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Umika Amigawa

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: starryCosmos

Rating: (any)   Genre: Supernatural, Horror, Modern, Other  

(under construction)


Age: 23
Species: Human
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown/near-black.
Skin: Yellow-beige
Height: 5'0''
Body Type: Very round and chubby.

(under construction)

A shy girl who hides behind a veneer of detached snarkiness in day-to-day interactions- Umika doesn't really know how to deal with people and so she tries to give them reasons not to deal with her. However, her facade is not difficult to pierce as once you push the right buttons she is all too easy to fluster. Social interactions with any person who displays any sort of intense interest in her are very confusing for her. She seldom knows exactly what she feels in return or how to react.

However, instead of opening a conversation about her inner feelings, she will bottle them and hope they go away and stop being a problem if she just ignores them long enough. This means she'll often agree to things she doesn't actually agree with. When she is upset enough she will mostly lash out through passive-aggression. She relies on others to notice her signs of discomfort before things actually become a problem.

Her insecurities manifest as an overcritical attitude towards both herself and her work. Because of this, she can sometimes be impulsive and self-defeating. When she registers something as a personal failure it is a deep blow- it doesn't matter if she's the only person who thinks of it as a failure. She has a tendency to perceive problems where they do not exist and over-analyzes the words and actions of others. She also tends to blame herself for things that are not remotely her fault. Getting her to self-examine these scenarios when they're in action is very difficult.

If you manage to befriend her, she has an easy-going attitude and a massive fount of patience. She is an excellent listener and will always lend you her ear if need be. She'll display her sense of humor, and a whole lot of goofiness. She will also be fiercely royal, often beyond the point of reason in some cases. She will bend over backwards for someone to prove that she is a good friend. Because of this, when one of her friends actually is in the wrong, or has done something others find inexcusable, she will still be standing at their defense even at her own expense. She has a lot of difficulty letting things go, people included.

Equipment / Abilities
((under construction))
Comes with a cell phone and lap-top computer covered in fandom stickers. Do not submerge in water.

  • Creative and competent writer
  • Good at processing a lot of information.
  • Good with animals.

(under construction)

Umika has struggled with anxiety and depression throughout her adolescence and young-adult life.
