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Julia Lee

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: enkerzed

Rating: (any)   Genre: Supernatural, Science Fiction, Futuristic, Modern, Other  

I've got connections


Julia is of mixed descent, being half Chinese on her mother's side with the other half being the mix. Having amber eyes, short black hair, a (fake) mole beneath the left eye and piercings in the left ear, she looks younger than her 32 years of age. Often dressed for style, it's difficult to tell from her slight build that she's a human weapon in disguise. Hidden beneath her youthful appearance is a wealth of experience that you might be able to see in her eyes before she asks what you're staring at.

Worldly and mature, Julia's just about seen it all and knows a little of something about everything. Having a skeptical mind, she's not easily fooled and can read most people like a book, though she can be wrong and fully accepts this fact. Regardless, she tries to be as pleasant as possible, though when provoked into a verbal exchange, she has a cutting wit and doesn't pull any punches whilst maintaining a disarming smile.

In high tense situations however, Julia becomes a different person entirely. Like a force of nature or a hunting lioness in pursuit, she flares up with an energetic fieriness whilst recklessly tackling every obstacle in her path head-on. It's when the adrenaline's kicking that she's at her liveliest, though this is a side of her very rarely seen as it takes a lot to elevate her above her calm and steady nature.

Though generally quite patient, if there's anything Julia abhors above all else, it's high-level incompetence. Anyone whose decisions are likely to affect many others simply cannot be allowed to make mistakes and should such a thing occur, the person responsible
must be held accountable and made to pay. If that doesn't happen, Julia will do everything in her power to make it happen.

Holding herself to the same standard, Julia is ready and willing to accept full responsibility for her own failures, and even take the fall for those under her charge, should she consider them worth the sacrifice. Likewise however, she isn't afraid to sacrifice the few to save the many, though she's not nearly so ruthless to consider that as a first option.

All told, there is a side of Julia that can be considered the real Julia where she's playful and just a bit sassy, though it's only shown to those she feels comfortable with and it can take a while to earn her companionship.

Equipment / Abilities
100% human down to the marrow of her bones, Julia possess no special powers or abilities like the supernaturals, but she does have a high level of expertise in many different fields and skill sets, including but not limited to martial arts, espionage, marksmanship, explosives handling, aircraft piloting, cyber warfare, HALO jumping, deep diving, rock climbing and of course supernatural hunting. Above all else however, Julia's most valuable asset is her connections to the supernatural and human world. Virtually every resource is at her disposal when a supernatural situation needs to be dealt with.


