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Neil Swanson

Roleplay: "Welcome to Nowhere!"

Player: Zomby

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A depressed albino bookworm who lives only to read more books.

Neil's a tall individual, who is a bit too skinny. This is because he sometimes gets carried away and lets time get away from him and forgets that important daily activity; eating.  He has a slender face and a large aquiline nose, which is perfect for keeping his reading glasses up. Neil's eyes are naturally without pigmentation, due to his albinism, and are white rabbit red.

His eyes are a bit sensitive to bright light, so he is always wearing contacts. The contacts of his choosing are bright blue, because he fancies having pretty blue eyes. They're non-perscription though, because he loves being able to wear his reading glasses.

His hair is long, almost reaching his backside, and almost stark white. It's usually very messy and sometimes he doesn't wash it, which results in soft looking, yet actually really greasy locks.  Neil tends to wear comfortable clothes, like jeans, t-shirts and sweaters. Underneath the clothes Neil has many disfiguring scars all over his body, compliments of an abusive mother,  the worst of them being on his back and chest. 

He finds these scars disgusting and therefore is always wearing clothes that keep them completely covered. Neil has a few self-inflcited scars, but he is deeply ashamed of them. This is probably why his sleeves always seem to be just a bit too long. 

Soft spoken and quick to judge. He can usually be pretty nice but he's gotten a little jaded over the years and is suspicous of everyone. What he's suspicious of is hard to guess at. But you're guilty of something. He has little patience for people acting purposely stupid, and has a deep hatred for drunk people. Nice drunks, mean drunks, he doesn't care what kind. It's either sober or no...ber.
Neil is also easily embarrassed, and when embarrassed he turns very, very red. This of course embarrasses him more and a simple little flushed cheeks and burning ears combo turns into the blushing equivalant of a sunburn. 

He is very, very weird about affection. In fact, any sort of physical contact makes Neil very uncomfortable and he gets super defensive when the subject is brought up. His fear of physical contact doesn't apply to him touching others, though, as he can be quite quick to deck you in the face if you're breaking any of his unsaid personal boundary rules. Or being a huge jerk.

Equipment / Abilities
Weilds a walking stick. Though usually he's too busy limping around and being pathetic to hit other people with it. 

Can read an 800 page book in two hours. On a bad day.

Has the ability to sustain all kinds of horrible abuse and not die. Nine lives might be running out by now.

To spare you having to sit and read my Gary-Stu's painful back story, I will give you the short of it. Had a really abusive alcoholic mother. Been institutionalized a few times for being a suicidal nutcase. Still a suicidal nutcase. Wanted to get a BA in English but after getting run over by a truck his medical bills flushed that dream down the toilet.

His left leg is pretty messed up because of the hit and run, and he walks with a noticeable limp, but besides that he's alright (physically). He owns a bookstore (Simple Scripture) and is slightly surlier than usual because of his life dream being ripped to shreds. But he has his books and that's all that matters.

Lives on the 3rd floor of Sundown Apts in Nowhere.