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"Miss Diamond"

Roleplay: "Villains' League (Hiring Professionals)"

Player: Telemachn

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Beautiful and ruthless; a powerful villainess with no scruples about getting rid of any useless employees for the boss. A villain NPC.

Men are usually too busy staring at her lovely figure to notice when she kills them. Her blonde hair is probably not natural. Her black, shark-like eyes certainly aren't. 

She doesn't let people close unless she wishes to use them... Or kill them. A truly dominating and manipulative personality.

Equipment / Abilities
Miss Diamond uses forcefields for a variety of purposes. She only has a short range, but she uses it effectively. Shearing people in half and suffocation are some of her favorite tactics.

She's not particularly strong, but her skill and cunning more than make up for physical prowess.

People who get too close to her end up dead.
