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Archard Devous "Graviman"

Roleplay: "Villains' League (Hiring Professionals)"

Player: Telemachn

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A heavy-hitter who prefers to punch first and negotiate later. A hero NPC.


He's one of those types you hear people talk about as 'a great role model for the children', and seems nearly perfect, if it weren't for that temper...

Equipment / Abilities
His direct touch naturally alters the gravitational force on nearly any object making his hits deal a lot more force with less effort. A casual punch can crumble a brick wall. He also has had some special boots made that channel this ability into allowing him to jump much further than average.

There are rumors that he can even repel small ammunition. It's probably true.


He hates the nickname the media has given him.