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Samantha Lancelot

Roleplay: "Digimon: Heroes of the New Frontier"

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A bipolar apathetic girl with attachment issues. A semi-rich family that she doesn't understand, led her to the start of her adventure.


Nickname: Sam
Age:  17
Occupation: Student. She need rarely work because of the wealth of her family.
Hair Color: An almost brown blond.
Hair Style: Naturally wavy, made more so by her apathy. It gets knotted often, and is rather unkempt.
Eye Color: Steely blue, with a brown sectoral heterochromia in her left eye.
Height: 5' 4"
Face Type: Full but not round.
Body Type: Heavier than is probably healthy, but not fat. The main problem is lack of exercise
Other Identifiers: She is a smoker, and has nicotine stains on her right hand.

Personality Type:  Apathetic and cynical, as investing yourself in things let's you be hurt.
Morals and Beliefs:  She doesn't believe in physically harming people or animals, but most else is fine by her. She herself has done minor shoplifting, smokes while under 18, and pirates on the internet.
Everyone Knows: She is difficult to get along with unless you don't mind attitude. Just don't try to convince her of anything.
People Might Not Know: That she is bipolar, and has struggled with it her whole life. She really wants to be close to people, but it's hard from experience.
General Demeanor: Laid back but bristling under the surface, all while trying to show no care about anything.
Interactions with Others:  She scoffs at them, makes fun of them, and contributes little helpful, subconsciously trying to drive them away.
Interactions with Her Digimon:  She doesn't know how to take this loyalty. She snaps, and acts aloof, but being made for her, Mothmon sticks with her. She's attached to him, but acts as though she isn't.

Equipment / Abilities

Crest: Sincerity
Crest Meaning: Like for everyone, the meanings call to who she is deep down, but has trouble being. She wants to tell people the truth, but she's scared.
Crest Power:  Whenever she has the strength to give her all at something, and the will to tell the pure truth to people it activates...
Crest Power (for the Digimon):  Allows Mothmon to digivolve.
Crest Slogan:  The Keeper of Sincerity

Inventory: Several packs of cigarettes, a PSP (used as an MP3 player), pepper spray, her behavioral meds, and various hygiene products (feminine and general) all held in a large purse.
Abilities: She's a fairly competent artist, and is semi-talented at cooking.
Skills: Despite not exercising, she can take care of herself in a fight, and do many basic athletics.

Family Life: Only child to a writer/stuntman and a supporting actress.
Home Life: Misunderstood, and with little patience, she was mainly left to her own devices.
Experience Learned from Life: That people won't be tolerant all the time, so don't get too close to them.

Events That Molded Me:
At age 5 a young Samantha was moved from her home in south east Idaho too New York where her father worked as a writer, and her mother worked as an extra on Law and Order. And 5 years later, they moved again toward LA. She didn't make many friends, and those she didn't weren't the best at keeping up. And with those experience with friendships, she as a person started to change.

She lost her virginity at 14. Hasn't had sex since, but it's changed how she looks at the world. And started her habit of smoking.

Her parents never understood any of it. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists worked with her. At early ages they thought it was ADD, later they were certain she had autism, now (more accurately) the doctors think it's bipolar. But knowing the condition isn't enough. Her parents want it fixed, as well as all the other problems. The smoking, the skipping school, the abrasive behavior- And the dreams.
The dreams caused by the episode.
Encountering the Digimon:
It was the most confusing moment of her life. She remembers getting up for a glass water in the middle of the night. As she walked back, she heard roaring. Moving over to the balcony, Samantha saw. "Monsters..." The word slipped out so easily. A giant wolf and an enormous lobster chasing each other through the city toward her area. She leaned of the balcony to get a look as the headed past her house in the direction of central park. But she leaned to far. Her parents were woken by her screams, and barely managed to pull her up from the balcony.
Sam was labeled a suicide risk. Her family moved to get away from the aparment buildings of New York, and moved into a small town a short drive away from LA, but not in as to avoid the stress. But still every night, Samantha dreams of those monsters...

(NOTE: If possible, I'm looking for a DNA digivolution. Preferably with anyone that has a dark or death based digimon so I can reference death's-head moths.)
DigiPartner: Mothmon
DigiType: Vaccine
DigiPersonality: Mothmon is quiet and thoughtful. He likes to think, but likes even more to make others think, especially his partner. He mostly just wants Samantha to expand her world view.
DigiDisaster: Mothmon sometimes sits on the sidelines thinking too much, and with sensitive Samantha to take care of this can cause emotional problems.

Wrigglemon- A rainbow worm that is constantly hungry. Main attack: Bubbles.

Mothmon- A snow white moth with a cute calming voice. Main attack: Silk Threads (White gust of wind spraying bindings threads.)

Velvetmothmon- (Please disregard guy in picture, though it gives proportions.) A large pink moth with a hardened skull. It sense though vibrations. It's voice is quite deeper. Main attack: Velvet Dust (Particles from beneath it's wings fall off when flying overhead, or are blown with a gust, and later combust.)

Kronosmothmon- A titanic moth digimon. It's voice rumbles with sounds like thunder, as it stays up in the clouds. Main attack: Titan Thunder (It's mighty wings gather electricity and glow, before a large bolts of lightning crash down from them.

Solmothmon- Shrinking down to become it's mega, Solmothmon has become more spirit than moth. Being barely larger than a humans torso, and appearing like light and gossamer, it seems that it would be fragile, but light is hard to quash. It is highly resistant to most damage, and is extremely agile. Main attack: Photon Trail (Streams of light fly free from it's tail and leave lines through the air. These twist, constrict and swirl, emanating potent danger to those that Solmothmon determines as it's foes.)