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Blair McWyre (fierceFervor)

Roleplay: "sBurb Zeta"

Player: unqualifiedParadoxier

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Thief of Doom

She has dark hair with blue 00b7b7 eyes
She sleeps on the Prospit moon and sleeps fitfully, occasionly seeing visions, bright and golden.
Her chatHandle is fierceFervor and she's sometimes a pushy brat. What can she say, she was always told to go for what she wants...
Her room, like her house, is massive. It's kept neat, but not so neat as to seem like she doesn't do anything. Her talents include several forms of dance, the violin, the piano, and writing (which she keeps secret). She has a thing for the Bard.
She wields footKind and knifeKind with grace and efficiency.


Equipment / Abilities

