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Sarah May Hansen

Roleplay: "Shichiyou Academy"

Player: ~Breathless~

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Kind hearted and caring towards everyone, she believes that anyone can be good. She has a strong sense of justice and is a very determined person.


Long brown hair, crystal blue eyes, her outfits tend to be punkish in nature. Recently discovered intricate swirl patterned runes going up from her lower back to the back of her neck, where her hair starts.


Kind hearted and caring towards everyone, she believes that anyone can be good. If she thinks something is wrong she is usually the one to set it straight. She believes in love, despite her constant failures thus far and continues looking for it. She is a clutz, constantly tripping over her own two feet. She tries her hardest at everything even if she isn't good at it. She has a very serious thought process despite being so open minded and of what everyone thinks of her.

Equipment / Abilities

She carries her cellphone, notebook, and sketchbook in her bag at all times. She has few skills in sports but is a skilled cook, writer, artist, actress, and singer. She has phsycic abilities such as mind reading, seeing into the past or future, and telekanesis.


Her father was a drunk who abused her constantly calling her a freak and blaming things on her. He pissed her off when she was seven and her powers showed up, throwing him to the wall. The abuse only got worse after that while her mother loved and cared for her, constantly trying to help her with her powers. Her parents ended up divorcing when she was eight and she has been living with her mother ever since. She found it hard fitting in normal school with her abilities(She hurt a few people here and there with her powers) so her mother went searching for a school for people like her.


Teacher or Student or Townsfolk: student

Clubs: Writing club


  • Classes they show up for: Music, Art, Writing, Home ec, magical studies 101 (depending on her mood she may decide to skip these classes.)
  • Classes they don't show up for: Math, History class, Science, Gym

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Species: Human