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Luna Mei ( Work in Process)

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: GoddessLuna

Rating: (any)   Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Modern, Fan-based, Other  

Luna Mei is just your typical highschool girl looking to be popular and looking for love!~


  • Gender : Female
  • Orientation(Sexual): Straight
  • Race: Human
  • Nickname: Luna and Mei.
  • Hair Color: Her hair color is a light orange.
  • Eye Color: Her eye color is the same as her hair a light orange.
  • Skin Color: Her skin color is white but not to white that she looks pale.
  • Height: 5 foot 8 inches.
  • Weight: 120 pounds.
  • Build: She is very tall and lean. She is pretty well built and likes to keep herself in shape. She has medium sized boobs and it proud of how she looks.
  • Age: She is 17 years old.
  • And any other information that would make your character stand out: The one thing about Luna is she has a dual personality that comes out every once in a while. Everyone thinks she's super shy but then out of no where a more dominate side takes over and shocks the hell out of people. Sometimes people think she might just be a bit crazy but who knows for sure? She also loves to cosplay from time to time. 


Luna has a dual personality that likes to come out here and there. So I will be giving the personality's of both her sides.

Luna: Luna has always been nice and caring and shy. Due to her shyness it has been hard for her to achieve her goal of being popular and having a lot of friends. But ever since she began to have another side of her she has started to make friends and come out of her shell a little bit. Some people find her cute because of her shyness but others have ignored this fact due to her split personality. Luna loves to help others but she does it without being noticed in order to avoid attention. She is also very smart for her age and always gets good grades in every class she is in. 

Mei: Mei is the total opposite of Luna in some ways of how she acts. Mei is very confident and outgoing. She is loud and makes sure people hears her. She always is working hard and loves the attention. She also has her tough sides and does well in P.E. When it comes to sport or anything of that sort she dominates the field. She makes sure she is the best and does all she can to win. But deep down all her craziness she is soft just like Luna. Mei is pretty fun to hang around with just make sure not to piss her off ^^;.

Equipment / Abilities

