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Rohan Truman (perturbedSolicitor)

Roleplay: "sBurb Zeta"

Player: epicwriter42

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Rogue of Hope

A black haired 1286d1 eyed young man. A sound rational bastion of the fact the world is weird and that paranoid feeling of being watched. He dreams soundly on Prospit for the time being despite his beliefs of his life being some form of entertainment for someone. The sick freaks.

His room is kept minimally tidy. Just enough where he can pin up the evidence of his theory. Those tippings of the universes hand. Breaks in the Matrix, a glitch in the system, an overlooked item the author didn't notice. One day, he'll show them and us the true terror of....sorry getting a little ahead of himself.

His pesterhandle is perturbedSolicitor, he's rather paranoid of things around him. He prefers keeping his distance, this is why he uses bow kind.


Equipment / Abilities

