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Quinn "Touch Stone" Amstrdm

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Stygian Void

Rating: (any)   Genre: (any)  

A lover and a healer. Quinn the empath.



Quinn is a happy person, taking a real pride in trying to keep high spirits when times a dark. Quinn considers himself a tiny bit of sunshine in every life he touches. Quinn is also an empath, feeling what others feel, being effected by their emotions. It is because of his empathy that Quinn is a healer, protecting and taking care of those around him, using his empathy to sense when people need him and go where he is drawn.

Equipment / Abilities

Quinn's weapon is a red and yellow semi-auto rifle. This weapon provides Quinn with a range of protection from shorter to long.

Quinn is a healer and a defensive fighter. h=His abilities are healing or defensive based.




Quinn's trinket is a frail looking, eyeless mask. This mask hides Quinn's eyes, allows him to truly sense with his empath ability and find those who need him. The mask also absorbs fear, as it is not a kind looking face nor one that comforts and it derives its appearance from the hurt and fear of those around Quinn.

