can get a reaction out of the person. This gets on people's nerves a lot of the time and always got him into trouble whenever he went to school. When he is hyper and joking with someone he will often say some things that take it too far, due to his mouth moving faster than his brain; this happens when he is angry and upset as well. Speaking of anger Eli has a short temper, he can be happy and laughing one minute but someone might say something that he would dislike and he'll flip and start yelling at them or just sulk and refuse to talk to the person, also making him seem quite childish. Most of the time when he is angry at someone and yelling at them he will make it his mission to call them every possible curse word under the sun, whether he is in public or not. Eli's mouth has got him into trouble at times as he seems to just talk non-stop, and most of it his just drivel, but sometimes he will come out with some random fact he found on the internet or thing that people were curious about as he has a very good memory and can hold onto things for years.

Although he would never do anything to intentionally hurt someone he is immensely unreliable. He has a short attention span resulting in him getting distracted easily. So if he has somewhere he has to be he will, more likely than not, show up late due to finding something more interesting to do or not show up at all. Despite him being unreliable once he sets his mind to a task he will work at it until he either, one, finishes it or, two, someone pulls him away from it. This has a downside as well as he will forgo food and other things just so he can focus on the task that he set himself, of course, this doesn't apply to school work. However, it does apply to people, but only those his is in a relationship with. Eli will try his best not to get bored of people but if he finds someone who piques his interest more he will either break it off with the other person or just stop talking to the person, which probably isn't the best thing to do. 

Equipment / Abilities

