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Haku Jounin

Roleplay: "Shichiyou Academy"

Player: HakuJounin

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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One of the most powerful mages in his land. He's seen as a villain throughout the world for the chaos and havoc he's caused. Really nice guy and doesn't like to fight very much. Now at Shichiyou High as a history teacher and helping children.

Haku looks like a regular human that has grey calm eyes with straight platinum blonde  hair that reaches a bit above his shoulders. He is about 5'11" and weighs 168lbs. He has a slender yet tone body that seems weak, but is able to take down any opponent. He wears thin red half framed glasses with the top edge free. His skin tone is pale, for he is always in doors, reading about magic and teaching children about the history of the world.

Haku is a nice guy that enjoys helping people when they are in need. He is clumsy but is always polite. When someone is in need, he would be unable to decline their request. He does his best to help his students become successful. He enjoys being around teachers, mostly females because he might plan on marrying soon. Does everything he has to as a teacher and more for his students.

Equipment / Abilities
Haku is a powerful mage that is known for his magic that equips armor to him which has special abilities and being able to control the void. He is able to cast almost any spell and close combat is his forte. He uses tonfas and juttes. He dislikes using swords, but he is a blademaster and only uses them when he is serious. He also enjoys cooking.

Haku is a dragon-demon humanoid that is able to make his horns,wings,claws, and tail appear or disappear. He is fire resistant with his dragon scales that's integrated into his human skin. He also has the ability to eat and breathe fire. 

Haku was a well-known mage that was taken in by the king to become a royal guard where he learned the way of the sword. He protected the princess with his life, which he later fell in love with. He had to leave the castle for he was framed for betraying the king and is seen as a villain by many people across the world. He's willing to do what ever it takes to do what is right even if it stains his reputation and is now looking for a place that he belongs to. He's taking residence at Shichiyou High as a history teacher to avoid contact with the kingdom and live a peaceful life.

Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Dragonic mage
Occupation: History teacher
SO: Straight