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Taylan Fitz

Roleplay: "Weirei College- Private"

Player: AlexiaAzura

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Taylan is a teacher who lives to teach, but wishes he didn't.

Weight: 220 lbs
Height: 6' 1'' 
Appearance: His hair is a deep brown almost black, same color as his eyes. From his eyes everyone looks to his nose. It's slightly larger than what most people would call normal, but fits perfectly with his face. There is almost always a smirk planted on his face, but in the most rarest of occurances he lets his brilliant smile out for the lovely people who can make him smile. 

Relaxed, but very sarcastic. Which sometimes gets him in trouble with people that don't know him very well. His sarcasism isn't meant to be disheartening in any way, it's just suppose to be a light joke when not much else is going on. Other than that he is very laid back and loves to listen to people, if they actually know what their speaking about. 

Equipment / Abilities

Taylan was one of three children, his mother raised the three of them single-handedly. Taylan was the oldest and put himself and his sister and brother through community college using the money he was constantly saving. Being raised in a money-tight family he learned how to look good, be educated and respect everyone while still keeping his wallet relatively full. Not to say that he is cheap, but he knows how to spend a nickel and save a dime. He earned the job at this college by working with it thru his community college in earlier years. He still needed to pay off some loans from when his brother and sister went through the sister college, so he agreed to work there for half the pay if the other half would go to paying off the student loans. 
